Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

$399 plus shipping and transfer fees. Wat could add 10 of these before the 'lection and then Kamala-Ban-Be-Damned. Another grand or 2 in mags-n-drums and there would be fun-n-profit when SHTF.

Looks WWE scaree...
Oh look! Christianity has just declared another miracle. Islam has to step up its game. It needs to make a mother declaration to stay relevant: I know! I have a great Idea! Let’s throw a Jihad! We can go back to the past too! We live there…

In the war zone too.

Always in the war zone over there.

People grasp at straws and inability to investigate and who are you to judge..., ..., God?
$399 plus shipping and transfer fees. Wat could add 10 of these before the 'lection and then Kamala-Ban-Be-Damned. Another grand or 2 in mags-n-drums and there would be fun-n-profit when SHTF.

More prepping for his weird faux-Islamic prophesy of that glorious day of SHTF.

Meanwhile he drives to his local strip mall to purchase his Sunday morning donuts after obsessively blogging to his porn board diary.

In the back of his mind, he wonders, "Could that anal irritation I'm feeling possibly be ass cancer?"
Oh look! Christianity has just declared another miracle. Islam has to step up its game. It needs to make a mother declaration to stay relevant: I know! I have a great Idea! Let’s throw a Jihad! We can go back to the past too! We live there…

In the war zone too.

Always in the war zone over there.

People grasp at straws and inability to investigate and who are you to judge..., ..., God?

It has been observed that there is a jihad on the PB. We know, how could such-a-thing be possible???

Then again, there's the result of said jihad: WDS.

And we all know the results of that.
