Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

If she were dim as a Litster, she wouldn't have boldly gone where her curiosity took her.

Obviously, she rejects Teh Narrative.

Okay. You got the adults' attention. But we're talking about substantial matters.

Go outside with PooPoo PeePee and wait for your Milk-Bone (TM).

( O O )
Rrrrowww! Cat fight at Wat's pussy compound!

AJ better not vie for so much of Wat's attention now that the Vanguard de la Revolucion has arrived.
Yesterday, I opened a pack of heel pads and put one in the left of this pair of shoes. Today when I went to put them on, the heel pad was missing.

I have been taxed unfairly!!!

The pad man cometh and he taketh away according to his mysterious, taxing, plans.

FairTax.org indeed. A pad in every heel!
Actually, one of the cats is the likely culprit, but like most conspiracies, s/he had he'p.

Apparently, the pasty soft bones of one of our Lit libturds break quite easily. Or maybe they just kind of come to pieces. Anyway, the whole story is quite sad.

Oh wait, no, it isn't sad at all.

The recoil from this Fascist Killer would mash them to paste:

I cannot imagine this generation of sag-busted pants wetters fighting, much less winning, a major shitstorm like WW2.

My world is where I am. My people is/are the people who are here. My family is whom I choose and who chooses me. Nothing is forever, so be present!!!

The most important way to resist a rising authoritarian regime is not to “obey in advance”—that is, changing our behavior in ways we think might conform to the demands of the new ruling group. That’s good advice, but I might add a corollary here: People should not panic and exhaust themselves in advance, either.

Another day in the books, and another day where the body count = 0

How do that happen???

Over and over, even???

Helps it hold the corners that it's/its tearing through at awesome tastes of very high speed . . .

as it does a Thelma-N-Louise imitation.