Wanted: Opinion

Jenny _S said:
Ok... I'm back to the age old battle. Does the toilet seat belong up or down.

My position is if I get up in the middle of the night and plop down I could fall in.

His position is if I get up in the middle of the night and he's pissed on the seat in the dark we'll have a fight.

What do you say?

Oh, and while I'm at it... Toilet paper: over or under?

I say, in my house there are two girls and 4 boys. I just yell and scream all the time. And if the toilet paper ever stayed on the roll thingy, I think I would faint. :)

However, I admit that in the last 2 years I have not fallen in the toilet. I am not sure if it is because I always look or if they are remembering more often.

I think they should just remember to lift it and put it back down. But, I also think that men just really can't remember anything like that unless you bribe them or yell all the time. :) My opinion.
Re: Re: There's nothing I like better than a clean bathroom..

rhinoguy said:
Might have guessed such a beautiful torso would be high maintainance. (poke poke). In our house.......comes from previous generation, bohemian lifestyle and conservation.....we follow the addage: "if it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down." There are 3 girls and myself. We only follow this upstairs...and NOT if we have guests. There is a subjective limit...if it is gross-smell, visual or getting too much TP...out with it. Othere than that I'd say we are pretty Hygenic.

rhino-must be a viking (the Dutch kind)


Jenny _S said:
Ok... I'm back to the age old battle. Does the toilet seat belong up or down.

Toilet seat and lid down. That way both sexes have to lift something and i don't have to put up with anyone whining.

If i bothered with roll holders, and didn't just leave it on the shelf by the toilet, i'd say over the top. Otherwise, you're just spinning the damn thing around half the time.
Re: Re: Re: There's nothing I like better than a clean bathroom..

Seat down, lid down, roll over.

Does that sound a bit kinky to anyone else, or is it just me? :p

Seat down and torilet paper over Thats all I have to contribute to this subject :D
Tatelou said:
Does that sound a bit kinky to anyone else, or is it just me? :p
Of course it sounds kinky, Loulou. You can make anything sound kinky. :p

Perdita :kiss:
Seat and lid down... I just read something yesterday about the many germs that are spewed through the air if you flush while the lid is up..... yuck.
And toilet paper over the top.
DirtyJJ said:
Seat and lid down... I just read something yesterday about the many germs that are spewed through the air if you flush while the lid is up..... yuck.
And toilet paper over the top.

That would be the ecoli bacteria, I believe.

Gentlemen!!! If SHE says that this is the way SHE wants it, who are we to argue? And dare we? I hate it when I get 'cut off' because I left the lid up one night, quite innocently, I assure you.

Ladies!!! Why even ask? Don't you all have THE POWER?

Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. I have failed to lift when I should have and failed to have put down when I should have. It all comes from a dysfunctional childhood. There was the aunt that insisted lid and seat be ALWAYS up because the 'stops' wear out the seat faster if it is left down. I have no sisters, so was only acquainted with THE PROBLEM at a very advanced age.

Please, Father, help me to understand where this is among the Seven Deadly Sins and help me to understand why I get into such deep caca evertime I fail.

Oh, that's right, Father . . . You don't understand either. It's one of the reasons you took a vow of celibacy and live in a male only house.
If you ask him pretily, he might well do you the favor
of leaving it the way you ask. If you try to establish
that your way is "the right way," he'll be sure to cite
his buddies to say that his way is "the right way."
The question is "what do you want?"
If you want the toilet seat down, ask him prettily as a
favor. If you want to feel put-upon, find citations --
and there are plenty of citations on both sides -- in your
I know I haven't said much here lately...

I've mostly been lurking around, and mostly at another site. But I just had to answer to this Post. Years ago when we bought our home I had a urinal installed in the upstairs bathroom. My wife, and I never argue about the seat of the toilet because if anyone uses the toilet then they would be sitting down reguardless of their sex. Now here's the funny part. Only six months after we'd moved into our home she started grauching that if I could put a urinal in the bathroom why didn't I also have the plumber put in a bidet?

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man

Toilet roll goes on the way the last person who changed it wants it.