Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

In an undated video clip that has now gone viral on social media, Malcolm X can be heard warning fellow black Americans to be wary of the sinister intentions of the ‘liberals.’ A human rights activist and the spokesperson of the Nation of Islam, he was a prominent figure in the United States’ Civil Rights Movement.

He said, “There are many whites who are trying to solve the problem. But, you never see them going under the label of liberals.” Malcolm highlighted that the White American who identifies as a liberal is the most ‘dangerous’ and ‘deceitful’ thing in the Western Hemisphere.

The Human Rights activist further compares a liberal to a fox, which unlike the wolf, deceits its prey. In other words, Malcolm X suggested that the ‘liberals’ who claim to be the ones fighting for the rights of black Americans is in fact exploiting them for their own benefits.

It's time for some new coin designs. The dime dates to 1946 (FDR), the quarter dates to 1932 (George I), the nickel to 1938 (TJ), and the cent to 1909 ("Honest" Abe). Maybe when Dixiecrat punkass Clinton dies . . . .

Still breathing after all these hours . . . .

How pissed off and disappointed are they (we know who they is) that the shooter wasn't using their favorite whipping boy: the AK/AR?

Now that you eliminate the gun doing the shooting, what's left is mental health (a clear and present danger to many of the beautiful people on the Left).
It's the beautiful people who are the clear and present danger to me and my community, its mores and customs (and memes, [obligatory] oh my!).

It's the beautiful people who are the clear and present danger to me and my community, its mores and customs (and memes, [obligatory] oh my!).


I live near them now, and I am humping it to get out of here.

Of course, there will be those annoying Amish skid marks in the roads, but they seem to biodegrade.

I wonder of some of the beatiful people realing that there is soil beneath their beloved pavement.

Forced reset triggers and bump stocks exist to make the tacticool idjits waste their money.

Shooting is, I think, meant to be a precision thing. Especially if you're the one buying the ammo. Hell, I could get into spray-n-pray, too, if the former Soviet Union were sending me a boxcar of ammo every month.

Trivia: Clyde Barrow was all about robbing National Guard armories to acquire specimens of his favorite firearm: the BAR. And food for it/them, too.

It's Glow Ball Warning!

I was buzzed by a flock of Canadian geese.

They were heading north in a hurry. Maybe South America is on fire...

I'll ask Hank Johnson.
I think that they prefer to be called Canada geese. Truth is, they are the original Illegal Aliens. No green cards, no paperwork, relying on the largess of regular 'Murrikans, breed like rats (so the swamp rats will have plenty to eat - gosling is gooood), and generally hostile to humans. Let them fly north.

