U.S. politics isolation tank

And also Cal Prop 8 has finally gotten a stake through its heart.

Walpurgis Night got nothing on June 25/26.
I'm having a very very hard time feeling good about the marriage potential with the voting rights act in complete tatters.
I'm having a very very hard time feeling good about the marriage potential with the voting rights act in complete tatters.
I can feel good about marriage rights AND feel angry about the voting act-- at the very same time.

it's not impossible.

We can enjoy the cookie crumbs that we motherfucking fought for, for a few seconds before we dive back into the pig swill again.
That's not what I'm seeing around me. I'm seeing a lot of perfectly shiny middle class whitebread queers in full on "yay us" throwing people of color and the old and sick/disabled and new-to-town-in-the-USA and the poors (some of all of whom are queer, but whatever) completely under the bus.

Nobody's bothering with "and I'm pissed". I'm not even pissed, I'm worried. You want to know what you get when you can gerrymander whatever the fuck you want as much as you want with no recourse? Michelle Bachmanns spawning all over the place like demonic rabbits.

This is worse than Citizens United, but who cares. We have beer to drink at pride(tm) brought to you by Those Bastards and Absolut.

I'm glad about marriage, and I'm gladder about the holes punched in DOMA, but there are some wider and more fundamental problems opening up which will make things shitty for us, very very shitty.
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That's not what I'm seeing around me. I'm seeing a lot of perfectly shiny middle class whitebread queers in full on "yay us" throwing people of color and the old and sick/disabled and new-to-town-in-the-USA and the poors (some of all of whom are queer, but whatever) completely under the bus.

Nobody's bothering with "and I'm pissed". I'm not even pissed, I'm worried. You want to know what you get when you can gerrymander whatever the fuck you want as much as you want with no recourse? Michelle Bachmanns spawning all over the place like demonic rabbits.

This is worse than Citizens United, but who cares. We have beer to drink at pride(tm) brought to you by Those Bastards and Absolut.

I'm glad about marriage, and I'm gladder about the holes punched in DOMA, but there are some wider and more fundamental problems opening up which will make things shitty for us, very very shitty.

I'm very happy today, my life is better today, our life together is better today but you are right, we need to be pissed, we need to be worried. Some of us won a small victory yesterday but this session of the Supreme Court has also been very damaging to the American Public, that is unless you're a bigot or a rich corporation.

This court has even weakened Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act with their ruling in Vance v. Ball State University.

If anyone want to see just how illogical the Roberts Court is, you can read the Courts Opinion Vance v. Ball State University. If you do please read Justice Ginsburg's dissent starting on page thirty five.
Nobody's bothering with "and I'm pissed". I'm not even pissed, I'm worried. You want to know what you get when you can gerrymander whatever the fuck you want as much as you want with no recourse? Michelle Bachmanns spawning all over the place like demonic rabbits.
The worst part is that the effects will be felt most keenly at the local level, where it's hard to drum up national media coverage as a driver for political pressure and ACLU funding.

Very local, as in county council and school boards.

But, yeah, there'll also be consequences for national government & elections. Bachmanns spawning, curtailed early voting, long ass lines in Florida's minority districts, etc. Hell, Texas didn't even wait for the ink to dry on the decision.

I, too, am glad for the advancement of gay marriage. But I'll be damned if I'll sing anthony fucking kennedy's praises.
That's not what I'm seeing around me. I'm seeing a lot of perfectly shiny middle class whitebread queers in full on "yay us" throwing people of color and the old and sick/disabled and new-to-town-in-the-USA and the poors (some of all of whom are queer, but whatever) completely under the bus.

Nobody's bothering with "and I'm pissed". I'm not even pissed, I'm worried. You want to know what you get when you can gerrymander whatever the fuck you want as much as you want with no recourse? Michelle Bachmanns spawning all over the place like demonic rabbits.

This is worse than Citizens United, but who cares. We have beer to drink at pride(tm) brought to you by Those Bastards and Absolut.

I'm glad about marriage, and I'm gladder about the holes punched in DOMA, but there are some wider and more fundamental problems opening up which will make things shitty for us, very very shitty.

It hasn't gone unnoticed in my world but it's definitely been overshadowed by all the celebrating.
The worst part is that the effects will be felt most keenly at the local level, where it's hard to drum up national media coverage as a driver for political pressure and ACLU funding.

Very local, as in county council and school boards.

But, yeah, there'll also be consequences for national government & elections. Bachmanns spawning, curtailed early voting, long ass lines in Florida's minority districts, etc. Hell, Texas didn't even wait for the ink to dry on the decision.

I, too, am glad for the advancement of gay marriage. But I'll be damned if I'll sing anthony fucking kennedy's praises.

The local level. You mean like where we don't really have political journalists anymore? Yeah.
Netz, if I had a dollar for every person who has come up with the same complaints, I'd be a thousandaire.

if all you see is middle class white queers, then go look elsewhere. I
m smack dab in the middle of queers of color and they are equally happy.

And I am pissed, everyone is pissed. Abut every one of the things that still have to be fought for, yes. lots and o\lots and motherfucking lots of shit. And I do not know one single activist that thinks their job is finished.

But people STILL get to be happy for this eentsy-teensy victory, or else what-- slit our collective wrists because if nothing we ever do is enough?
Life isn't worth living under those conditions.

Look, accept a pat on the back. And maybe offer one. Just one. It won't kill your resolve or blunt your anger. We just all of need a moment to breath-- about this one thing.
American dream: you get married, you move into the house you've been eyeing, you bring your kids along, and you are promptly redistricted into a zombie wasteland where your local school has a gag rule approach to gay rights and your kids are bullied to the orange alert stage. And you don't have money for private school because you put it into the house.

Yay? Kinda?

I'm sorry, I just can't let this ID card thing go, it's up there with the worst bad ideas ever to hit this country. Barring felony or being under 18 you can vote. End story. Horseshit otherwise.

I'm seriously partial to the 'noided - feeling like this game is rigged unwinnable and pointless, only I don't care who "they" are who are doing it.
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