
When did you lose yours?

  • Before I turned eighteen.

    Votes: 49 45.4%
  • After I turned eighteen.

    Votes: 41 38.0%
  • It's been so long I feel like a born again virgin.

    Votes: 4 3.7%
  • I'm still a virgin. I'm keeping myself pure.

    Votes: 14 13.0%

  • Total voters
Well, it appears I'm with the majority but not by much.
As for writing, I find it patently rediculous to write of feelings and experiences as though the concept of sex simply does not come into play until after one reaches the magical age of eighteen.
I believe my earliest posted story was rejected because the female protagonist contemplated sex prior to reaching the grand old age of eighteen.
As posted, the idea and the event both occurred the day she was eighteen and that's hogwash and I think most of us know it.
If thought lead directly to realization, I believe my 'story' would have taken place when I was fourteen, perhaps a bit less than that!
It's well I was a bit slow getting things going although I didn't believe that at the time. In retrospect, I now wonder if the tardiness wasn't due simply to fear... I well understood the consequences of accidental(?) [can one accidentally impregnate a girl when the pair deliberately set out to have sex and set themselves up for the possible outcome?] and was not prepared to meet them head on. Fear is a great motivator for keeping one's trousers zipped (probably buttoned in those days)!
Yes, condoms were sort of available if one had the guts to seek out a male pharmacist and ask. No way would I or most of the guys I ran with march up to a female drugstore employee and ask for a package of *blush* condoms, not in a town where the drugstore employees knew every kid, and the kid's parents, who marched (slunk?) through the door.

SlickTony said:
In this situation, it's usually with the boyfriend you weren't supposed to have over on the job, or the kids' father...which was it? ;)

:p It would sound more interesting if it were the father....alas it was only my boyfriend:D
I agree with Leslie actually. In Holland the sex education is the most frank and starts the youngest. There is little or no mystique about sex in the education and nothing is held back. Holland has the lowest teenage pregnancy rate in the world.


The Earl

Diane-Marie, :)

No 'point'. That was simply a quote I remembered, when I read Slick Tony's posting, and I thought I would share it here. Ms. Taylor's was obviously in reference to the number of times she has been married. If you are into reading biographies, her's certainly is an interesting one.

I'm sorry if you were offended in any way by it, that was never my intention.

The Earl, :)

Yes, now that is an interesting point. It reminded me of an episode of Bart Simpson (a kids' cartoon, and one of my favorites) when the school conducts sex education. At the end of the lesson the teacher says, " Ok kids, now you know how it's all done, don't do it!"

Seriously though, I agree education is the best tool.

Have a good, :)
Alex (fem).
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Oh, the disappointment and frustration!

My first time was the stereotypical backseat of a car. At the time I had just turned 17 and didn't care. I just had a powerful itch to scratch and a persistent curiosity. The guy was not skilled enough, only being 18 himself, to make it worth the discomfort. I left the incident thinking: 'All the risk , just for THAT? Everybody's crazy for sex. There's got to be a reason. There's got to be better experiences out there.'

I had more fun anticipating, than the actual act. Really, I had much more fun fooling around the 2 or 3 years before I allowed myself to lose my virginity.

I plan to tell my kids you can have much more fun with your pants on. But they'll never believe me until they try it out themselves. Or maybe they'll be luckier than I was and choose a good partner. Hey, what am I talkin about? They're boys! They'll be the ones doing a wham bam thank you mam and loving it. The poor girl will be the one to experience the frustration.

No, I will not encourage them to have sex before marriage. I'm just trying to be realistic. I'm sure this poll will show not many of us make it to the wedding night still virgins.
People seem to have such strong memories about there first time, I have only very hazy memories about my first time. I remeber I was babysitting, two fifteen year olds and a couch..

I don't recall it being either pleasurable or painful, just interesting, kind of hmm that's different, he is going to put that where:eek: I don't remember any itch that needed to be scratched or really even having thought much about it before...

It wasn't until my second or was it my third time, that i remember actually enjoying it...*LOL* I remember that well!!! I think I scared him half to death.

Ms. M

:p Is there a spell check here....if there is I can't find it!!!!
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its Leslie said:

No I will be quite bold, I will explain to the young lady that a hand job done properly can likely send the love of her life into orbit as he shoots his cum into the air to land harmlessly on his stomache, and she can even get the giggle potential out of it if she is playful and makes him squirm like hell while doing it.
She might use the option to suck him off, you can't get pregnant swalloing sperm last I checked.

Is it just me or does anyone else see a man who’s a wee bit penis centered?
I lost my virginity when I was 14 to my boyfriend at the time who was 16. It wasn't my best experience with sex. He tried to be careful with me, as he knew it was my first time. But the hurt outweighed any pleasure I had from it. It wasn't a "bad" experience, just not a very pleasurable one. The times after that were much better though.
Diane I am not "penis centered" I am merely unafraid to say that sex is just sex and those that have trouble with sex have trouble with me.

I know women that see sex as I do, and I guess you would call them pussy centered I suppose.

You can't blame me for relating better to penises, I have never had a pussy eh:)

I was 14........yeah, had to do a LOT of changing things around in my story.....Lost Innocence. LOL........

I remain,
Aw, foot! I thought Ms. M was going to tell about how she scared her boyfriend, but I guess under the local rules she can't do that.

Apropos of nothing, I found out that when you get the announcement of a reply in your e-mail, if you try to follow the link it cuts off your, and you have to enter here the regular way. I wonder why that is?
i wasn't a virgin when i turned 18. was quite experienced by that time, in fact = (
If that pic is really you chicklet, I can't imagine you keeping your virginity without a lot of work actually.

I have seen a lot of female bodies in my life (not in person unfortunately). But the person that owns the body in that pic sure is very well assembled.
I have to agree with its Leslie

I'm not a lesbian that I know of, but I'd have to agree. Great av, Chicklet.
Mmmm, <The Earl agrees absent-mindedly>. Great pic Chicklet. Pity the face is missing though.

The Earl
I'm losing my touch I think.

I have had PMs telling me nice things, people complimenting me, asking for my advice and lately people agreeing with my remarks.

It's sad I tell you, sad.
SlickTony said:
Aw, foot! I thought Ms. M was going to tell about how she scared her boyfriend, but I guess under the local rules she can't do that.

Apropos of nothing, I found out that when you get the announcement of a reply in your e-mail, if you try to follow the link it cuts off your, and you have to enter here the regular way. I wonder why that is?

:p really is it against the rules for me to answer...Well i will give a abridged version anyway. Picture bunk beds,two horny fifteen year olds and the feeling of a new sensation, my hips thrusting a foot off the bed and then flipping him over riding him like a horse, and not even caring that my head was hitting the upper mattress with every stroke....not to mention my rather loud vocalazation :eek:
*LOL..I just remember him saying, are you alright. What the fuck are you doing, calm down, some one will hear!!! I didn't care who heard, i was having fun...
I was 17. It was Halloween, just like my story. Or maybe it was Christmas. I discovered in the south every guy gets sex for Christmas because they can't afford gifts. It seems like everyone has a birthday at the end of September in Georgia.
short of my moral obligation to remain chaste, I think this boils down to a discussion I had with my friend a little while ago.

we were talking about how people are living longer and longer, and how, as a society we want to almost live forever. My comment on it all (other than shere physics proving it impossible) is... why? I mean I can live until 100, but my physical and sexual peak is still around 20-30. If they bumped that up a few decades I might consider longevity....

that said I think a fair amount of people lose their virginity after 18 even after about 25. It is at those times, in the early to mid 20s that a person is most sexually fit and most sexually wonton.

Much going on in the late teens is just the beginning of these desires and abilities and usually consists more in oral sex, heavy petting, and other "curiosity" forms of sexuality.

...just my theory

oh, btw. 18yo virgin here

just the beginning of these desires and abilities and usually consists more in oral sex, heavy petting, and other "curiosity" forms of sexuality.

Somebody, I forget who, said that girls were more likely to get off back in the pre-Pill days when that was all people dared to do, and the frequency of their orgasms began to fall off when they were having more intercourse.
I was 26. I think I could safely talk about my first time except maybe on an AARP board :p
My Sexual History (don't worry, it's not long)

Kissed my aunt, age 14.

Learned to masturbate, age 14

Met Jim, age 19 (he was 16)

Made love with Jim, age 22 (two weeks before my 23ed bd)

Had sex between 2 and 5 times a day for the next four years, with the exception of two weeks after haveing my daughter.

Left Jim when his 16 yo gf got preggers, age 26

Gave BJ to a person I had loved secretly for a long time before he moved out of state, age 39. (see Eros I & II for poems inspired by)

Masterbate on a reg basis.

When my daughter was 9 years old she came up to me and said "I don't want to be a teenaged mother, they are mean to their kids." I told her "Then don't have teenaged sex." She said ok and that pretty much has been that. She's 16 now, and she and I have frank open discussions about sex right down to the "how to." and I was recently showing her and her friend how to give blowjobs. She asked me if I would be disappointed in her if she had sex now, at 16, instead of waiting. I said yes, mostly because she would be letting herself down. But also because no matter how protective you are, you can get preg. And no matter what you deside to do, you are changed forever once you've been preg. And I don't want her growth years to be marred by something so preventable.

I know she and her bf do a lot of things, but the one thing I know they haven't done is have sex. Because she was rasied in a loveing open home that encouraged her safety and well being she's made desions for herself and won't be bowed by peer pressure.

I find the statement "that's her problem" to not only be disrespectful towards someone the boy or man apparently likes enough to sleep with but also the flip side of the "virginity" issue. Virginity wasn't only to keep pure, it was a sheild of protection one could hold up against men who would "use 'em and lose 'em".

In a respectful community of male/female interactions a partnership would be formed of mutal respect, graifcation, and responsablity. Even if only in the short term one night stand format.
27 when I lost my viriginty

I lost my viriginty when I was 27 to a gal that was only 18 man did she teach me some tricks and I a still making up for lost time with women :D