Western Trails & Beyond (For DarkWarrioress and myself)

Sara sat her small kitchen table, looking out of the window at the snow falling while she drank her morning coffee. Life was full of surprises. Thanks to Chase, she had found a pleasure and a joy in sex. True to his word, he had made her forget about what had happened to her. Chase had turned out to be strong and attuned to a woman’s needs as well as her desires. She fondly thought about the days she and Chase had spent together until the day came when he was moving on. He had an itch, he claimed. Couldn’t stay in one spot for too long. On that day, after they rolled around in the sheets, they got dressed and Chase drew her into a tight embrace, kissing the top of her head. Sara smiled against his shirt. When she lifted her head to look into his eyes, his hands came around to frame her face.

“You stay strong, Sara Williams.”

“You know I will, Chase. You be safe out there. Remember where we are and come back to visit us sometime.”

“Oh, you know me, Sara,” he drawled out in his deep and rough voice as his fingers raked through her hair, “The world is such a big place. I seldom make it back to anywhere.”

She stood on tiptoe and kissed his chin.

“Well, it has been a pleasure to know you, Chase.”

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her again, squeezing her gently.

“Oh, it’s been my pleasure to know you, Sara.”

“You all packed up and ready to get going?”

“I am.”

His voice sounded reluctant, but he released her, reaching over her shoulder for his saddlebags, tossing them over one shoulder.

“I’ll walk you out then and head on home myself.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

What else can you say to someone who came into your life for only an instant and was gone again? Together, they walked downstairs and out of the saloon. Sara glanced up at the skies.

“You best be on your way, Chase. There’s a storm brewing and it smells like snow.”

“Mmm, you get on home as well then, Sara. Be safe.”

He slung his saddlebags over the back of the saddle and cinched them down before turning toward her again. He drew her into his arms one last time and they shared one last kiss to remember each other by before he swung up into the saddle and with a tip of his hat, he set his horse headed East. He stopped just out of town and Sara was beginning to wonder if he forgot something when she saw him turn his horse and tip his hat to her before wheeling back around and galloping out of sight. She was glad he was gone so he didn’t see the tears that came to her eyes at his gesture. Whoever or even whatever, Chase was, didn’t matter to her. She was grateful for their time together. With a sigh she had swung up into her own saddle and turned her horse toward home.

When Sara awoke the next morning, she hurriedly got dressed and went to see to her animals. Stopping at her front door, she saw the skies were covered with gray. She wasn’t wrong in what she told Chase, it smelt like snow was coming and sudden drop in temperature gave credence to that fact. A quick glance at her garden and she was thankful she had gotten her crops in the past few days that had gone by. Her root cellar will packed with not only vegetables for the winter but meat hung from the rafters as well. After seeing to her own animals, she rode over to George’s and Kiwi’s to check on their place. To her consternation, someone had broken one of their home’s windows. Sara dismounted and went to find some wood to board it up with, something that would hold until Spring and while she nailed the wood over the broken window, she wondered when George and Kiwi would be back. That issue seen to, Sara set about taking care of whatever stock they had left. She gathered the eggs and would take them home with her. Fresh eggs and pan friend potatoes sounded good for supper.

Getting back to her place, she could feel a chill permeating the atmosphere around her, making her shiver. Sara took the eggs inside and then went back out to her porch where she started to gather up some wood from the stockpile that she had laid in some days before, prepping for the winter to come. Stacking the logs by the cast iron stove, she started up a fire inside of it to heat the house with and just in time. Sara could hear the wind start to howl outside. She certainly hoped Chase found a warm, safe place to lay his head by now. Fixing herself a cup of hot coffee, she went to sit at her kitchen table and gaze outside. It didn’t take long before she saw snowflakes start to drift down. It wasn’t much as yet, but it was coming. Finishing her coffee, Sara rose and went to clean her breakfast dishes. By the time she done with those and had made her bed, a quick look out of her window showed the snow falling even faster than before and more abundantly. So much for summer. Winter was quickly incoming.
The small settlement of Widecross was preparing to celebrate Christmas as best it could, considering the harsh winter conditions and lack of a hall. The Great Antlers Saloon would host a party on Christmas Eve, where the residents would enjoy turkey, among several other local delicacies. Lin Shui and her parents were among those preparing dishes, but even with so much to do, there was room for some time off to enjoy the company of others.

Jackson's friend and host Lonnie had made his way up the hills to locate a prospector friend working a small deposit. Hopefully, Kattie Menke was near her cabin, and they'd be back safely to spend the holidays in the settlement. Lonnie entrusted his friend to mind the house, and Jackson did his best to get organized in the first few days. Of course, he cared for the dogs, but he also cleaned, slit more firewood, and inventoried all the supplies. They had enough to last until spring if needed, but Jackson hoped to be back in Southpass soon.

The cabin was one long open space, but everything had a place. In one corner, the men had erected a large set of bunk beds with extra timber. More extensive than a king-size bed, with space underneath for storage and access to the afters, there was plenty of room to stretch out and sleep. The dogs also discovered they were a warm place to sleep near their favorite humans. Today, though, Jackson was enjoying a much more lovely company.

Hot and sweaty, Jackson moved from behind her to caress Lin's lovely skin. He felt her athletic farm girl's body push back against him, and he took her doggy style on top of the pad and collection of colorful Indian blankets. Her long, lovely raven hair, generally in a practical braid, swung around wildly as she moaned out in her native. Jackson caressed her sides as his hands moved from her hips to her firm, young, perky breasts. He gently squeezed them and felt her tremble from yet another orgasm. While she was hardy pioneer stock, she was also delicate and youthful with soft brown eyes. Behind the kindness, though, was also an expression of desire that let him know she didn't just want to share books by the fire when she came calling.

So wet with desire, he slid in and out, enjoying the sound and feelings of passion as he took her for the second time that afternoon. Lin had come to return a book and stayed for lunch. They ate, talked, and shared for hours, and eventually, she got around to love and desires. While she wouldn't mind meeting a Chinese boy her parents picked, she didn't want to limit herself. Lin wasn't a virgin but was lacking in opportunities to explore her sexual side.

It started off with kissing and caressing, and then they moved by the beds. They hung up two sheets to give them some privacy from the dogs and undressed, hanging their clothes on hooks. Also, they had no idea when Lonnie would return, giving the moment a thrill. So the foreplay and kissing happened on the bottom bunk and only continued. Lin's soft hands on his cock were delightful, and she responded so passionately to him, caressing her clit she blushed when she cried out so loudly.

Getting close to cuming, Jackson slid his cock out of Lin's warm vagina, to her dismay, but he quickly rolled her on her back, kissed her passionately, and slid back into her as he pushed off the ground. His cock almost came out each time, only to slide back in again as she moaned with delight. As he felt he was about to let go, he slid out of her and, this time, exploded with seed on her thigh as he pushed his cock against her. Jackson moaned with pleasure several times before he kissed her.

They both cleaned themselves as best they could with water in a nearby bucket and rags before sliding back under the blankets, Lin laying her head on his chest. Jackson caressed her long mane, and after a few long minutes of savoring the experience, Lin spoke up and said, "Merry Christmas, Jackson, early."

Jackson laughed, kissed her forehead, and replied, " ll, it's probably the best Christmas gift I've gotten in a while, d r. I'm glad you came to visit. I hope you stay the night, but will your parents be looking for you, honey?"

"No, I'm a grown woman. I can do what I like. Besides, they're visiting friends. I am so happy to spend my day off with you, Jackson."

"Me too, honey, the whole day. It's been good, and it isn't over yet."