Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

Wat would never dream of dressing the cats.

Or even dressing them down.

I know a woman who has 6 dogs, and she will dress them and pose them and take their/there/they're picture for various holidays. She's the boss, and they do it. Cats will/would have np parts of that around this place.

When you absolutely positively have to shoot Fascists Over There:

Dogs submitted totally to become domesticated, to get regularly fed and a place near the fire.

Cats merely came inside.

Mine drink water. One plays in it when it suits her. All of them drink water and go through it at a rate comparable to dogs of similar size.

They will not, however, hold still or submit to a bath.
PS – even the snake drinks water.

It's funny because guys are used to seeing it go out the other way...
Hush, or I'll start posting gasser pictures.

Fundamentally, I don't trust the incoming administration. I don't trust - at all - the outgoing administration to do more than kvetch-n-whine-n-undermine. Nothing that would even sound solution oriented, much less look that way. They're behaving like spoiled children who didn't get what they wanted, and they're(/their/there) forecasting Doom-N-Gloom. Hell, we survived 8 years of Reagan when they promised WW3, and Trump One when they promised Global Economic Collapse, yest we're still here. How the fuck does that happen. Yeah, they prognosticate few shit. Ray Charles has a better view of things than they do, and he's dead, too.

Until the Dems can start with some kind of program that has a positive approach, quit the projections of Heel On Earth, and create a Program that is Attractive to People - all people - then they'll keep with these horseshit cycles where, oh-hai-we-won-this-one and then they get a backlash they can't cope with or respond to rationally.

There's a High Road out there. Find it. Take it. It's probably Less Travelled . . . .
We don't need one more fucking administration. We need leadership. We get patches, lamely sewn, when we need results. We need vision and we get myopia. And somehow we had shit in 1913 before they started systematically robbing the populace.

Buy Precious Metals. Copper-jacketed Lead is a good place to start investing . . . .
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That's because we have a political class like these asses here who confuse being a character with having character. They have no more morals than a brigand or a whore or any other gutter dweller. Frankly, they need to be disposed of promptly and without regret.
A politician is somebody with nothing better to do than mind somebody else's business.

Or so I've heard variations of...
They're/their/there alive simply because it's illegal to kill them.

They talk about the revolution . . . in a revolting manner.

It's more like the playoffs . . . .
Maybe that should be a future of all future elections.

Loser gets the "figurative" death penalty.

Back to work. Earn your living.
May she see her second century.

May we all live (Lazarus) Long and prosper! Or prosper in the very least. Not fester...