Carville Alarmed That The Young Are leaving The Democrat Party

The only question I have an opinion on is the first. Affirmative action is beneficial to minority groups.

As for Candace, she's a vax denier. Sowell seems to hate his own race culture and Ben Carson is who he is.
Every one of those responses is racist. And many in the black community are openly saying so. And you dismiss their voices. Which is in itself racist.
And I am clearly not a Biden supporter, but I can back it up with opposition to his policies. I recognize policies come from heart attitudes of people. Unless you condemn Canada's liberal woke policies that are the core of what Trudeau believes, you oppose him in theory only.
lol so now you've moved the goalposts from: I won't answer to I'm a racist, to I oppose my countries leader in theory only....and you wonder why people here see you only as a religious zealot?
lol are you denying the story? it's a fucking lawsuit now....i think Fox may have picked up on it....
Although an investigation is still gathering the facts about this incident, I’m deeply disturbed by what appears to be racially disparate treatment in this video," Gov. Phil Murphy said.

That's the key point. You don't have facts. You have a lawsuit, something I could press against you tomorrow for any reason. Way too many times, when the facts have come out, it hasn't been nearly the racism that was claimed.

And you cited an incident that has yet to even be clarified. You have yet to answer my question. "In America, a white person can do _________, while a black person cannot." Fill in the blank
Although an investigation is still gathering the facts about this incident, I’m deeply disturbed by what appears to be racially disparate treatment in this video," Gov. Phil Murphy said.

That's the key point. You don't have facts. You have a lawsuit, something I could press against you tomorrow for any reason. Way too many times, when the facts have come out, it hasn't been nearly the racism that was claimed.

And you cited an incident that has yet to even be clarified. You have yet to answer my question. "In America, a white person can do _________, while a black person cannot." Fill in the blank
i just did fill in the blank, * chuckles* if you're a black teen in a fight with a white teen,you will be cuffed, while the white teen won't....want another example of systemic racism?
Every one of those responses is racist. And many in the black community are openly saying so. And you dismiss their voices. Which is in itself racist.
I don't dismiss black voices. Sorry to tell ya.

I have listened to them and have opinions of the individuals and that has nothing to do with their race.

So I've answered your question - answer mine - is black culture inferior to white culture? Or maybe a less specific question - what is your opinion on black culture?
I don't dismiss black voices. Sorry to tell ya.

I have listened to them and have opinions of the individuals and that has nothing to do with their race.

So I've answered your question - answer mine - is black culture inferior to white culture?
hell he won't even say which gospels he's read, and which he hasn't....
How about be arrested without fear of death, or is that too obvious for you?
False. Do you know that a white cop is far more likely to be shot and seriously injured or killed by a black man in America than a black man is to be arrested by a white cop? Did you know that black on black crime far outpaces any other statistic on crime in a America? And did you know that young black men are far more likely to have multiple "baby-mammas" and abandon their children? Did you know that black dependency on government welfare far outpaces any other ethnic group in America?

Perhaps it is a question of toxic culture, a culture they learned from decades of interference and low-key, terrible racism from your side? Maybe, if responsibility instead of victimhood were taught, the picture would look far different.

After slavery, and during and throughout the civil rights movement, when racism was at its ugliest, the statistics were reversed. Maybe morality, not skin color is the answer. As it always has been. And, since you cancel black thinkers and scholars who you disagree with as a privileged white liberal, I will clue you in: black Americans, all the way back to MLK and Malcolm X were saying the same thing on this topic as Sowell does today.
False. Do you know that a white cop is far more likely to be shot and seriously injured or killed by a black man in America than a black man is to be arrested by a white cop? Did you know that black on black crime far outpaces any other statistic on crime in a America? And did you know that young black men are far more likely to have multiple "baby-mammas" and abandon their children? Did you know that black dependency on government welfare far outpaces any other ethnic group in America?
hell he won't even say which gospels he's read, and which he hasn't....
Again, trying to change topic. But to answer the question, again, because they are proven fraudulent to the inth degree, I don't read Gnostic Gospels. I don't need to digest proven lies. I read the only Gospels the first century Church and the Apostles wrote, authorized, and affirmed. Because that's how God said His Word would be communicated in His own Scriptures. And those same New Testament Books announced that at the close of Revelation, the Book was done.

Now, back to the actual discussion.
Citing a bunch of random gun stats, put out by politicized government agencies, does not make any point except that you don't like guns. Which isn't all that surprising. It doesn't answer the challenge at all. It distracts to a different subject altogether.
Again, trying to change topic.
wait asecond......I asked you this a couple dozen exchanges ago, and as of yet, you've refused. In the meantime I have answered your questions...
I don't read Gnostic Gospels.
was that so fucking hard? why the 20 post run around. Also thanks for proving my post below.

no i prefer Justin Martyr.
Thanks for proving you will accept or dismiss evidence on other people's sole words. Not reading and using your own brain. Maybe change that, and you won't come across so much as an idiot.
wait asecond......I asked you this a couple dozen exchanges ago, and as of yet, you've refused. In the meantime I have answered your questions...

was that so fucking hard? why the 20 post run around. Also thanks for proving my post below.
When definitions don't agree with your world view...fuck em!
Citing a bunch of random gun stats, put out by politicized government agencies, does not make any point except that you don't like guns. Which isn't all that surprising. It doesn't answer the challenge at all. It distracts to a different subject altogether.
those are not "random" gun statistics, those are the links that show all the gun related statistics. now use them to prove your point....I posted them not to prove or deny, but to help you, since you cannot seem to provide citations to back up your claims....
those are not "random" gun statistics, those are the links that show all the gun related statistics. now use them to prove your point....I posted them not to prove or deny, but to help you, since you cannot seem to provide citations to back up your claims....
When statistics disagree with your worldview.....fuck em!
And, since you cancel black thinkers and scholars who you disagree with as a privileged white liberal, I will clue you in: black Americans, all the way back to MLK and Malcolm X were saying the same thing on this topic as Sowell does today.
Mine was a simple point yet:

You declined my point as false with no use of evidence.
You accuse me of cancelling black thinkers with no evidence.
Black Americans do not think as a block, to claim otherwise is intellectually deficient.

If you don’t agree with my point refute it with evidence just as fuzzy explained earlier, or perhaps you don’t have any.
Mine was a simple point yet:

You declined my point as false with no use of evidence.
You accuse me of cancelling black thinkers with no evidence.
Black Americans do not think as a block, to claim otherwise is intellectually deficient.

If you don’t agree with my point refute it with evidence just as fuzzy explained earlier, or perhaps you don’t have any.
First, at least part of the stats, and least what got through Google's anti-cop filter.

And those are the kinds of numbers that can't be fudged.

And my side does not hold, as I do not, that any people group vote as a block that's the CRT, BLM, woke liberal gig. I am saying that there is a growing block in that community that disagree with you and your white liberal racists, and agree with Candice Owens, Thomas Sowell, Ben Carson, Larry Elder, and countless others. That's why they are leaving you. Kinda the point of this thread.
Although an investigation is still gathering the facts about this incident, I’m deeply disturbed by what appears to be racially disparate treatment in this video," Gov. Phil Murphy said.

That's the key point. You don't have facts. You have a lawsuit, something I could press against you tomorrow for any reason. Way too many times, when the facts have come out, it hasn't been nearly the racism that was claimed.

And you cited an incident that has yet to even be clarified. You have yet to answer my question. "In America, a white person can do _________, while a black person cannot." Fill in the blank
And I remember a scene from the Obama years. A cop, simply doing his job, was crucified for racist actions against a black college professor... Until the facts came out. Obama had to try and walk back his hasty judgement without facts, and he looked as racist as he was. Same thing after the police investigation into all the video in Racine WI. And the Trayvon Martin story. And the list goes on. But so long as you are "morally right" you can level half-cocked accusations against a cop and it's okay?

You have yet to name one thing a person of color can't do that white people can't. And you can't. Because people of color from other nations come here and look at the "victim class" in non-white Americans and openly mock them. Can everyone vote, have access to jobs at least on the same plane as others, earn money, walk and live free if they respect the law? Yes. In other words, systemic racism is BS, a false construct by white libs to oppress minorities.
Mine was a simple point yet:

You declined my point as false with no use of evidence.
You accuse me of cancelling black thinkers with no evidence.
Black Americans do not think as a block, to claim otherwise is intellectually deficient.

If you don’t agree with my point refute it with evidence just as fuzzy explained earlier, or perhaps you don’t have any.
And, by the way, what I have said comes from countless people in the black and brown communities. I have posted the evidence again and again. Not going to repost. Go to my threads and comments elsewhere. You have seen and heard, if you listened at all, those voices. Your type is being called out as racist regularly by minorities.
First, at least part of the stats, and least what got through Google's anti-cop filter.

And those are the kinds of numbers that can't be fudged.

And my side does not hold, as I do not, that any people group vote as a block that's the CRT, BLM, woke liberal gig. I am saying that there is a growing block in that community that disagree with you and your white liberal racists, and agree with Candice Owens, Thomas Sowell, Ben Carson, Larry Elder, and countless others. That's why they are leaving you. Kinda the point of this thread.
That table has nothing whatsoever to do with the point I made.

C-, must try harder.
First, at least part of the stats, and least what got through Google's anti-cop filter.
so in the first column , first line white victims 3,499 offenders white 2,845: Black 533: Other 40: Unknown 72
by the totals:

more whites are shot by whites then by blacks....

black victims 2870 white offenders 243: black offenders 2570: others 17: unknown 70

so what i see is whites get shot by whites, in greater numbers than blacks get shot by blacks. more whites get shot then black as well.

as to the've not shown anything

but whats missing???
That table has nothing whatsoever to do with the point I made.

C-, must try harder.
The issue here is the point people like SOWELL make, not your point. You don't get to divert to "but guns are bad" and change the subject. The subject was defined as the cause of the issues. And unless you can say that whites have more access to guns than blacks, which is itself not factual and thus racist, than your point is a moot one. Unless you can point out a reasonable reason why blacks make up around 14% of the population, but black on black crime makes up almost 50% of crimes committed, why the numbers for unwed black mothers and absent black fathers are as astronomical as they are, then you have no point.
The issue here is the point people like SOWELL make, not your point. You don't get to divert to "but guns are bad" and change the subject. The subject was defined as the cause of the issues. And unless you can say that whites have more access to guns than blacks, which is itself not factual and thus racist, than your point is a moot one. Unless you can point out a reasonable reason why blacks make up around 14% of the population, but black on black crime makes up almost 50% of crimes committed, why the numbers for unwed black mothers and absent black fathers are as astronomical as they are, then you have no point.
I'll give you a hint, you won't like it, and will deny it, but it's the reason...systemic racism...
so in the first column , first line white victims 3,499 offenders white 2,845: Black 533: Other 40: Unknown 72

so more whites are shot by whites then by blacks....

black victims 2870 white offenders 243: black offenders 2570: others 17: unknown 70

so what i see is whites get shot by whites, in greater numbers than blacks get shot by blacks. more whites get shot then black as well.

as to the've not shown anything

but whats missing???
Now include the population percentage. Don't conflate numbers with the whole statistic. 14/50.... And again, there are leaders all across the black community crying out against this .. and placing much of the blame on you