Twenty Somethings

Warning: New Guy

Hey guys, two comments on the ongoing conversations...

1) I used to be a fall down drunk of the worst kind. It ruled. From the age of 21 till 23 I was at bars like four nights a week. I slept with more girls in those two years than I have in all other years of sexual activity combined.

I’ve since met a nice girl and tried to clean my act up. Finish school and find what makes me happy, all that crap. Seriously you know what helped cut back on the drinking? Getting a job working security at a bar. Once I spent an entire night babysitting assholes when they’re drunk, I learned a little something about moderation.

2) Music wise I see what you’re saying about the rock/punk thing. Kurt Kobain died when I was in eighth grade and Hot Topics didn’t pop up until I was in college. There was some decent music released in the intermin, but nothing as sweeping and uniting as either of those movements. I’m from Chicago so we were on the front lines with Smashing Pumpkins and Veruca Salt and what not back in the day. Liz Phair is my personal fave.
hey Jack Frost. Welcome to our merry group. I in a really good mood now. I'm offically in my last year of school. All I have left is one semester of class and then an internship in the summer to wrap everything up! I'm so happy now! I will graduate in 4 years. Hooray!
BXGemini20 said:
I'm offically in my last year of school. All I have left is one semester of class and then an internship in the summer to wrap everything up! I'm so happy now! I will graduate in 4 years. Hooray!

I'm so very jealous! Still working on my degree. But, that's what I get from switching majors.

*thinks* Elementary Education to Accounting.... What the Hell was I thinking? LOL

Congrats though! That must be so great, knowing that you're finally done.
jujee said:
I'm so very jealous! Still working on my degree. But, that's what I get from switching majors.

*thinks* Elementary Education to Accounting.... What the Hell was I thinking? LOL

Congrats though! That must be so great, knowing that you're finally done.
I am so very jealous, i am still trying to figure out what i am going to go back to school for!

:kiss: everyone

Ps i had a simmilar experiance with babysitting falling down drunks, does kinda take the fun outta things dont it?
jujee said:
I'm so very jealous! Still working on my degree. But, that's what I get from switching majors.

*thinks* Elementary Education to Accounting.... What the Hell was I thinking? LOL

Congrats though! That must be so great, knowing that you're finally done.

That's a better transition than undeclared to engineering... I'm in my 6th year and still don't know what the hell I was thinking. :confused:
AMHatch said:
That's a better transition than undeclared to engineering... I'm in my 6th year and still don't know what the hell I was thinking. :confused:

Yeah. I agree with that... Engineering? What WERE you thinknig!? ;)
Good evening all. thought I would peek in and say hello... nice to see a thread like this..

I cant think of any major perks of being a twentysomething, but a downside definately is being too young to have enough experience to enjoy sex properly.. well maybe this is just me!!

Have a good weekend everyone..
Hello, I am 25 and have been a lurker for sometime to Lit.

I agree with what someone said at the beginning of this thread that when they were 16 they acted like an adult, but are treated like a kid and now they act like a kid and are treated like an adult. I totally agree. When I was a teenager, I tried so hard to fit into my parents and the community's norm and do the right thing. Now, I am able to do anything that I want and explore my interests more fully. I think I know who I am as a person a lot better now because of this.
borusewicz said:
Hello, I am 25 and have been a lurker for sometime to Lit.

I agree with what someone said at the beginning of this thread that when they were 16 they acted like an adult, but are treated like a kid and now they act like a kid and are treated like an adult. I totally agree. When I was a teenager, I tried so hard to fit into my parents and the community's norm and do the right thing. Now, I am able to do anything that I want and explore my interests more fully. I think I know who I am as a person a lot better now because of this.


I am STILL trying to figure out who I am as a person. Spent way too much time, as a teenager, and as a young adult, trying to please everyone else.

That's why this next year is the year of Jujee! :D

No relationships, no worrying about what others think... Basically my own little mid life crisis at the age of 24. ;)
jujee said:

I am STILL trying to figure out who I am as a person. Spent way too much time, as a teenager, and as a young adult, trying to please everyone else.

That's why this next year is the year of Jujee! :D

No relationships, no worrying about what others think... Basically my own little mid life crisis at the age of 24. ;)

Still trying to figure out who I am, too... and if y'all are any indication, I won't stop trying anytime soon. Oh well.

It wouldn't bother me so much if it wasn't for knowing who I am now would have made me make better choices in the past, when I thought I knew who I was. Confusing, I know.
I'm still trying to find who I am. I've never had a relationship before, and certainly still a virgin at 22. I've been told a lot by my fellow peers that I just need to stop putting myself down a lot and stop thinking all the time.

Well, I DID stop thinking and now I'm really scared. I'm now having nightmares. No, not the ones you wake up scared from. I'm talking in my dreams I have a g/f or I meet a girl I have met online and they were so into me online, but after meeting me, it's all rejection. They start hanging out with other people more and more even though they came to meet with me. And everytime I try to find out why they're rejecting me, they avoid it. I know for sure my brother would never do it because mom has told us both to never let women come between us, and well... in my dreams he kind of steals the girl or the girl gets stolen by some guy who's WAY better looking than me.

So I have this conspiracy that women ALWAYS look for a guy w/ great looks, so what. When I stopped thinking, I stopped caring whether I was hot or cute. I started focusing on more about confidence and enjoying the single life, but it's the nightmares that are driving me crazy!!

Short from psychological help, I really don't know what else to do.
that is how my life has been going for a while the only difference is i have given up on finding someone and am just living how i want to.
hm...well i do still think you all worry too much... but i don't quite understand your post crow - you get nightmares because you stopped thinking so much about things? it is not so much that you should stop thinking altogether. just to take things that serious.
Hybrid: Things'll get better. They always do. Just when we least expect them.

I myself am hoping my year of me time will help with feelings like you talked about. I've realized I've tried so hard to be what others want me to be, that I don't know who I want to be. (that even confused me lol)

The more I think about it, the more I realize that I really don't want to be in a relationship with someone who isn't in love with the real me, and until I know who "me" is, they never will be.

So, focus on YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU! Once you're happy with yourself? Then your love life will follow. Have faith. ;)

Have a good night! And relax!!
Hi everyone...I've been MIA for awhile...schools been crazy....It's so nice to see some new "faces" here...and ones that actually post more than once.

Anyway...poor've like totally psychoanalyzed yourself to much that you're now having like self induced nightmares. Relax, take a deep breath and chill. put WAY too much emphasis on looks and the fact that you don't have a girlfriend. First of all...I'm not gonna lie to you and say that looks don't matter because they do...I truly believe that you have to be physically attracted to someone...but that doesn't mean that sort of attraction happens immediatly...I've met people I'm not initially physically attracted to, but once I get to know them and something about their personality turns me on, they become hot in my mind. You need to work on not being so negative...

Second...lots of people are virgins...myself included...lots of people don't have a significant other...myself're not the only person and it's not the end of the world. Be happy that you don't have someone else, take the time to explore yourself, it'll happen. I mean, you're the first person to say that you're really busy with work and school...maybe the timing is just off for you to be able to focus all your time and attention on someone else...Zguy and Jujee are totally right when they say stop looking and focus on you. When it's meant to'll happen.
Seriously, just relax and quit worrying about everything so much. The last few relationships that I've been have started after I've stopped looking. It just kind of happens. It's been 2+ years since I've been in a relationship and it's been great. Just hang out with friends, have fun, meet new people, and don't pressure yourself.
Finally some disscussioon! I don't know lately I have been thinking about my relationship with females. I got a quite a few female friends following my new year's resolution (I know stupid). I'm now relaized that college is almost over for me and I really want to tell one of my female friends I like her. I don't want to lose her as a friend, but she seems like she going to do big things. I can just sense it. I liked since I first met her and I think she liked, but she met on a day where I really tired. I have been talking to some girls in certain classes. I just nervous about admitting this though I threw vague hints. Seems my life as 21 year old is almost the perfect way you want: almost done with college, getting ready jump into work force, apartment hunting coming soon, and I think having a girl would perfect. It is like the only thing you missing at this point. I never had a girlfriend because in my younger days I was very picky about the types of girls I wanted. Now I think I growing up a bit and take a person for what she is.
BXGemini20 said:
Finally some disscussioon! I don't know lately I have been thinking about my relationship with females. I got a quite a few female friends following my new year's resolution (I know stupid). I'm now relaized that college is almost over for me and I really want to tell one of my female friends I like her. I don't want to lose her as a friend, but she seems like she going to do big things. I can just sense it. I liked since I first met her and I think she liked, but she met on a day where I really tired. I have been talking to some girls in certain classes. I just nervous about admitting this though I threw vague hints. Seems my life as 21 year old is almost the perfect way you want: almost done with college, getting ready jump into work force, apartment hunting coming soon, and I think having a girl would perfect. It is like the only thing you missing at this point. I never had a girlfriend because in my younger days I was very picky about the types of girls I wanted. Now I think I growing up a bit and take a person for what she is.

To be totally honest? I think this would be a horrible time for a girlfriend. You said it yourself, you're graduating soon, apartment hunting, finding a job... if you did have a girlfriend, would you even have time for her? Plus, you talk about her having big things ahead for her. Are you sure this involves her staying in the area? Or is she planning on leaving? If she's graduating soon, she's going to have tons of stuff going on too.

Now, don't read this as my saying you shouldn't ask her out, by all means go ahead! She'll never know how you feel if you don't. But I definitely wouldn't say this is a time for you to start looking. You've got so much settling in to do, why try to confuse your life with even more to worry about?

Yeah yeah yeah... don't mind me. I'm going through my "anti-relationship" phase right now. So take everything I saw with a grain of salt. LOL ;)
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Now said:
Okay, here's something I really, REALLY hate. People telling me to go and tell the girl that I like her. Why? Because everytime I tell a girl I like her, she gets embarrassed and then she tells people and everybody tells everbody and by the end of the day, word hops around that I like this girl and lots of people laugh at me and that girl I told I liked avoids me at all costs even if I'm not looking for her. I'm talking about the girls that I've talked to after awhile, kind of gotten to know a bit and I end up THINKING that there was some kind of connection or something, so I let her know about my feelings.
My Own Way said:
Hi everyone...I've been MIA for awhile...schools been crazy....It's so nice to see some new "faces" here...and ones that actually post more than once.

Anyway...poor've like totally psychoanalyzed yourself to much that you're now having like self induced nightmares. Relax, take a deep breath and chill. put WAY too much emphasis on looks and the fact that you don't have a girlfriend. First of all...I'm not gonna lie to you and say that looks don't matter because they do...I truly believe that you have to be physically attracted to someone...but that doesn't mean that sort of attraction happens immediatly...I've met people I'm not initially physically attracted to, but once I get to know them and something about their personality turns me on, they become hot in my mind. You need to work on not being so negative...

Second...lots of people are virgins...myself included...lots of people don't have a significant other...myself're not the only person and it's not the end of the world. Be happy that you don't have someone else, take the time to explore yourself, it'll happen. I mean, you're the first person to say that you're really busy with work and school...maybe the timing is just off for you to be able to focus all your time and attention on someone else...Zguy and Jujee are totally right when they say stop looking and focus on you. When it's meant to'll happen.

This is why I can't have you MyOwn. You're too intelligent, sexy, and just not meant to be.

Thank you though. I never really thought about that maybe I'm STILL thinking about it, which would explain the nightmares. From now on, I'm really going to try hard and focus on being single and having fun. Focus on my education and getting my debts taken care of. Can't really afford to have a g/f right now anyways.

It's time to get serious.
HybridCrow said:
Okay, here's something I really, REALLY hate. People telling me to go and tell the girl that I like her. Why? Because everytime I tell a girl I like her, she gets embarrassed and then she tells people and everybody tells everbody and by the end of the day, word hops around that I like this girl and lots of people laugh at me and that girl I told I liked avoids me at all costs even if I'm not looking for her. I'm talking about the girls that I've talked to after awhile, kind of gotten to know a bit and I end up THINKING that there was some kind of connection or something, so I let her know about my feelings.

You know what? You're better off without her then! No self respecting adult woman would react in that manner. And DEFINITELY not someone that deserves you. What are they? 12?
jujee said:
To be totally honest? I think this would be a horrible time for a girlfriend. You said it yourself, you're graduating soon, apartment hunting, finding a job... if you did have a girlfriend, would you even have time for her? Plus, you talk about her having big things ahead for her. Are you sure this involves her staying in the area? Or is she planning on leaving? If she's graduating soon, she's going to have tons of stuff going on too.

Now, don't read this as my saying you shouldn't ask her out, by all means go ahead! She'll never know how you feel if you don't. But I definitely wouldn't say this is a time for you to start looking. You've got so much settling in to do, why try to confuse your life with even more to worry about?

Yeah yeah yeah... don't mind me. I'm going through my "anti-relationship" phase right now. So take everything I saw with a grain of salt. LOL ;)

You misuderstood. I can see big things for her. I guess I'm trying to be honest with my emotions these days. I'm sick of holding back what I really think. I can be too honest at times and I don't like that. Just time to be honest myself.