Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

It's the beautiful people who are the clear and present danger to me and my community, its mores and customs (and memes, [obligatory] oh my!).

If you were honest, which is a concept that has eluded you your entire life, you'd admit that the biggest "clear and present danger" to you is anyone with the temerity to disagree with you.

Disagreeing with you, I seem to recall, was a prime example of your "ad hominem by class" logical fallacy you did your master's thesis on.
I think that they prefer to be called Canada geese. Truth is, they are the original Illegal Aliens. No green cards, no paperwork, relying on the largess of regular 'Murrikans, breed like rats (so the swamp rats will have plenty to eat - gosling is gooood), and generally hostile to humans. Let them fly north.



I have a trash barrel just like that, ventilated the same way.
An oldie but goodie:

Life is dangerous by definition. Walking out the door in the morning can be harrowing. There is no guarantee that you’ll be home for supper. One has to pay attention. There seems to be some kind of mistaken notion that all should be safe as being in momma’s arms. No true, not possible, cannot happen.

Let’s see, and just to be clear as an azure sky, Dangerous Things can successfully be navigated in Life by Sentient Beings. Focus, Plan, and Execute.

1: I shoot guns. As recently as last week. I have shot many types for half a century. I have never shot myself, a member of my family, or someone else. Anyone else. Ever.

2: I own several firearms. Save for the war relics, mine have never shot me, a family member, or anyone else. Ever. I reckon that they are defective then.

3: I ride motorcycles and occasionally visit a biker bar or three, with and without firearms. I have never had to use one, never had one used on me, and I have 28/32 teeth and a pristine factory original nose. The bike, the people, and the weapons have never harmed me, nor I them. Ever.

4: I drive automobiles, many miles per year, especially on wet pavement (a feat not possible for some lit weasels). I also drive successfully and safely on ice and snow. No deaths, one injury (quite non-fatal) and one trashed car. Ever.

5: I own and operate numerous power tools. For example, I used a chain saw to prune many tree limbs just last week. No deaths, no maimings, no blood. I own and regularly use circular saws, reciprocating saws, grinders, routers - all sorts of power stuff. Still have two eyes and 10 fingers, and all of that is, like firearms safety, 100% by design. I can drive nails by hand without hitting myself on the thumb with the hammer. I can take a pile of lumber and a connex full of supplies and build a house from the ground to the ridgeline. I have rebuilt engines. In fact, I can do damned near anything that I want to just from reading the directions, and there’s a whole lotta shit I ain’t need no stinkin’ directions for.

Oh yeah, and I can drive a stick. Three on the tree, four (or 5 or 6) on the floor, 5 or 6 on the pedal, two sticks in the old road tractors and the Road Rangers, too. Fuck an automatic. I can also hand crank those vehicles so provided.

It’s doubtful whether half the posters here could hang a picture on a wall with a hammer and nail from scratch. Folks need work, so I reckon that there are people to hire.

An oldie but goodie:

Life is dangerous by definition. Walking out the door in the morning can be harrowing. There is no guarantee that you’ll be home for supper. One has to pay attention. There seems to be some kind of mistaken notion that all should be safe as being in momma’s arms. No true, not possible, cannot happen.

Let’s see, and just to be clear as an azure sky, Dangerous Things can successfully be navigated in Life by Sentient Beings. Focus, Plan, and Execute.

1: I shoot guns. As recently as last week. I have shot many types for half a century. I have never shot myself, a member of my family, or someone else. Anyone else. Ever.

2: I own several firearms. Save for the war relics, mine have never shot me, a family member, or anyone else. Ever. I reckon that they are defective then.

3: I ride motorcycles and occasionally visit a biker bar or three, with and without firearms. I have never had to use one, never had one used on me, and I have 28/32 teeth and a pristine factory original nose. The bike, the people, and the weapons have never harmed me, nor I them. Ever.

4: I drive automobiles, many miles per year, especially on wet pavement (a feat not possible for some lit weasels). I also drive successfully and safely on ice and snow. No deaths, one injury (quite non-fatal) and one trashed car. Ever.

5: I own and operate numerous power tools. For example, I used a chain saw to prune many tree limbs just last week. No deaths, no maimings, no blood. I own and regularly use circular saws, reciprocating saws, grinders, routers - all sorts of power stuff. Still have two eyes and 10 fingers, and all of that is, like firearms safety, 100% by design. I can drive nails by hand without hitting myself on the thumb with the hammer. I can take a pile of lumber and a connex full of supplies and build a house from the ground to the ridgeline. I have rebuilt engines. In fact, I can do damned near anything that I want to just from reading the directions, and there’s a whole lotta shit I ain’t need no stinkin’ directions for.

Oh yeah, and I can drive a stick. Three on the tree, four (or 5 or 6) on the floor, 5 or 6 on the pedal, two sticks in the old road tractors and the Road Rangers, too. Fuck an automatic. I can also hand crank those vehicles so provided.

It’s doubtful whether half the posters here could hang a picture on a wall with a hammer and nail from scratch. Folks need work, so I reckon that there are people to hire.


Whelp bah golly 'n gosh durn it, but ain't yew jist the jack-off-all-trades?

And folks, this here Wat Tyler kin build shelves, too. AND he's takin' a class in welding at the Junior College! Kin yew 'majjin? The JUNIOR COLLEGE!!!

Whah, he's jist the onliest feller 'round these parts who kin do anything, and the rest of the wurld is jist a bunch 'o pussies, cuz that's azackly whut he sez!!

Let's give 'im a big hand!!
Inexorably, the following occurs:

Step #1: hate Wat for Wat's being Wat
Step #2: develop Wat Derangement Syndrome
Step #3: start construction of a malignant tumor to memorialize the hate
Step #4: by itself, the tumor will metastasize and migrate to the effected ass and become ass cancer.
Step #5: there will be, insh'Allah, years of pain and suffering.
Step #6: Allah will collect the sufferer at time of death and deposit him/her in the hottest corner of Islamic Hell, where the fires burn hotter, the torture is more painful, and Eternity lasts a bit longer.

Meanwhile, Wat will merrily pursue Living the Good Life as Allah's Favorite, buying more land and guns and helping the worthy and avoiding the unworthy and paying no attention to the hated-filled ass cancer sufferers.

Because things have a way of not working out the way that Litlibs would have us believe.

Allah is Merciful . . . .
And folks, Wat Tyler he gots god on his side, given them there heethins ass cancer and sending 'em to burninhell.

Let's give him 'nother big hand, folks!
And your reminder of what happen when "gummints guns good your guns bad" prevails:

This is what can, and in fact has happened, when the populace surrenders their firearms and only the government has theirs. Once you have no ability to defend yourself, to resist against tyranny, you are no longer a citizen and little more than a slave, open to execution as deemed necessary.

Protect and defend your 2nd Amendment rights.
This is what can, and in fact has happened, when the populace surrenders their firearms and only the government has theirs. Once you have no ability to defend yourself, to resist against tyranny, you are no longer a citizen and little more than a slave, open to execution as deemed necessary.

Protect and defend your 2nd Amendment rights.


My former US house district rep was three years behind me in school, six and a half feet tall, and pushing 350 pounds anyway. And he was terrified of firearms. Wanted to ban all sorts of stuff he knew nothing about. Then it would seem that he got teh cancer and kicked it.

Maybe it was a punishment from Allah.

Maybe it was WDS in the form of Fear of Firearms. We can hope. He's with Allah now, in that hottest place.

It's the Fallacy of False Cause.

Since a lot of the Left is borderline mentally ill, or just plain fucking nuts, they are used to looking past root causes like mental illness and instead go after a gollum to explain that which they refuse to come to grips. Then they fetish the gollum: take abortion, for example.

Oh. Look. Two people (who are either cutouts or certifiably insane and allowed to wander among us to protect their "rights" [forget ours!]) who are mentally ill tried to kill another gollum that is a source of all their problems. It had to be the shooters' access to guns. Guns are bad. M-hmmm, okay?

Calling people mentally ill is insensitive, oppressive and degrading.

You're the problem!
Your guns too...
Useless gestures.

The Mayor of Chicago is whining about [something].

Why do they have to put the obligatory (D) behind his name?
He's already told us that by the title of Mayor of Chicago.
Like he would be an (R)...
If Wat were the Clear-N-Present danger that all the pussies claim, the population would be shrinking.

Oh wait, he'd have killed himself like the other pussies say.

Pity they cunt keep their.they're/there stories straight.

Lying sacks of shit they are.

I always forget that part. The baby with the AK.

He must be tight with Allah with all the prayin' to be that accurate with the sprayin'.
