Unusual, spur-of-the-moment or last resort recipes for times like these

1. Find a restaurant that still offers takeout.

2. Order anything they make that will freeze well.

3. Freeze to keep for when they’ve permanently closed.
I’m making homemade Mac n cheese tonight. No eggs included. I hope I have panko left for the topping. Your’s sounds better than any box providing you didn’t use those nasty plastic wrapped “cheese” slices.

I am a fan of the basic ramen block, and black beans and rice.

Eggs aren't required. Just make up a béchamel sauce and stir in some grated cheese (grate your own, don't use the pre-grated stuff with the additives). When it's all smooth, mix it with some warm pasta that's firmer than al dente and put it in a baking dish with a little more grated cheese on top. Bake til it's all bubbly and then add the panko to the top. It's much more than Kraft Dinner.

I like adding a bit of browned breakfast sausage to the mix. Be sure to drain all the grease before adding.
1. Find a restaurant that still offers takeout.

2. Order anything they make that will freeze well.

3. Freeze to keep for when they’ve permanently closed.

Order a stack of Papa Murphy's pizzas.
Eggs aren't required. Just make up a béchamel sauce and stir in some grated cheese (grate your own, don't use the pre-grated stuff with the additives). When it's all smooth, mix it with some warm pasta that's firmer than al dente and put it in a baking dish with a little more grated cheese on top. Bake til it's all bubbly and then add the panko to the top. It's much more than Kraft Dinner.

I like adding a bit of browned breakfast sausage to the mix. Be sure to drain all the grease before adding.

I make it all of the time. I said that because Harpy adds eggs to his sauce. The munchkins would frown on the added sausage, but that sounds great. I have Italian sausage on hand and plan to make a vat of gravy tomorrow.
I make it all of the time. I said that because Harpy adds eggs to his sauce. The munchkins would frown on the added sausage, but that sounds great. I have Italian sausage on hand and plan to make a vat of gravy tomorrow.

The sausage is all made from animal who were vegan.
The egg is in there because I prefer my cheese sauce to be more like one that is used in a casserole. Plus it makes me feel more "chef-y" because of the tempering requirement.

If tempering eggs gets you hot and bothered then a good Hollandaise sauce must get you absolutely giddy. :)
If tempering eggs gets you hot and bothered then a good Hollandaise sauce must get you absolutely giddy. :)

You really wanna get my undivided attention? The secret to that is steak. Lots and lots of steak.
You really wanna get my undivided attention? The secret to that is steak. Lots and lots of steak.

The top cuts of cow flesh are pricey. There's a reason why talented grill chefs are invaluable in kitchens.I'm guessing you like your flesh medium rare. Amirite? ;) :catroar:
The top cuts of cow flesh are pricey. There's a reason why talented grill chefs are invaluable in kitchens.I'm guessing you like your flesh medium rare. Amirite? ;) :catroar:

Pricey, schmicey. I haven't ever had anyone ask me what their steak cost before they ate it.

I prefer Med Well because I hear there's all kinds of nasty things going on in the world these days.

Did this to a London broil just the other day. Yummy.

Pricey, schmicey. I haven't ever had anyone ask me what their steak cost before they ate it.

I prefer Med Well because I hear there's all kinds of nasty things going on in the world these days.

Commercial kitchens. :)

Ah the good ol' days when all one had to worry about when ingesting flesh was ecoli and bovine spongiform encephalopathy....