Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

One more thing about Rudel. During a chat he had with government muckety-mucks, the idea of what cannons to install on future tank buster planes was batted around. The standard armament he had was a pair of 37mm anit-tank guns.


He was asked what he thought of having four 30mm guns. He must have ruminated on that for awhile, because when Fairchild Republic asked him . . . .

I stood at the place where the shots were fired at least 100 times in 37 years of involvement with ex-Yugo.

Nobody forgets there.

The museum and street names are controversial.

"Princip's Bridge," half a block from the site, regained its pre-1945 name, the Latin Bridge."

( O O )
A better world will still be based on capitalism, which even Lenin, as well as the Spanish anarchists, recognized as the only workable economic system.

But most humans would prefer life in Amsterdam or Barcelona over most other places. Those two cities invented capitalism.

( O O )
I stood at the place where the shots were fired at least 100 times in 37 years of involvement with ex-Yugo.

Nobody forgets there.

The museum and street names are controversial.

"Princip's Bridge," half a block from the site, regained its pre-1945 name, the Latin Bridge."

( O O )

I knew you'd know the headgear and the cast of characters. Allegedly, the license plate number on the car was A111-118. Written another way, that's 11/11/18 - Armistice Day. I don't believe it. There weren't all that many cars in 1914, and most licensing sequences begin at or very close to 1, and I would be willing to bet that there might well not have been 100,000 in the empire at the time. Just a hunch.

I have mixed feelings about Gavrilo.
A better world will still be based on capitalism, which even Lenin, as well as the Spanish anarchists, recognized as the only workable economic system.

But most humans would prefer life in Amsterdam or Barcelona over most other places. Those two cities invented capitalism.

( O O )

What I understand and based on my experience, I agree with capitalism. It's the governing process that seems to fuck up the works. The power consolidation she's on about is the issue.
I am an exhibitionist. I dance nude. I have had some minor trouble about having sex openly in parks. I like visceral sex with an audience. I see it as revolutionary.

You seem to be the only chud in the world who missed the memo: this is My City. People like me rule here.

My sucking my own nipples with my huge hooters out on a park bench after giving myself a blow job on the street is not a law enforcement problem in San Francisco or in Cali generally. It may be in Sierra Vista, AZ. In My City the only react is to ask if it's a yoga posture.

People seeing BTB play publically with a max butt plug while putting lipstick on my anal vaj lips (using a mirror) and shoving gouts of THC lube into my crack may be shocked if they just got here from Coconino County. Via Greyhound.

My terrorism was and is strategic and tactical. I get away with it every time. And i am candid about it.

Yes, you should have no trouble at all getting a concealed carry permit for a firearm.

After all, when you're a star, you can do anything you want, amirite? You can openly have sex in public parks or on the street and conduct strategic terrorism, because you're a published author who knows Noam Chomsky.

Parents will simply tell their kids, "That strategic terrorist is having revolutionary public sex, but it's OK because the cops cut her slack because of her Wiki page".

Yup, law enforcement will definitely approve of you keeping a loaded pistol under your skirt.

I just can't understand why it has taken over six months?
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I knew you'd know the headgear and the cast of characters. Allegedly, the license plate number on the car was A111-118. Written another way, that's 11/11/18 - Armistice Day. I don't believe it. There weren't all that many cars in 1914, and most licensing sequences begin at or very close to 1, and I would be willing to bet that there might well not have been 100,000 in the empire at the time. Just a hunch.

I have mixed feelings about Gavrilo.
Dunno about license #s but it was an official car.

Gav's act has many curious aapects. The Mlada Bosna conspiracy included a Bos Muslim. Not the last such traitor.

It was financed and controllrd by Belgrade through the Black Hand.

One member, Vaso Čubrilović lived to 1990. In 1937 he delivered a speech calling for the expulsion of the Albanian (overwhelming) majority in Kosova, specifically citing indifference to AH v. Jews, and, like the Nazis, ditto re Greek & Turkish mass atrocities.

The best book on the matter is biased in favor of the Serbs but is useful:

The Road to Sarajevo https://a.co/d/jiSJPDr

Best overall is by a v. proud Croat:

The National Question in Yugoslavia: Origins, History, Politics https://a.co/d/1EN3y99

The point of killing FF was this:

Constitutionally, Croatia was a kingdom.

FF thought that if its monarchy were restored in a three-part arrangement with Austria and Hungary, a Habsburg Croatia would become the dominant South Slav econ power, drawing the restive Serbs into modernity.

Croats wanted South Slav unity in Yugo. Serbs wanted Greater Serbia.

I had difficulties at State over knowing too much about this. Expertise and gummint don't necessarily work well together.

BTW it seemd bro. Livelsberger expressed regret over things he did in the U.S. military.

I have regrets over straying away from my vocation as a poet. But otherwise, none.

( O O )

In 1963, British Army armorers put one Vickers gun through probably the most strenuous test ever given to an individual gun. The base had a stockpile of approximately 5 million rounds ammunition which was no longer approved for military use. They took a newly rebuilt Vickers gun, and proceeded to fire the entire stock of ammo through it over the course of seven days. They worked in pairs, switching over at 30 minute intervals, with a third man shoveling away spent brass. The gun was fired in 250-round solid bursts, and the worn out barrels were changed every hour and a half. At the end of the five million rounds, the gun was taken back into the shop for inspection. It was found to be within service specification in every dimension.

Now that’s reliability for you.
Reliability is subjective, some say. Did it kill anybody with those 5m rounds?;) If not, please let me know how you know it's reliable.:rolleyes: Just saying... It's like a Lit poster who knows the theoretical talk but has never made the walk through the literary minefields. :whistle: Or a political poster who doesn't come here to read porn... well, maybe that person is a topic for another discussion.

Why didn't they give that ammo to the citizens if they no longer had a use for it? Could have used it hunting–whatever the English hunt besides foxes. Guess they don't eat those... so why do they hunt them? Sport?
Yes, you should have no trouble at all getting a concealed carry permit for a firearm.

After all, when you're a star, you can do anything you want, amirite? You can openly have sex in public parks or on the street and conduct strategic terrorism, because you're a published author who knows Noam Chomsky.

Parents will simply tell their kids, "That strategic terrorist is having revolutionary public sex, but it's OK because the cops cut her slack because of her Wiki page".

Yup, law enforcement will definitely approve of you keeping a loaded pistol under your skirt.

I just can't understand why it has taken over six months?
You are an ignorant bluffer who vomits up verbiage of no significance to anybody, a child who hurls feces in the manner of a very stupid chimpanzee.

I have discussed all this in detail here. You are a nasty little narcissist who can't deal with someone successful.

I have made it clear that i don't do public sex that might be viewed by a child, after a conversation with a close friend in the sex industry.

Your fantasies about me, My City, and reactions to me are inept. You simply have no idea how things work here or elsewhere.

You think public sex is some gigantic novelty, you stupid baboon? It happens everywhere. For decades teenagers had sex in cars. Being an incel, youlda missed that. Gay men meet up and have sex in parks. Being a gay incel as you are, ditto. At the Folsom Street Fair each year in San Francisco hundreds if not thousands of men have every kind of homo sex with a huge audience.

The police don't care.

You live in a concealed carry state and have no comprehension at all of how these matters are adjudicated in Cali. The process wasn't created by you. It's rational and requires more than a phone call.

How on earth are you competent to judge any aspect of this? And why should i imagine owing you any explanation or accounting of my life?

I carry weapons in my purse and coat, fuckwad. Unlike you i know what I'm doing.

Have you ever even gotten a traffic ticket? How do you know anything about law enforcement?

SFPD protects me because:

1. I am local and respected.

2. I was a fair and ethical reporter on crime for 10 years.

3. I am a leader of a minority community.

Jerking off is fun. Jerking off about the law is 3rd grade. Let me know when you get the GED.

You cover for Poo Poo Pee Pee because he's your alt. Poo Poo Pee Pee claims he talks to the SF police chief. You claim to.know all about CCWs.

Same incel bullshit.

( O O )
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And why should i imagine owing you any explanation or accounting of my life?

( O O )
^^^Very good question.

Lit has an ignore function if you do not want to read my observations of your own statements about being a terrorist, and also your statements about having sex in public parks and streets to satisfy your self-admitted exhibitionism.

And if you don't want people to comment on your behaviors, don't post about them on a public forum. Exhibitionism in the public sphere may have consequences.
Anyone who, even for a second, feels a pure, clear confidence on hearing the truth will experience immeasurable happiness. Why? Because, at that moment, that person is not caught up in the concept of a self or a living being or a life span. He is not caught up in concepts about the world, nor is he caught up in concepts about nothingness. He does not take any notice of the idea that this is a sign, or this or that is not a sign.

For if you are caught up in ideas, then you will be caught up in the self. And even if you are caught up in ideas about nothingness, you will still be caught up in the self. That's why we should not get attached to the belief that things either exist or do not exist. This is the hidden meaning when I say that my teachings are a raft to be abandoned when you see true being.

~ Diamond Sutra
A person with an IQ four standard deviations above the mean was an American electrical engineer named Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim. Maxim was an electrical engineer working for Thomas Edison. Maxim laid claim to inventing the lightbulb. It is possible that Maxim actually designed the lightbulb. Edison decided he did not want Maxim around any longer. Edison could not fire Maxim because he would only have to walk across the street and work for Westinghouse. Edison figured out how to legally banish Maxim from America and end his work in electricity. Maxim was paid $20,000 a year to go to Europe and agree to never touch anything to do with electricity again. $20,000 in 1890 would be equivalent of $643,000 today.

Maxim was one of the greatest geniuses of all time. Maxim held patents on numerous mechanical devices such as hair-curling irons, a mousetrap, and steam pumps. At the Paris Exhibition in 1881, a man told Maxim that if he wanted to make a fortune, he should invent a machine that would help these Europeans kill each other. Maxim had and idea of building a weapon that would keep firing as long as you pulled the trigger. Maxim perfected the design and sold a patent to England and to Germany. Maxim sold his machine gun patents to European countries on the eve of World War I, changing the nature of combat. The Maxim gun was used by both sides during WWI and millions died from being shot with Maxim guns. This caused trench warfare which caused its own problems.

I just saw an ad for "rare European AK mags," whatever that means. Bakelite Soviet mags from Tula, is said. Surplus used in very good condition, it said. Ninety-nine dollars 'Murrikan a piece, it said. You gotta be shittin' me, Wat said. I deleted that bullshit. Besides, for what I shoot it, I think I have plenty of AK mags as it is.