Vote for condoms

Condoms in erotica

  • A turn off

    Votes: 8 19.0%
  • A turn on

    Votes: 8 19.0%
  • Pretty irrelevant to my entertainment

    Votes: 26 61.9%

  • Total voters
You know, I agree with . . . damn, I can't remember who said it and I'm too lazy to scroll back up and see . . . anyway, I agree with the point about realism. Clearly, some stories are pure fantasy--as long as his dick is halfway down his leg and she's having at least twenty orgasms per session, there's no point interjecting an element of reality. In as much as I have absolutely no interest in those stories, I concede that they are exactly what some people are looking for. Both realistic and stroke stories have their place here.

On that note, I think there are a couple of ways to approach the use of condoms in a realistic story. Obviously, if the condom plays a pivotal role in the plot then it warrants description of some length (and I swear this pun was not intended.) Conversely, if it is a detail used merely to establish an element of realism in a scene, there's no need to dwell on it. It might get a sentence or two and that's it.

Beyond that, there's little else you can do. Honestly, I really liked your "Green Rose" story and I didn't even remember there being a condom in it--just that it was realistic and well-written. Which is my point--clearly it served its purpose. To focus on such a minor detail and use that as the basis for judging the entire story is a little strange.

People are crazy. I think I'm going to start my own random erotica crusade and "1" vote everyone who makes mention of kitchens. Husband comes home from work and they have sex in the kitchen? That's it--1. Sexy lady invites the neighbor boy over for cookies and milk in the kitchen? 1. Masturbating woman gets a cucumber from the kitchen? 1, 1,1. Unlimited kitchen persecution. Feel my spite :).
mystery word


Graymouse, I think that you have a great idea! Literotica should have a mystery word each day that automatically downgrades a story posted containing that would add an edge to posting your this the day that I'll get blasted for using "dildo"? Posting stories isn't scary enough... we need to spice it up! :)

Just thinking about it makes me want to go to the kitchen for a drink! doh!
Condoms in a story..... it's like complaining how anime girls are drawn as if 12-14, have small waists great wonderful tits, and shamelessly wear skirts so short you always end up looking at their white panties.

Condoms are real, fantasies are not.

Anime girls are clearly not real, but if you look at it from this perspective.... if I only want to look at anime girls drawn that way, and if I like sitting here masturbating, watching anime girls drawn that way, I have said that is my idea of "ideal".

Now it's silly to think that girls won't be affected by anime being biased in this manner. They will see the males getting turned on by these images. And girls will want to be competitive like all the rest of us.

Now its pointless to say "oh no I wouldn't actually want to fuck a 12-14 year old schoolgirl". If we watch it in anime, then we are showing something of our desires (even if we can't live with them).
Frankly I don't really know what I would do if a 14 year old handed me the panties to her Sailormoon costume and winked at me.
Part of me wants to say "oh hell no I wouldn't touch that with a 10' pole. Part of me is not so sure.

So writing out condoms is not automatically a good thing.
Maybe we are making a choice we don't wish to claim, even while we support it.
Just a quick response.
To me, a condom might not even be noticed, but it depends on the writer and the story, and what your intent is when writing it.
If you want to write something that is more fantasy than anything else (a letters to Penthouse style piece, like many on this site are) then the condom will most likely get in the way, mostly because in a world where these stories would exist as realities, there are no concerns as to STDs and birth control, hence the condom is senseless.
If you are writing a story, a real story, where there are characters and character development, and the story actually has a plotline and moves toward an end, then the condom might actually become essential, right along with certain other details of reality that cannot be left out.
My highest rated story involves a condom, and hasn't been rated low because of it so far as I can tell. Of course, it also has a "moneyshot."
I think I'm going to start my own random erotica crusade and "1" vote everyone who makes mention of kitchens.

Wassamatta, Greymouse, you got a kitchen no bigger than the cabin of an under-30-foot boat, like I've got, which I couldn't imagine having any kind of sex in? ;)

Quiet_Cool, I agree totally with your opinion on fantasy vs. story. The stories I remember best are the ones with real-seeming people in them.

To clarify things, what I've got is a kitchen too small to contemplate having sex in, not a boat.
Josh, I think you lost a few points down the old PC vortex.

On one side you have the Politically Correct, who unthinkingly penalize anything that does not agree with their predetermined ideal. (Even if their ideal is unfumigated horse pukey.)

On the other hand, you have anti-PC Backlashers, who unthinkingly penalize anything that in their distorted vision appears to follow the Politically Correct path. (Even if that leads them to go swimming in the shark tank.)

The problem hinges upon "unthinkingly."

My response is not listed on your ballot, but it appears to be the response shared by most of the people posting here: "Insufficient Data."

The only way that the wearing of a condom could automatically elicit an adverse vote from me, would be if it were described as being worn over one's head. (Er, the larger one.)

But, that's just me. I have a "thing" against asphyxiation, and I'm no fan of snuff.
Actually, I'm pretty odd on this topic. If the charas in my stories can get/transmit STD's, I always, always use condoms.

If the story is set in a time and place where STD's are an issue, I always bring up the subject, at the bare minimum.

If the male protag in one of my straight stories doesn't want to get his partner pregnant, he uses a condom.

That simple. If someone has a problem with it, they can. :) I'm not going to stop them. I've seen too many people die of AIDS not to put it in my stories and yes, it does bug me to read stories where STD's/BC are not even mentioned, particularly set in today's world, with human characters.

As a very good friend of mine put it. "I never bareback. He's cute, but not to die for."
As a very good friend of mine put it. "I never bareback. He's cute, but not to die for."

Lord knows it was hassle enough, to find oneself in the Health Unit, swallowing a handful of inch-long antibiotic pills :-(
For me erotica can be either as good as a comic book or as believable as the best of literature.

If it is only good enough to stiffen my cock long enough to pour our some cum on the floor while totally bored, then it is no better than comic book grade erotica (no matter how superbly written). And under those conditions I don't really care if it is realistic, cause I am just in it for the temporary pictures in my head.

Now if the erotica is going to sweep my mind away thinking it could actually happen to me, if it is going to sound soooo real that I can day dream for days wondering what it would be like if it happened to me, then it better be sooooo credible so real worldly sounding.
And that means not leaving any of the real world out.
And condums are about not ruining your life with a knocked up girl you had only intended to fuck once. Not contracting a disease that will make everyone you knew suddenly vanish like fog. Not falling into a trap where a gal then cries rape with your DNA spread all over her reproductive organs.

If I want the story to sound "real" then it must take place in the real world. And in the real world, I would expect that if the cock isn't covered, then the fact that it ISN'T covered, is specifically mentioned as to it being a detail of note.

People fuck every day without condoms. And I bet most of those people think about it the moment the passion level dies down, and they realise they have a softening cunt slickened cock, and have just pumped a female full of sperm (sorry but I am defaulting to hetero only cause I am one, not to slight non heteros though).

People that don't think much of it, well they probably don't think much about a lot of things too I suppose.
i choked

Okay, confession is good for the soul....

I admit it, I choked on my last story posted and left the condom "out" (or off) when I had originally planned on going in protected... I wimped out and just had him withdraw.... I know, I know *brow beating self for cowardice*

I guess the story is way out in fantasy land for me.... being very monogamous for 13 years and never having had sex with more than one person at a time... so having suspending disbelief I just chucked this part of reality...

Question: since I am conflicted about this, should I re-write and re-post? Story in Question

I feel much better now... thanks.

Maybe someone should write one of those interactive stories. :rolleyes:

Read it to a certain point, then the reader has to choose.
Do it bareback! Press "A"
Stop to stuff it into a condom, first. Press "B"

A Goto:
Girl gets pregnant, slaps you with paternity suit: Choose:
Hire Johnny Cochrane. Press "C"
Go to clinic to see if you are a possible contender. Press "D"

B Goto
You have trouble putting condom on, so girl starts to lose interest. Choose:
Get mad and call her a tease. Press "E"
Tie her to the bed, and convince her this is all foreplay. Press "F"

C Goto
Johnny produces evidence that the girl has the clap, claims,"If it doesn't drip, you must acquit." :eek: Choose:
Take the stand and air your grievance. Press "G"
Keep it in your pants, and take the fifth. Press "H"

Well, you get the picture. :cool:

Of course, this would be literature for a very select clientele, persons who could make decisions while typing with one hand. Also, I foresee problems if the story gets too complex for single keystroke response. :D
Re: i choked

bridgetkeeney said:
Okay, confession is good for the soul....

I admit it, I choked on my last story posted and left the condom "out" (or off) when I had originally planned on going in protected... I wimped out and just had him withdraw.... I know, I know *brow beating self for cowardice*

No reason to beat yourself over the head, at least the wrong head, over a piece of fiction. :)

I guess the story is way out in fantasy land for me.... being very monogamous for 13 years and never having had sex with more than one person at a time... so having suspending disbelief I just chucked this part of reality...

I feel much better now... thanks.


And this is an excellent, excellent point. The line in question...

He pulled out and shot his cum over Tara's ass and back while crying out a victorious "YESSSS!"

is a beautifully done moneyshot. It fits with the tone of the rest of the scene as fantasy, something you'd see in a porn movie. It is showing the reader this is fantasy. Now if you'd mentioned he'd pulled out for fear of STD's or BC or any othe real***** reason, then it would have crashed the story. Remember 'show don't tell'? Well, this is a top notch example of exactly that.

I had to search for this, therefore, it worked, for me at least. And this is the ultimate guideline, is it consistant with the characters and the story? In this case, it was consistant. Kudos.

Is this something I'd normally read and enjoy? Personally, not really. Nothing wrong with that or at all negative on you as a writer. Technically, its very well done being consistant to the theme and setting, that of fantasy not reality. I write and prefer stories with a lot of realism.
Re: i choked

bridgetkeeney said:
Okay, confession is good for the soul....

I admit it, I choked on my last story posted and left the condom "out" (or off) when I had originally planned on going in protected... I wimped out and just had him withdraw.... I know, I know *brow beating self for cowardice*

I guess the story is way out in fantasy land for me.... being very monogamous for 13 years and never having had sex with more than one person at a time... so having suspending disbelief I just chucked this part of reality...

Question: since I am conflicted about this, should I re-write and re-post? Story in Question

I feel much better now... thanks.


I was a little taken aback when I first read your post, so it took me a while to respond.

Write what you enjoy the most. Period. Beyond that, you have no obligations except those you impose on yourself. There is no wimping out or cowardice, or right or wrong answers here.

The poll results so far are evenly split pro and con, with even more people being indifferent. The poll doesn't really matter. Being true to what makes you the hottest is what matters -- whatever that may be. If using a condom or pulling out is more erotic to you, then do one of those things. If the fantasy of leaving it in with no condom turns you on the most, then do it. You can't please all the readers all the time. But the truer you stay to what you find truly erotic -- the more likely that some readers will find your story to be exceptionally erotic.
wow, thanks for replies

Johnny produces evidence that the girl has the clap, claims,"If it doesn't drip, you must acquit
Of course, this would be literature for a very select clientele, persons who could make decisions while typing with one hand. Also, I foresee problems if the story gets too complex for single keystroke response.

Quasi.. was disappointed that you didn't tell us where E and F went...:) I look forward to you working with Literotica to make another category of stories.:D

Well, this is a top notch example of exactly that.
I had to search for this, therefore, it worked, for me at least. And this is the ultimate guideline, is it consistant with the characters and the story? In this case, it was consistant. Kudos.
Saracen.. thanks so much.. that is the nicest feedback I have ever received... okay, so the other feedback was "Do you have pictures?":)... but I really do want the story to be unconcious of itself. Thanks for wading through something you don't particularly enjoy to give me feedback. :rose:

But the truer you stay to what you find truly erotic -- the more likely that some readers will find your story to be exceptionally erotic.
TC42..What can I say... you're right. The tough part for me is delineating what is truly erotic for me... I guess I need to always remember if I'm in my reality or my fantasy and write accordingly, not allowing blurring to derail the story by becoming in reality, sex without a condom when not trying to get pregnant is unthinkable while not having to mess with a condom every time is a fantasy for me.....:)

Thanks, guys for taking the time to respond!

Why can't they invent a condom that fits on a flaccid dick?
Just wondering really, no particular reason -- just curiosity, I actually don't have a problem at all. Honest. I actually have "morning wood" that lasts all day. The guys at work call me "handstand" after witnessing my technique in the urinals. Ok. I admit it. I'm impo***t damnit. So howcum they haven't invented one for me and all the other .0000001% of the male population??

They have invented that already. It is called spray-on latex. Works great, but has a few drawbacks.

1. The only way to remove it, afterwards, is to peel away the first epidermal layer. :eek:

2. It makes a terrible screeching noise when it slides against another surface, (Analogous to under inflated tires, you know.) :(

But never fear, pharmacology has found a way! :)

Medicate with Viagra and then use the regular kind of protection.

From some of the reports I have heard, "double bagging" might not be a bad idea, while you are about it! :rolleyes:
Something about condoms make them sexy...

Yes. I'm weird. Don't bother pointing it out to me.
I've been considering this question for a story I'm currently finishing.

I don't think it's always necessary to mention that a character puts on a condom, or to specifically mention that he doesn't. Nor is it necessary to mention that they eat food, take a crap, or pay bills.

The only things that must be mentioned are those that are relevant to the story. If STDs or pregnancy (or the avoidance of them) are important to the story you are telling, then mention it.

It's as ridiculous to judge a story by prophylactic usage as it is to think that a character wasn't mentioned as having eaten lunch, and it's nearly six. Why isn't she hungry?
I can think of ony one reason for a person to be fanatic about "no contraceptives." He is a priest, probably Roman Catholic.
The_old_man said:
I can think of ony one reason for a person to be fanatic about "no contraceptives." He is a priest, probably Roman Catholic.

But to be fanatical, a priest would also have to keep his vow of chastity, which would negate the use of any proscribed contraceptive.

Alternately, if he is a priest who does not hold the vow of chastity sacred, it follows that he would hardly hold the church's position against contraception sacred, either.

What the Catholic Church truly needs is a Black Pope,:eek: to help teach his flock rhythm. :cool:
I've got rhythm

What the Catholic Church truly needs is a Black Pope, to help teach his flock rhythm.
Quasi- you are so bad! :)

Talk about un-sexy... sorry, not tonight honey, I'm fertile.... that's a lot worse than condoms!

actually... for some warped reason

i suddenly recalled a tidbit of information that may or may not give a different perspective here...

the wearing of condoms can cause a guy to ejaculate long after his normal/standard ejaculation time

perhaps this could be an excellent reason to add them into an erotic story...?
the wearing of condoms can cause a guy to ejaculate long after his normal/standard ejaculation time

And it must feel very, very good--but then again, you don't get to see the moneyshot so beloved of erotica aficionados.