
When did you lose yours?

  • Before I turned eighteen.

    Votes: 49 45.4%
  • After I turned eighteen.

    Votes: 41 38.0%
  • It's been so long I feel like a born again virgin.

    Votes: 4 3.7%
  • I'm still a virgin. I'm keeping myself pure.

    Votes: 14 13.0%

  • Total voters
Pregnancy, pregnancy, pregnancy... are abortions illegal in the US?
If you don't want to have kids at 16 - get rid of them! Until it's born, it's just a bunch of cells - why tie yourself up for the rest of your life when there IS an option???

* * * * *

I was 16 when I had sex for the first time. My boyfriend was also a virgin, and very nervous about hurting me. I remember that I was much more cold about the pain, saying that it would hurt no matter what. He was very careful and loving and caring, and even took a break when he saw that he was hurting me, and didn't continue until the pain subsided. Even though I didn't get an orgasm that first time, it was still very nice, very beautiful. A memory that I cherish, and that I will tell my sons to reinact (that's how you spell it?) when they have sex with girls who are virgins.
As a youth advocate I see how even the desion to abort can tramatize a young woman. It's best to advoid the issue before your old enough to handle the reprecussions of such an act. Abortion was never ment to be a form of birth control.
My resume

Lost cherry at 19 with beautiful virgin -- totally f&%(ed up tho.

Lost it again at 20 with English Rose. Steady relationship (living together) one year.

Split up, sowed wild oats for two years (many and various).

Met Exotic wife to be, stayed with her 20 years. No (major) infractions.

Separated from wife, it's been two months -- prior to separation, about two months of no sex -- longest time without nookie since 20 years old.

Now: Horny as hell. Suffering for RSI. Might need professional assistance soon.

Remind me -- why do we write??
I did not actually fuck a woman till my wedding night at age of 25.
This was not due to some notion of virginity meaning anything to me though (the opportunity never arrived before hand).

:devil: I just wondered if the pun in your last two words (quoted) was intended or not ... :)


PoliteSuccubus said:
As a youth advocate I see how even the desion to abort can tramatize a young woman. It's best to advoid the issue before your old enough to handle the reprecussions of such an act. Abortion was never ment to be a form of birth control.

True, but I'm saying the exact same thing about pregnancies.
Pregnancy, pregnancy, pregnancy... are abortions illegal in the US?
If you don't want to have kids at 16 - get rid of them! Until it's born, it's just a bunch of cells - why tie yourself up for the rest of your life when there IS an option???

I'm a broadminded lady, pro-choice rather than pro-life, but this statement still kind of shocked me a little.

Abortion is legal in Australia, and I understand it's a relatively safe procedure. I'm not an overly religious person either, but I still know in my heart of hearts, I could never have an abortion.

I guess I've been very careful to be careful, and I'm lucky I've been lucky. :)

Have a good day,

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All this talk about first time sex has me remembering mine. It was kind of like - this might hurt a little bit, didn't it? :)


Err, I was just 16, it was 4 in the morning with too much beer, 8 degrees below zero on the bank of a railway with a woman who basically wanted to find out if not having vaginal orgasms was her problem or her boy-friend's. I have never felt the inclination to transform that experience into an erotic story ;)

First time was 12

Then had a four year drought. Had it regularly until I got married. I could've sworn she said "I do," little did I know she actually said "I did"

First time ...

Is there anyone out there who can say that they really enjoyed their first time?

I wish I could ...

Re: First time was 12

Just_John1 said:
Then had a four year drought. Had it regularly until I got married. I could've sworn she said "I do," little did I know she actually said "I did"


Re: First time ...

shin1to said:
Is there anyone out there who can say that they really enjoyed their first time?

I wish I could ...


I did. But not the woman I was with the first full intercourse. Or at least I guess she didn't, since she quit returning my calls. Taqlk about blows to the selfesteem!
I was a few months shy of eighteen. Still, it was with the girl I am now engaged to, and she is the only girl I have ever so much as kissed. Which brings me to a developing theory, based on this thread: Erotic writers are more likely to be sexually orthodox than the general public.

Seriously. I'm not saying you're all as boring as me, but there are a couple of interesting points.

The average age for losing virginity on this page seems to be much higher than the average I would expect worldwide.

A large proportion of the writers here give their status as "attached."

I realise this is neither scientific nor conclusive, just (I think) worthy of note. The obvious conclusion is that, for the majority, it is confidence about sex, and security, that allows erotic writers to perform. I for one would have anticipated the opposite; that is, erotic writings being the product of sexual frustration and/or taboo fantasies and fetishes, written by middle-aged men in dirty raincoats and adolescent boys.

Maybe we're all upright citizens with the courage to be kinky with the keyboards. Maybe there is a slogan in that somewhere - there's certainly a pun...

Oh, and I forgot. My first time was FANTASTIC. Maybe, if you ask nicely, I'll write you all a story about it:eek:

Re: First time ...

shin1to said:
Is there anyone out there who can say that they really enjoyed their first time?

I wish I could ...


Mine was great! 9 out of 10. It's -1p for me not getting an orgasm.:p
Statistical time-bias and some more

Natural Born Eros said:
Erotic writers are more likely to be sexually orthodox than the general public.

Hmm, I don't know where you derived this from?

The average age for losing virginity on this page seems to be much higher than the average I would expect worldwide.

I wouldn't score these figures against the current averages. I was 16, but it also was a long time ago I was 16 ;)

The obvious conclusion is that, for the majority, it is confidence about sex, and security, that allows erotic writers to perform. I for one would have anticipated the opposite; that is, erotic writings being the product of sexual frustration and/or taboo fantasies and fetishes, written by middle-aged men in dirty raincoats and adolescent boys.

I'm not even sure confidence about sex itself is a necessity: anyone who would feel confident to write about insecurity with sex could just as well write a compelling piece of erotica, I'd say.
It's the way with words that counts most, maybe. The capacity to transform experiences and fantasies into something worth reading for others.

Re: First time ...

shin1to said:
Is there anyone out there who can say that they really enjoyed their first time?

I wish I could ...


Actually, I have to amend my statement. In looking back, as an adult who has experienced near mystical sexual experiences, I consider my first time to have been unsuccessful. But, that is out of context. In fact, it was all I had hoped for ... I saw ... I conquered ... I came ... it was a complete success - for me at that age. Only in retrospect, do I realize that I didn't have a clue back then...

Svenskaflicka said:
Pregnancy, pregnancy, pregnancy... are abortions illegal in the US?
If you don't want to have kids at 16 - get rid of them! Until it's born, it's just a bunch of cells - why tie yourself up for the rest of your life when there IS an option???


Abortion is legal in the US, however it's expensive and there are some states that have really fucked up laws that make it difficult to have one. It's also something that has a ton of social stigma.

However, if you under 18, usually you have to have your parents sign a consent form.

Part of the issue in the US has more to do with education. High schools teach "abstinence only" sex ed and use skewed stats about aids, stds and condom failure to try and scare kids away from sex. You can imagine how well that works.

The solution in the US would be first to loosen the fuck up and be completely honest with our kids. Take France for example, in which the culture is totally open about sex...they have one of the lowest teen pregnancy rates in the world. I argue that it's completely related. When you inform people and don't make something like sex such a major prohibited mystery, it isn't that they don't have sex, it's that people will be more responsible about it.

I don't think that there should be any stigma attached to abortion. While I have been lucky and the only time I was pregnant I miscarried (and only found out that I *was* pregnant b/c of the miscarriage--I'd been having a period all along--and was only about 2 monts along), my best friend has had two and both times I fully support her reasons. I think that every child should be a wanted child. And if you're not ready, then you shouldn't have to pay with the rest of your life. And when you consider how adoption laws have changed over the today's society you may give up your child but it's very likely that they will find you eventually.

My reasons for being pro-choice have more to do with what I consider abortion legislation to entail. If a court can tell me that I can not have an abortion, that means that I do not have control of my body, that in fact the state can legislate what I can and cannot do with my body. That the state could own my body even for only a short period of time just brings flashes of "handmaid's tale" by margaret atwood.

With regards to my first time...yeah it sucked. Luckily my second time was amazing.
deliciously_naughty said:
My reasons for being pro-choice have more to do with what I consider abortion legislation to entail. If a court can tell me that I can not have an abortion, that means that I do not have control of my body, that in fact the state can legislate what I can and cannot do with my body. That the state could own my body even for only a short period of time just brings flashes of "handmaid's tale" by margaret atwood.

With regards to my first time...yeah it sucked. Luckily my second time was amazing. [/B]

That has always my position on abortion to. I can not for the life of me figure out in a free state one can construct a anti-abortion law. In my state abortion would still be legal even if Roe. vs Wade. was overturned, what would they do, Impose border controls on every state in the union...

As for the orginal question, i answered that many pages back..but it was amazing only for the fact I think I laughed during most of it...I found the whole idea at the time very strange. The first sexual thing i ever remember was listening to a porn movie my older brother was watching..and the thing i remember and its funny I still remember it. The line was Hannah likes every orifice filled. lol I had to look up the word, i thought to myself Oh my god..I counted 7....ears and nose...i asked my mother the next day if i could become a nun, and i wasn't even catholic :p

Ms. M
deliciously_naughty said:

I think that every child should be a wanted child. And if you're not ready, then you shouldn't have to pay with the rest of your life.

You're taking the words right out of my mouth.

My reasons for being pro-choice have more to do with what I consider abortion legislation to entail. If a court can tell me that I can not have an abortion, that means that I do not have control of my body, that in fact the state can legislate what I can and cannot do with my body. That the state could own my body even for only a short period of time just brings flashes of "handmaid's tale" by margaret atwood.

The right to abortion isn't carved in stone, unfortunately. Every now and then, conservatives are trying to change the laws so that abortions will be more tricky to get. Our grandmothers fought to get the right, we have to fight to keep it.

And for the love of insert-your-favourite-divinity-here, make men take care of the kids they have before trying to force women to have even more!
After I turned 18, with the woman who is now my wife. She was too. Unfortunately, we're not really all that sexually compatible, but since we are in every other way we just deal with that.
I feel so pathetic about mine that I won't even give an age, but I will say it was over 18. Actually it was also after University. I have no ideals of being a virgin, I just couldn't get any. I think I'm cursed. Didn't have a girl friend, couldn't even get a date. When ever a girl said she was happy or excited to go out with me, we'd never go, because she was either busy, or got back together with her boyfriend, or she just stopped talking to me. Eventually I just stopped asking, because the one worse thing than hearing "No" when you ask a girl out is hearing "Yes" but she then turns you down. Every god damn time, with dozens of girls. I sometimes think I have this obsessed stalker that is following me and threatens any girl I ask out not to go out with me.

But if I could have lost my virginity before 18, I think it would have given me a lot more confidence in myself which would have helped me tremendously as I got older.:(
In my humble opinion

Really interesting comments on abortion from above. I've always been pro-choice myself, mainly because I feel it gives a woman right to make the big decisions about her own body. Now, I have a problem with abortion as being a "convenient" form of birth control, and in that situation, (in regards to adults) people need to be a little more responsible and use the right "head" and protect themselves.

But as George Carlin once said in regards to ultra-conservative pro-lifers... they are not pro-life... they are anti-woman. And I really have to agree with that... so many legislators adn ultra right-wing groups (who have a lot of money and political power) who are against abortion are 1) old chauvinistic MEN, 2) completely brainwashed by super conservative religious influences, 3) are so closed minded that they are completely out of touch with real issues facing women today in the first place. I also have a BIG problem with people who pass judgment on someone who might have had an abortion with out knowing what their personal situation was.

Sorry everyone, just had to vent there for a bit :rolleyes:
My first time was at sixteen with an idiot. But it was highly romanticised when I was still with him and I wrote "Enjoying My First Time"

My fiance's first time was with me, and I made damn sure he enjoyed it. We're getting married soon and I'm kinda proud that I'm the only one he's been with.

If I could change things... he'd be the only one I'd been with.