Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

I laugh at the idiots who own nothing but sports fan clothing. They have no self identity at all but every single one of them thinks they're clued up.

I missed this. I wear some HfD stuff, but that's a Thing.

You know, like if you have to ask, you won't understand kind of Thing.

Of course, I have two bikes and ride quite often, so there's that.

Otherwise, oh Hell no.

I'm sorry your gay daddy looks so decrepit, Dahmer.

Fact: I referred to the "revolutionary" from who you plagiarized your Alice meme as follows, under oath, in court:

I said i had emailed everybody on my list promising that people would see him on the street and say "see that pubic hair in the wheelchair? He messed with [BTB]."

That was in court.

And after that:

You lose, doof.

( O O )
Three wise choices.

A failure of which that may be the motivation behind the wolf's efforts to blow their houses down. I know it would be mine.

Wat has declared war on unwanted canines.

He hasn't gone so far as to issue a fatwa, but that's still on the table.

So the baby goats won you over?

The babies haven't arrived yet. She's big as a house, I'm told.

I'll likely wander up there next week. Maybe they'll arrive and can get good names like Car Crash, House Fire, and Delirium.

If there are enough, I may name one Glowball Warming in hono(u)r of Bb and all of his hijinx.
The babies haven't arrived yet. She's big as a house, I'm told.

I'll likely wander up there next week. Maybe they'll arrive and can get good names like Car Crash, House Fire, and Delirium.

If there are enough, I may name one Glowball Warming in hono(u)r of Bb and all of his hijinx.

Hijinx would be a good name for a goat.

Your pimp knows how to dress. Does he cum in your mouth?

BTW, the law enforcement folks now on this site have no time to read in. We'ee busting criminals and hoping that, like you, they'll be prosecuted to the max.

They explain your nicknames as follows:

RoryBabytalk = Baby = Underage ho.

TrashPanda = Trashy =

You = Poopy = Obvious.

You lose, tubby.

( O O )