Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

Isn't the triangle bayonet prohibited under the Geneva Convention?

( O O )

They may well be. The ComBloc bayonets I have are cruciform. They produce a similar would with similar problems to staunch. At least, so it appears. I haven't tested them.
I hadn't had the Back East city place for long and I remember discovering that we had raccoons. It has snowed. I went out to toss some trash into the yard-and-a-half bin and saw little looked-like-handprints in the snow around the bin, so I reckon they tried to get in, or at least thought about it. Little grabby hands and little bandit faces. Got possums, too, and bunnies, and I've even seen a few deer. They come to town along the river bottom and then follow the creek beds to the house areas. Tree rats are everywhere - not many predators.

Twarn't killt during the night. Damn defective firearms.
The Mountain West Championship is Saturday.

I wonder how many women-to-men will be on the gridiron?
I have seen damned few bears over this way. I don't wanna have to get a hot rod .45-70 Gummint for big medicine for them, but I will if needed.

10mm is better to open for a sidearm . . . .
A guy I used to work with had a couple of cubs come up on his front porch. They followed the dog. He went out to shoo them away.

Yeah . . . oh Hell no.

He let the dog in and there was no food, so the cubs left.

I told him he needed a bear cub Chili recipe.
It was in the mountains and those were likely Berry Bears. I hear that they taste gooder'n Fishing Bears.

A raccoon without ambition.

'Coons steal.

Not root for garbage...
Applying Shitpsychotica Mediocrita standards of bullshit pseudoknowledge to a common phenomenon like raccoon foraging is less dangerous, but stupider, than mouthing off ignorantly about the lives of transwomen.

Everyone knows what raccoons do. You can't reinvent them the way you try to do with trans. The gifts of Shitpsychotica Mediocrita are moot.

They're definitely smarter than you.

( O O )