Wat's Guns-N-Stuff Thread

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Piss them off enough and you'll find out what happens when the giant wakes up.

We been tellin' 'em for a year here and they haven't listened yet. Point bein', they're thinking about something they can't comprehend instead of doing a bit of unprejudiced research to find out what the fuck we're talking about, But no, they wanna holler rhetoric at us, ban our shit, threaten us with the military (who think a lot like we do), and call us names many of which they hang "tard" on the end of to let us know their contempt.

If ever there was a FAFO, this is beginning to show you what it looks like.
When the left engages in "mostly peaceful" demonstrations in the future, don't be surprised when they're subjected to the "Rittenhouse" effect.

And don't send the "Death to 'Murrika" outside of your gun-free paradises. The pigs will eat good.

Think of the irony there . . . .
Half the population in the US is PISSED about what's going on from the violent left. That particular half are the gun owners.

Piss them off enough and you'll find out what happens when the giant wakes up.

The Left won't stand a chance. You can delude yourself all you'd like to but when they come marching down your street I'm betting you'll be all fingerpointing at your neighbors. Just like they're going to be doing in your direction.

It won't save you. Or them.
Levying war against the U.S. government is treason. If gun owners are angry about the direction the country is headed, the patriotic thing to do is vote to change it. Most gun owners are loyal Americans. The traitors won't just be fighting against the National Guard, they'll also be fighting against the patriotic gun owners who support America.
We been tellin' 'em for a year here and they haven't listened yet. Point bein', they're thinking about something they can't comprehend instead of doing a bit of unprejudiced research to find out what the fuck we're talking about, But no, they wanna holler rhetoric at us, ban our shit, threaten us with the military (who think a lot like we do), and call us names many of which they hang "tard" on the end of to let us know their contempt.

If ever there was a FAFO, this is beginning to show you what it looks like.

They think in terms of skateboards and frozen water bottles being weapons.

It's all about intimidation with them. Mobs of violent screaming assholes burning and breaking things thinking that they're in control. They're not. People are for the most part peaceful but piss enough of the people off and it's not going to be a rioting mob of progressives. It'll be a bleeding wasteland of bodies filled with the screams of the crying and dying.

And they don't understand that because they believe they're righteous and "invincible."

The devil doesn't care, he just wants his due and he doesn't mind if you pay or if it's the next guy.
Levying war against the U.S. government is treason. If gun owners are angry about the direction the country is headed, the patriotic thing to do is vote to change it. Most gun owners are loyal Americans. The traitors won't just be fighting against the National Guard, they'll also be fighting against the patriotic gun owners who support America.

It's not treason to enforce the law.

It is treason and sedition to oppress the citizenry in violation of the law.

Think about which side of that equation you're on.
[Threats of physical harm or abuse or posts advocating violence are prohibited per our forum guidelines] and are cause for permanent banning.
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On this point, I believe 100% in Democracy. When it comes time to lie face-down in a gutter bleeding out, I'm voting for them every single time, and will take the steps to make it happen if needed.

Just sayin' . . . .

I'm a peaceful man. I believe in the law.

And the law allows me to defend myself, my family, and my property from all comers.
Levying war against the U.S. government is treason. If gun owners are angry about the direction the country is headed, the patriotic thing to do is vote to change it. Most gun owners are loyal Americans. The traitors won't just be fighting against the National Guard, they'll also be fighting against the patriotic gun owners who support America.

Says the woman who preached in the last 30 days about Broadway Uncle Smokin' Joe Willie's keen mental faculties when Ray Charles could see that he's half brain-dead, and Ray is all the way dead. You have 0% credibility here.
Says the woman who preached in the last 30 days about Broadway Uncle Smokin' Joe Willie's keen mental faculties when Ray Charles could see that he's half brain-dead, and Ray is all the way dead. You have 0% credibility here.
Threats of violence are against forum rules. Chatting about playing with your toys is fine, but once you start fantasizing about shooting your political enemies, you've crossed a line.
Threats of violence are against forum rules. Chatting about playing with your toys is fine, but once you start fantasizing about shooting your political enemies, you've crossed a line.

Hypotheticals are no more threats than any other if/then statement. I know where the line is and have stayed on the proper side of it for going on 23 years now. However. you regularly interact with a poster who has a threat against me by name in his sig picture like nothing has happened. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I'm not going to beat on you verbally because you basically try to be civil in this most uncivilized cesspool, but your outfit could use a good bit of cleaning up.
Let us come together and pray that we NEVER have to come together.
No one is afraid of you. Everyone is a lawful citizen until they're not. You and wat are both weak ass pussies. No one here is counting on you to defend them in time of need and it's always laughable that any one of you punk asses will rise up against tyranny. Fuckin' a, you're both trump supporters :rolleyes: . Ya wouldn't know oppression if it bit your shriveled up testicles.
Look at all these retarded old pussies talking tough in here. lol

Nobody is afraid of you douchebag incels. You're more likely to bleed out your ass than anyone else and you know it. :)
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