Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

That'll drain a bank account faster'n the IRS ever could.

Of course, pussy catches.

The IRS pitches . . .

and loves it some buttsecks . . . .
The most unfair organization ever created in the name of fairness short of the South African debacle..
Gulags did get a lot of Public Worx projects accomplished, like hand-digging canals that were too little for boats of the time.

They did scoop out a lovely subway system, however, which is why Moskva has the world's goodest bomb shelter.
Gulags were correctional...

As in, whoops, we corrected our propaganda mistakes. Seems some people cannot read for comprehension.

Well. We told them. Then we simply had to reeducate them. Maybe the second time, they get lesson. Nyet???
Gulags were to correct counter-revolutionary activity and thinking. Comply or die.

Not too complex.

I added chips to the list for you. Off to buy food - over-priced Bidenomics food, the wretched motherfucker.

Kamala could be a'fixin' that right now as part of her 2028 campaign.
I have enough racket around the house what I don't needs no extra noise, white or otherwise.

I forgot the chips . . .

on purpose . . . .

I already had refried beans.
I'ma make breakfast burritos.

Mom's gonna fix it up soon . . . flush it all away . . . .

I am off to feast on a breakfast book in a cozy nook.

Not wintery enough for a fire yet.

Maybe January...
I'ma make breakfast burritos.

Mom's gonna fix it up soon . . . flush it all away . . . .

I've been craving oatmeal. With cinnamon and raisins.

Fucking rain. Doesn't it know this is Southern California?

Getting ready here to watch the beginning of the Sandbag Olympics in a couple of months.
Maybe Thursday. Maybe.

We had our first November day on Friday. The only thing missing was rain. At least, it's what my experience tells me is November.

Groceries are put away. Brunchnits are out and ready to be combined into Taste Treats.

S&W is advertising that they have been "empowering Americans for 170 years." Okay.
Maynard is a dreamer. I don't take away points for that.

He dreams in psychotic colors.

The guy's very smart, but not very intelligent. He was telling Bill Maher about how 150 years ago everyone was saying that Neanderthals were considered "less evolved." Then science found out that those ancestors of ours who migrated to Europe have Neanderthal genes but those who remained in Africa don't. Suddenly, he says, Neanderthals aren't "less evolved" they're "cool." And he does it in a way which makes it seems as if modern Homo Sapiens whose ancestors are 100% African are "more pure" than those of us who have Neanderthal genes.

The guys a mental case with a college degree who thinks his name recognition means his shit don't stink.
He dreams in psychotic colors.

The guy's very smart, but not very intelligent. He was telling Bill Maher about how 150 years ago everyone was saying that Neanderthals were considered "less evolved." Then science found out that those ancestors of ours who migrated to Europe have Neanderthal genes but those who remained in Africa don't. Suddenly, he says, Neanderthals aren't "less evolved" they're "cool." And he does it in a way which makes it seems as if modern Homo Sapiens whose ancestors are 100% African are "more pure" than those of us who have Neanderthal genes.

The guys a mental case with a college degree who thinks his name recognition means his shit don't stink.

I've only heard his songs. I don't want to hear him speak. That shit sounds like something that the SS would have come up with on Race Theory Week.