Voting Discussion moved from the Review Thread

Liar said:
VB as in vBulletin or as in Visual Basic?
Like Lauren said, only the bulletin board uses the vBulletin system. The rest of the site is coded (allgedly from scratch) by Manu. I read in a thread a long while ago that it is based on php and with a MySQL database. Both very much capable of setting up such conditions for vote counting.

Personally, I think it's a good system, and it would workk if people weren't so shy about being upfront with what they vote.


I guess I stand corrected on several counts. MEA CULPA! :(

I do think that how the voting system works should be better explained somewhere where everyone is more likely to see it.

I always vote if I am going to leave a comment, so I guess I have at least not screwed any poets inadvertently, but my votes are usually not based solely on the simplistic "DIDN'T LIKE IT" to "LOVED IT" scale of the comment thermometer. - I would really prefer an off button for that feature. (JMHO) :rose:


Just Had A Thought. . .

After reading Angeline's Trolly post, I thought to myself, why bother getting upset with Troll invective? Why not just delete the offending comment? - Then suddenly I had a thought; do thermometer votes count towards the "magic 10" needed for an "H"? And what happens to the thermometer vote if the comment is deleted? Is the average score of the poem adjusted? Are both the numerator and denominator adjusted? Does anybody know? What happens if you turn the voting off, but leave the comments on? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Where is Senna Jawa when you heed him? :(
(In the next alternating line contest I want to see Uncle Pervey and Senna Jawa as a team! :D
Also Annaswirls and denis hale! :) )
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TTT - Since no one seems to even be reading this, nevermind giving an answer. ;)

Reltne said:
TTT - Since no one seems to even be reading this, nevermind giving an answer. ;)
I had eleven fabulous answers for you, but I won't bother now. :)