Carville Alarmed That The Young Are leaving The Democrat Party

I'll give you a hint, you won't like it, and will deny it, but it's the reason...systemic racism...
So you think blacks just don't have what it takes. I'm sure much of the black population thanks you, their white maste... erm.... Savior
So you think blacks just don't have what it takes. I'm sure much of the black population thanks you, their white maste... erm.... Savior
no, systemic racism doesn't mean what you are trying to imply.

how come blacks in Canada fair better on average than their American counter parts? better employment, better wages, live longer, have more stable families, low incarceration rates...why? can you explain this?
And here's the fascinating thing. If you Google assaults against police officers, you know what you mostly get, watered down, outdated stats and then stories about how bad cops are. Which is funny, because those are not the stats being sought, and when the stats first come out they are easily accessible elsewhere than Google, Facebook, and other liberal controlled source. Which means a lot more digging to find actually stats. And since I, unlike some of you socialist welfare cases, have a job to go to, that will take time.
And here's the fascinating thing. If you Google assaults against police officers, you know what you mostly get, watered down, outdated stats and then stories about how bad cops are. Which is funny, because those are not the stats being sought, and when the stats first come out they are easily accessible elsewhere than Google, Facebook, and other liberal controlled source. Which means a lot more digging to find actually stats. And since I, unlike some of you socialist welfare cases, have a job to go to, that will take time.
it's easy but you need to know where to look. But you don't ever look, you just buy into whoever is selling the opinion you want to believe.
no, systemic racism doesn't mean what you are trying to imply.

how come blacks in Canada fair better on average than their American counter parts? better employment, better wages, live longer, have more stable families, low incarceration rates...
Because they are not taught to be wards of the state, are not subsidized to have babies outside of marriage, and fathers stick around. The same as any stable people group no matter their ethnicity. And try that stat, but only include blacks who are not natural born citizens in democrat controlled communities. The numbers change drastically.
Because they are not taught to be wards of the state, are not subsidized to have babies outside of marriage, and fathers stick around. The same as any stable people group no matter their ethnicity. And try that stat, but only include blacks who are not natural born citizens in democrat controlled communities. The numbers change drastically.
lol, no we have more DEI here than you could ever stomach....hell you just called Canada a socialist country
it's easy but you need to know where to look. But you don't ever look, you just buy into whoever is selling the opinion you want to believe.
Yeah. Because the natural result of those specific sets of words, in an unbiased space, produces, "incidents of police brutality" and "defund the police".🙄
Yeah. Because the natural result of those specific sets of words, in an unbiased space, produces, "incidents of police brutality" and "defund the police".🙄
Got nothing to do with the demons in your's your problem, never learning how to learn....did you even graduate highschool?
lol, no we have more DEI here than you could ever stomach....hell you just called Canada a socialist country
But you don't have CRT being crammed down children's throats. And you, by the way, answered your own question in your question. More black families STAY TOGETHER! Fatherlessness is the #1 indicator of future issues from poverty to incarceration. No ethnicity has the power to impose that immoral behavior from an institution. They can encourage it, but it's always about individual choices. You inadvertently made the conservative case for me. Thank you.
Got nothing to do with the demons in your's your problem, never learning how to learn....did you even graduate highschool?
That and read more actual philosophy and thinkers from all sides than apparently you have. Because I am making the case. You quote bumper stickers
Again your side has proven itself racist and pathetic, but then you never fail to do so. Thank you for playing.
The issue here is the point people like SOWELL make, not your point. You don't get to divert to "but guns are bad" and change the subject. The subject was defined as the cause of the issues. And unless you can say that whites have more access to guns than blacks, which is itself not factual and thus racist, than your point is a moot one. Unless you can point out a reasonable reason why blacks make up around 14% of the population, but black on black crime makes up almost 50% of crimes committed, why the numbers for unwed black mothers and absent black fathers are as astronomical as they are, then you have no point.
Stop digging your hole, I responded to a question you asked. The answer was that black people can’t face arrest in the same way white people can.
I didn’t mention sowell or anything else. You knee jerk anti liberalism just can’t resist can it. And one sowell doesn’t make an argument.
no, systemic racism doesn't mean what you are trying to imply.

how come blacks in Canada fair better on average than their American counter parts? better employment, better wages, live longer, have more stable families, low incarceration rates...why? can you explain this?
And, by the way, I question the legitimacy of claiming ANYONE in Canada fares better than Americans. Your healthcare system is a nightmare, your food costs far outpace us, your cost of living is atrocious, your people have had individual liberty stripped away step by step, and all you have is free drugs. How is that "better" for any people group?
But you don't have CRT being crammed down children's throats.
Neither do you.
And you, by the way, answered your own question in your question. More black families STAY TOGETHER!
Why? what is the difference in society...I'll give you a hint, systemic racism....
Fatherlessness is the #1 indicator of future issues from poverty to incarceration.
Why should there be poverty to start with?
No ethnicity has the power to impose that immoral behavior from an institution. They can encourage it, but it's always about individual choices.
Again if the cards are stacked against you, then individual choices don't give the same advantage. IE in Canada, systemic racism is why our indigenous population mimcs that of your black population....
You inadvertently made the conservative case for me. Thank you.
you have no idea of what a Conservative is....*chuckles*
Stop digging your hole, I responded to a question you asked. The answer was that black people can’t face arrest in the same way white people can.
I didn’t mention sowell or anything else. You knee jerk anti liberalism just can’t resist can it. And one sowell doesn’t make an argument.
He has made several arguments on this subject, as has Candice Owens, Larry Elder, Diamond and Silk, MLK, Malcolm X, and many others. You are the one ignoring black voices to impose your white ideas.
Remedy! stop resisting arrest!
Like this man just last week:

“MIAMI (AP) — Deputies responding to a disturbance call at a Florida apartment complex burst into the wrong unit and fatally shot a Black U.S. Air Force airman who was home alone when they saw he was armed with a gun, an attorney for the man’s family said Wednesday.

Senior Airman Roger Fortson, 23, who was based at the Special Operations Wing at Hurlburt Field, was in his off-base apartment in Fort Walton Beach when the shooting happened on May 3.

Civil rights attorney Ben Crump said in a statement that Fortson was on a Facetime call with a woman at the time of the encounter.

According to Crump, the woman, whom Crump didn’t identify, said Fortson was alone in his apartment when he heard a knock at the door. He asked who was there but didn’t get a response. A few minutes later, Fortson heard a louder knock but didn’t see anyone when he looked through the peephole, Crump said, citing the woman’s account.“

No resistance there!
And, by the way, I question the legitimacy of claiming ANYONE in Canada fares better than Americans. Your healthcare system is a nightmare, your food costs far outpace us, your cost of living is atrocious, your people have had individual liberty stripped away step by step, and all you have is free drugs. How is that "better" for any people group?
we live longer, score higher on the happyness score, have lower crime rates, healthcare is equal to US and cheaper to fund, on an after tax/healthcare premiums we have a higher average take home Maybe read our Charter of Rights and freedoms. I'll bet I have more guns than
Neither do you.

Why? what is the difference in society...I'll give you a hint, systemic racism....

Why should there be poverty to start with?

Again if the cards are stacked against you, then individual choices don't give the same advantage. IE in Canada, systemic racism is why our indigenous population mimcs that of your black population....

you have no idea of what a Conservative is....*chuckles*
Yes, CRT is being taught from grade school up in the US. Parents have brought in the books and worksheets to confront school boards and been cancelled as terrorists and racists for it by our own government.

The answer is always the same. Get married, live a moral life. Raise your children right. Stay married. Failure to make those life choices are why poverty. It's really simple and has nothing to do with ethnicity.

And what I just said is the essence of common sense Conservative thought base in classical moral teachings.
Like this man just last week:

“MIAMI (AP) — Deputies responding to a disturbance call at a Florida apartment complex burst into the wrong unit and fatally shot a Black U.S. Air Force airman who was home alone when they saw he was armed with a gun, an attorney for the man’s family said Wednesday.

Senior Airman Roger Fortson, 23, who was based at the Special Operations Wing at Hurlburt Field, was in his off-base apartment in Fort Walton Beach when the shooting happened on May 3.

Civil rights attorney Ben Crump said in a statement that Fortson was on a Facetime call with a woman at the time of the encounter.

According to Crump, the woman, whom Crump didn’t identify, said Fortson was alone in his apartment when he heard a knock at the door. He asked who was there but didn’t get a response. A few minutes later, Fortson heard a louder knock but didn’t see anyone when he looked through the peephole, Crump said, citing the woman’s account.“

No resistance there!
So another incomplete account with no evidence as of yet. Great argument.
we live longer, score higher on the happyness score, have lower crime rates, healthcare is equal to US and cheaper to fund, on an after tax/healthcare premiums we have a higher average take home Maybe read our Charter of Rights and freedoms. I'll bet I have more guns than
Don't tell your government that. You might be listed as a terror threat. As for the rest, pure bs, and I have talked to and listened to enough Canadians who couldn't wait to get out of Canada BECAUSE of the cost of living and terrible healthcare for me to accept a word you say on that.
Yes, CRT is being taught from grade school up in the US.
citation, show me school curriculum of where. also show me why, if it's taught that it is a bad thing?
Parents have brought in the books and worksheets to confront school boards and been cancelled as terrorists and racists for it by our own government.
The answer is always the same. Get married, live a moral life. Raise your children right. Stay married. Failure to make those life choices are why poverty. It's really simple and has nothing to do with ethnicity.
oh god is the
And what I just said is the essence of common sense Conservative thought base in classical moral teachings.
no this is your opinion, what is it by definition.
Don't tell your government that.
tell my government what?
You might be listed as a terror threat.
As for the rest, pure bs, and I have talked to and listened to enough Canadians who couldn't wait to get out of Canada BECAUSE of the cost of living and terrible healthcare for me to accept a word you say on that.
how to say you've never lived in Canada without using those words...have you ever been? Doubtful given your propagandist view of Canada...

btw i have lived in the US, have dozens of relatives who still live there from Georgia to Connecticut to Utah and Minnesota. I'm south of the border the fourth Sunday of every month as a min to meet up with my brother. My grandmother is from Salt Lake City nephew is a Navy vet, who served on the Cole. If I had wanted I could be a US citizen, but no thanks.....