Usage of underaged characters in stories...

That's depressing. When I was eighteen, I looked even younger than that.
Why are people worried over fucking but not murder?

that is a good point. Look at all the horror movies where teens are victims or children are murderers (pet semetary, the good child). Of course in the teen situation, if you look closely its a morality tale because as they pointed out in SCREAM, the virgin is never killed. (Stay safe kids, say no)

I would like to make a point about pedophilia. It is not the same as underaged sex. Legal pedophilia depends on the laws where you live. Is a man in a forieng country who takes an 8 year old as a wife (as is traditon) a pedophile? MAYBE.

In my opinion, nature tells us when we are ready to "mate", our hormones give us the desire, and our bodies develope in a way that attracks the opposite sex. LAWS ARE STILL IMPORTANT. A grown man who takes up with an adolescent is breaking the law, but i don't neccesarily think he's a sicko. A man who messes around with a pre-pubescent child is /how can i say this delicately?/ fucked up in the head.

All of that really makes me feel better. Because I am 28 years old and have always looked at least 5 years younger than I was. At 21 I had people constintly ask me "are you sure its not the other way around" (12) or people would look right at my chest and say "you don't look llike a twelve year old" yeck! I still have people look at me and think I'm a teen-ager. (my height doesn't help) So I've always been a little leery of guys who are attracted to me. A part of me has always felt that a guy who likes me is a closet pedophile (how scary is that?) but my breasts at least are an advertisement that I'm at the very least "old enough to bleed/old enough to breed' --yea, that's a dispicable phrase.

That no under 18 rule, I think its great though. Yeah, sometimes there are situations where it might be more ok than others, but this makes it fair for everybody. You know where the line is, you don't have to write your story, wait for someone elses judgement, and get upset because something that you deem "worse" gets accepted and yours didn't. On the other hand, it probably explains the few number of stories under "first time"!
SlickTony said:
That's depressing. When I was eighteen, I looked even younger than that.

when i was 21 I looked 12. at 28, I could still pass for jail-bait.
when i was 21 I looked 12.

I well remember what a drag that was. When I was a teenager a lot of guys still thought I was a little kid, at least until I gained some height.
On the subject of underage children in stories, I read one on here involving an 11 year old girl...not just as character, but being used sexually.

I'm not quite sure how to report stories, so maybe some one else could do it? <-- thats the first part to the story, there are two others, all three involve an underage child being used sexually.


x :heart: x :heart: x
Well, it has to have been Suzie. If she's being baby-sat then ipso facto she's too young to be involved in any of the sexual activity.
Young 'un

It states in the story that Suzie is eleven. I guess the story just got past whoever censors these things.

I didn't read the entire story. Just enough to confirm Suzie's age and realize that I didn't care what happened next.

"Report it?" Not me, I don't care. I'd hate to see this site get hassled because of something like that, though.
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lolita_ramirez said:
I'm not quite sure how to report stories, so maybe some one else could do it?
It is done by sending a PM (Private Message) to Laurel.
My PM facility is firmly off because it was being abused by others, so I haven't done it.

hiddenself said:
Why would you want to report it?

And what character is underage according to your reading?
These things are reported because sites like this are under constant threat of closure by the US Authorities. You see in the US nobody under the age of 18 knows that sex even exists, let alone participates in it, and they want to keep it that way. Of course a gang bang orgy of sex, sodomy, incest, non-consent, etc etc on the eighteenth birthday is permitted.
Math Girl said,

"Report it?" Not me, I don't care. I'd hate to see this site get hassled because of something like that, though.

I agree. We're not obliged to be police or informers. I have, in the past 'reported', but I see no point now. COPA is not in force, and I dont see a legal issue from text only.

Every regime the tries to control is going have irrationalities
(the 'looks 16' problem), and oversights. In a way it's better if these are NOT publicized. Laurel can then always say she didn't know, and took reasonable precautions.

Anyone ever had the experience of finding a really hot book in a public library? I did, when I about 13. It was a real find (man feeling up the woman's nipple).! Thank goodness for 'slips' by the authorities.
Anyone ever had the experience of finding a really hot book in a public library? I did, when I about 13. It was a real find (man feeling up the woman's nipple).! Thank goodness for 'slips' by the authorities.

Oh, Lord! That happened to me when I was a freshman in HS. I even remember the name and author of the book. The Country of the Heart, by Barbara Gilman. If I were to go back and read it now it would probably seem quite tame.
Yo me too

Svenskaflicka said:
At the age of 26, I can pass for anything between 16 and 30.

At the age of 55 I can pass as anything from 56 to 70.
But I'll make a pass at anything between 16 and 30.
