Twenty Somethings

I'm not even going to dignify Bio's post with a response. Think what you like you probably get turned on by the thought that I could be a 54 year old man from Detroit.

As for HC and NG...thank you for defending my's greatly appreciated...
Looks like some bad things happen when I don't look or post. You should ignore bio IMO My. Just throwing an opinion out there. I know I have your back(and front), My. *pulls out a sword*
BXGemini20 said:
Enough of my pain. What do you do you want to talk about Muni?
oh i quite like talking without a topic... today anyway, a topic of conversation implies thinking and thinking is not good today...
My Own Way said:
I'm not even going to dignify Bio's post with a response. Think what you like you probably get turned on by the thought that I could be a 54 year old man from Detroit.

As for HC and NG...thank you for defending my's greatly appreciated...

Anytime! ;)
People must be busy these days. Got one of my last few free days before my job started. SO what is up with everyone?
Munachi said:
I am here, but a bit sick again...

Sorry to hear that. I'd love to take care of you... if I were only that close.

Also, sorry I haven't been on Messenger... I keep forgetting it's not online when I turn the computer back on.

As for what's going on... nothing much. Working and busily getting ready for this weekend. This weekend I'll be going on a short vacation. There will be food, fireworks (provided by me and my brother of course), and lots of conversation and catching up.

I hope everyone has a safe 4th of July weekend and remember all precautions when lighting fireworks!
Just found this thread and thought I would drop in and say hello as I am a twentysomething...... 26 to be precise!!

Nice to meet you all :)
hi! ha, i will be 26 soon too. is it a good age or should i rather enjoy 25?
oxford_flame_uk said:
Just found this thread and thought I would drop in and say hello as I am a twentysomething...... 26 to be precise!!

Nice to meet you all :)

Hi Oxford....Welcome to the thread...
Am I the youngest poster on this thread now. I'm still a baby twentysomethings. Being just barely turned 21. Just checking in. Watch for fireworks and stupid idoits on the road. Also is anyone watching that Live 8 concert?
BXGemini20 said:
Am I the youngest poster on this thread now. I'm still a baby twentysomethings. Being just barely turned 21. Just checking in. Watch for fireworks and stupid idoits on the road. Also is anyone watching that Live 8 concert?

I just turned 21 too. Hey everyone. :) Horribly bored...I was watching Live 8 till I saw Robbie Williams, then I retched and had to turn the tv off.

Well kiddies... I will be out of town for three days starting tomorrow morning. I am going to go visit my grandparents. They only come up once a year and it just so happens they come up around July 4th week.

My brother and I will be driving over there to actually see two sets of grandparents. The grandparents coming up are my dad's mom and step-dad. The other set are my dad's dad and step-mom. We should be meeting dad's dad and his family tomorrow. Then we'll either be staying the night and leaving in the afternoon on Monday to see dad's mom and step-dad who have the cabin for a week.

Today some exciting things happened:

First, my brother and I, along with my step-cousin that I invited along cause I thought he'd be interested in going with us, to Shelton's Fireworks in Richmond, Indiana and my brother and I blew (actually it was ME, MY money) $100 in fireworks. We got free Moonwalkers (bottle rockets-144 pack) and about $9 in free fireworks. Which was a $5 pack of rockets and 2 $2 packs of something else.

Secondly, for the first time in my entire existance, I finally seen the $2 bill. I've heard of it and I've seen a $3 bill, although it was a fake, but I finally saw a $2 bill. I actually saw 3 of them. A girl came through my line and told me she worked at a bank after I looked at them weird. Later on, just so nobody thought I was stealing, I had a CSM watch me exchange $2 in quarters of my own money for ONE of those mint, crispy $2 bills I had to have. I mean the back looks awesome! I'm adding it to my silver plated dollar that I got for Xmas some years ago.

That's all that's happened so far that was pretty exciting. I'm off to bed now. I hope everyone has a great and happy July 4th. Be safe and be careful of those fireworks!
Hello... Sunday, trying to recover from Saturday, hehe...Met up with this guy I know and somewhat like yesterday and we went by bike to Lucre, which was about one and a half hours or two by bike... Then we wanted to go up the hills to see some stuff there but his bike broke so instead we went to the swimming pool in Lucre right away which we had pretty much to ourselves... On the way home we took the bus for most of the way as it was getting dark... Then I went to a birthday party of two of my neighbours (twins) and got quite pissed - but fortunately others were more drunk than I, hehe... THey guy I mentioned earlier showed up too, later on... And one of my neighbours kept rambling on about how I am also one of his sisters and thus they guy should treat me well else he will have problems with him...

anyway, no idea when I went to sleep, but slept till noon this morning...
Munachi said:
hi! ha, i will be 26 soon too. is it a good age or should i rather enjoy 25?

25....26.....27 not much difference really!!! You should just enjoy EVERY year :)
BXGemini20 said:
Am I the youngest poster on this thread now. I'm still a baby twentysomethings. Being just barely turned 21. Just checking in. Watch for fireworks and stupid idoits on the road. Also is anyone watching that Live 8 concert?

I was there in Hyde Park - awesome day out. Normally I hate Robbie Williams too but couldn't help myself singing along to Angels. 200,000 people all doing it is kind of infectious!!
I'm having a terrible 4th. My mom has no money to BBQ. I offered to put money up. She declined my offer. Now I have nothing to do. I'm thinking of going to the movies, but there is nothing I really want to see. I'll enjoy relaxing I guess.
hi oxford... yes i know hehe... and am doing my best to enjoy it...

bxgemini - sorry to hear that... but well, i would think there will always be something to do... and if you "invite yourself" to someone else's bbq...
looking at what? I am looking at a computer screen right now... :p

hello anyway...
Geeze... I leave a "Out of town" message and nobody notices it? Well, anyways, I'm back now. I had a great time! Met family again. We lit the fireworks off and it was well worth the $100. Actually, I should say there really wasn't $100 worth in there cause my brother snuck a few rockets and such out and shot them off at a friend of his. Sneaky bastage. (bastard).

Only casaulty suffered was when I tried to light a dragon and I tipped the lighter and burned my thumb.

I should really travel more often. I have never been more relaxed in my entire life.