Review Objectivity is Elusive These Days

That's an interesting idea. But I believe that the same should be done with the reviews coming from the critics, especially now when we know that many of them are being paid by the studios to give positive reviews to their movies and shows. Big money is at stake here. Movie companies invest hundreds of millions into their projects these days and they certainly won't let some silly thing like impartial criticism tank their movie and make them lose hundreds of millions. ;)
We have to make a distinction here. Real critics don't get paid shit. But there are websites that are made to appear like proper news outlets, which are really just marketing platforms for the entertainment corporations. I'm sure those people get paid handsomely, and their "reviews" absolutely should get vetted.

Once movie posters started using pull quotes from Ain't It Cool? News instead of the Chicago Sun Times, we were in deep, deep trouble.