
When did you lose yours?

  • Before I turned eighteen.

    Votes: 49 45.4%
  • After I turned eighteen.

    Votes: 41 38.0%
  • It's been so long I feel like a born again virgin.

    Votes: 4 3.7%
  • I'm still a virgin. I'm keeping myself pure.

    Votes: 14 13.0%

  • Total voters
Hey, DTH

Is it too slow on Wienerville tonight? ;-) Welcome to Lit.

If you want lots of advice thrown at your head, try posting your question over on How To. No guarantees as to its usefulness.

I lost my virginity when I was 18 to my boyfriend at the time who was quite a bit older than me, not that makes any diffrence. It wasn't my best experience with sex. He tried to be careful with me, as he knew it was my first time. It didn't hurt, in fact he entered me quite easily. It wasn't a "bad" experience, just not a very pleasurable one, but then again I wasn't expecting to reach an orgasm. It is something you never forget but the times after that were much better though.

I don't understand the haranguing of virgins that's going on here. The argument here seems to go, "Well, you should have sex before you get married in case you marry a dead lay. You don't want your wedding night to be disappointing." Is that really a concern? It seems insignificant to me in the larger scheme of things. I would like to think that your wedding day is about more than porno-style gymnastics in the bedroom. And I think the idea of discovering sexuality along with your spouse is romantic. Maybe I'm not in the majority, but I think most of the pleasure from sex comes from the intimacy and closeness me, that makes it good sex even if the participants aren't especially experienced or skilled.

I am not a virgin, and I don't expect to or make it a priority to marry one. But I don't understand why this path is seen as naive or foolish.

And on another topic entirely, in response to an earlier post, I'm having trouble understanding how you "can think of no bigger insult than to be called pro-life" and then a few lines later say "no offense to any pro-lifers". How can something be a giant insult and yet not be offensive?

Just throwing in my two cents.

-QH :)
It all depends on your POV, I suppose. Speaking as one who married the first man she ever had sex with, I wish I'd gotten around just a little bit more. However, I don't suppose it makes any difference that I didn't. I, too, thought it was romantic to discover sexuality with my spouse. However, once we were married, he seldom took much trouble to please me, and generally exhibited disapproval at my interest. I got the impression that he'd have been happy to let the air out of me and put me in the closet if he could.