Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!


I studied the Mongolian skirmishes of 1939 pretty well in college.and at CIA.

Was mainly interested in the bios of Vasili Blyukher and Grigory Shtern, old Bolshevik warriors dead in the purges, Shtern served well in Spain.

I believe Zhukov was influenced by them.

The Russ mil purges haunt me.

Tukhachevsky's role in the book ARMED INSURRECTION fascinates.

The Red general staff in 1936 was a wonder.

Am convinced that only Joe's purges made the Holocaust happen.

Stalin's destruction of the Red officers was unique in history. No other ruler wiped out the nation's best mil talent in the face of so great a threat.

Zhukov was Trotsky's revenge.

Still, Clio's a mean cunt... a term i use only for her. Trotsky noted that had a revolutionary Soviet campaign in WEur succeeded, it would doubtless have led to war with us.

In which case...

Final Blackout: Victory Redefined: The Alternate End of WWII https://a.co/d/3LbflPX

I'da stood with Her:

Barry G: "you don’t need to be straight to fight and die for your country. You just need to shoot straight.”

( O O )

I think that Joe believe his own bullshit. That seems to happen when you're under the spell of thinking that you're the smartest person in the room. I'll give Joe being the meanest sneaky bastard in the room. Backstabbing motherfucker. We may get to see some of the same here in the next few years, or something similar.

Straight really does matter when shooting, this is true.
PooPoo PeePee,

Police officers don't spend time listening to the ramblings of random callers.

Any more than you have children... except in the sense of raping and killing them.

"He admits you have some serious issues."

What a dumb homosexual you are. If any law enforcement anywhere took your guff seriously they wouldn't use fairy passive aggressive lingo like you silly twats use. They'd be at my door. They're not. I'll see them tomorrow. The FBI knows about you.

You must be incredibly ugly, clumsy, obese and stupid. Like incels in general.

You're terrified. Your act is unraveling. You need a 5150 exam. Don't yap about a police official thousands of miles away. Turn yourself in and appeal for mercy.

Though like this puke you don't deserve it.

( O O )
Sorry big gay stevey the hut, my words are the truth.
I have nothing to be scared of you silly cross dressing faggot.
PooPoo PeePee,

If i had a diaper i would save it for you to suck on like your syphilitic mom says you used to do.

Nobody believes a word you post here, chud.

You know nothing about law enforcement, guns, or sex here in America. You're a closeted homosexual or an undesired female.

SFPD Chief Scott doesn't take crank calls. No police officer anywhere humors raggedy assed street people like you.

I deal with SFPD daily in my work for Coppola's people. Lots of movie people get out of hand and go to jail. I get thrm out. When i can.

You're thousands of miles away. By your own admission.

You've also declared insistently that this is all bullshit and that you do it out of envy.

You also rant that everything here has to be imaginary.

You getting laid, producing offspring, talking to police, or buying firearms imaginary.

I'm not.

So i see this from you about a knife threat.

Wow! Massive snowflake alert!

And online!

No police anywhere care about online threats to a homeless imbecile.

And threats about knives, even IRL, only produce a misdemeanor charge.

Go to the FBI rep at the USEmb in the Uk. Complain. They need a laugh.

You won't. You can't. You're a chud.

Who knew there are gay incels like you? And gay chuds like you?

Even among the chuds, you"re a dud, bud.

Keep it up. Sooner or later i can sell this stuff.

( O O )
You seem upset, Steve. Need a diaper change, old man?
Why would I go to the FBI in the UK, dumb shit? I contact them directly via their website. They take your threats to my children very seriously.
FAFO, Jabba the Steve. :)
In Zorba the Greek, Nikos Kazantzakis describes and encounter between his principal character and an old man busily at work planting a tree. "What is it you are doing?" Zorba asks. The old man replies: "You can see very well what I'm doing, my son, I'm planting a tree." "But why plant a tree," Zorba asks, "if you won't be able to see it bear fruit?" And the old man answers: "I, my son, live as though I was never going to die." The response brings a faint smile to Zorba's lips and, as he walks away, he exclaims with a note of irony: "How strange---I live as though I were going to die tomorrow!"
The problem with Teh Narrative??? No matter how many times it is repeated, no matter how shrilly or loudly or emphatically. It will never, ever, the The Truth.

I'm left in a quandary about all of these accusations of insurrection, civil war, shooting up institutions and so on. The "snap," whateverthefuck that is. I mean, beyond the figment of some thunderpussy's over-active imagination because his/her/its fear runs rampant. Everyone I know is quite content to mind his/her business and go about their lives. If you're on high ground, then you don't give a damn if the levee breaks. Pity that swamp dwellers don't get that, because it's quite a simple concept, really.

And if you're right with Allah, absolutely none of this shitshow matters one iota.

~ Wat_Tyler

Those old fuckers coming for me in post #5189 are threatening me.

Ah mite be skeert.

Hmmm, naw . . . .

Twarn't killt overnight neither. How did that (not) happen???
Fucking trigger discipline, and fucking triggered Disciples of St000pid . . . .

Well fuck me to tears, my images just aren't loading.

Maybe I should post iSmart PiKKK-tures...
If you didn't have that fancy p000ter of yours and just had a white trash model like your lessers.

I broke down and bought a fucking iPad yesterday. I'll need it for this new assignment. Well, not need. It'll make my life a bit simpler.
I had an iPad once. I gave it away. Same with the MacBook Air.

Do not trust the cloud. Like money in a bank.

Banks have solid sterling solvency.


I'm spending the meantime loading my magazines and putting razor edges on my knives.