What Are You Thinking? Continued 14

I hate to be the voice of woe but you aren't coming down with something are you?
I only ask because I had covid a few months ago and I couldn't taste anything
Ugh I hope it’s not Covid! But I have been lucky and didn’t lose my sense of taste the last time I had it.

I think this restaurant just didn’t season anything well. I strayed from my usual order and I should know better! The fresh spring rolls are good though so at least I have that!
Must not get attached to this dog! People are assholes. Someone dumped a German shepherd in the woods. This poor baby is so skinny and has raw paws from being outside for who knows how long. 😪

I wish Lit had a love heart emoji for caring people like you, I'm glad you found them and that you care, just do what you can do and if they do go on to live with someone else remember you gave them a chance they wouldn't have had otherwise ❤️
I wish Lit had a love heart emoji for caring people like you, I'm glad you found them and that you care, just do what you can do and if they do go on to live with someone else remember you gave them a chance they wouldn't have had otherwise ❤️
Thank you Shane. There were 2 running around yesterday. DNR got the first one. This one I just know has been out there for a while.
I was a late Swiftie as well. Started during the 1989 album. You have a lot of music to enjoy! Listen to the Taylor Versions. 😘
I've been listening to a lot of stuff through Spotify...I wanted something different to listen to...but didn't expect to just keep listening....and keep listening 🥰