What cost vanity? "Toe Cleavage"

Cakeboy: If girls jeans get any lower in front you'll be seeing "pussy cleavage".

Perdita :cool:
perdita said:
Cakeboy: If girls jeans get any lower in front you'll be seeing "pussy cleavage".
I guess I could live with that... But I'd rather see "reversed pussy clevage". Short as f**k skirts, that is. :D
Icingsugar said:
Have you seen how people look in those low cut jeans these days? That's ass cleavage.

OMG no shit. those Hip Huggers right? Showing the G-String. Once like the 80's in Spandex we now have 300 Lbs women showing ass cleavage and sporting a G-String. Being in Southern California the weather here is the best in the world (not my quote) and everyone is taking advantage of this Style especially the 40 year old Filipino women

wasn't it the Chinese women that would wrap their daughters feet really really tight in bindings so they wouldn’t grow (past socity not modern)? A very popular Surgery in east is Removing the excess fat deposit in peoples eyes to give a more western look.

The equation:
[Familiarity, people you see all the time] divided by
[Unfamiliarity, people your don’t know] times
[peer pressure] Plus
[rebellion] minus
[media] equals
People doing a bunch of fucked up shit to be part of the crowd, accepted, yet be an Individual who does and like things unique. Wants to have what everyone else has and what no one else has.

I’ll get into why being Obese, should be attractive though isn’t later (it’s a primitive baby making one)

No wonder we have a drug problem. Well the CIA started it anyway. ack don’t get me started on conspiracy theories.
perdita said:
Cakeboy: If girls jeans get any lower in front you'll be seeing "pussy cleavage".

Perdita :cool:

ack didn't see that post. but what about the camel toes?

OMG there you go. Spandex Hip huggers Creace around the pussy providing a nice little camel toe. and low cut in the back to show the crack with the G-String 3 inches above it. and a 2 1/2 inch strap top. Simular to what Milla Jovovich wore in the Fifth Element.

Hey any artist out there?
The only high heels that I own were bought soley for use in the bedroom (mainly for pictures). :devil:

I can't stand up in them for very long. I broke my ankle in college and then fractured my pelvis and injured a hip joint a couple of years ago so I pretty much have to have flat shoes if I plan on walking in them.

I think having surgery on your feet to be able to wear heels is totally ridiculous.
perdita said:
Cakeboy: If girls jeans get any lower in front you'll be seeing "pussy cleavage".

Perdita :cool:

Thank god The Mrs can design and make my clothes.
As a relativly young woman who happens to be lean I can barely find a pair of pants that don't require a fucking bikini wax :confused:
Quasimodem said:
Puh-LEEZE! :eek:

WATTLES :rolleyes:

Wattles are bad enough. :mad:

The last thing we need are walk-impairing deformitites. :(

Hey, I've only heard the word pronounced! Besides, what's wrong with waddles? That would be something like "duck-feet" if I understand you correctly? I think duckfeet are cute!:)
And in keeping with the tradition of mutilating your body in order to follow fashion, I've heard that these hip-hugging jeans are actually destroying young girls' bellies internally. Apparently, there's a combination of tensing the muscles to look slim AND a pressure from the lining of the jeans around the mid-section, that is destroying the body inside.

I'm waiting for the headlines: "HIP-HUGGING JEANS CAN CAUSE INFERTILITY".
Svenskaflicka said:
And in keeping with the tradition of mutilating your body in order to follow fashion, I've heard that these hip-hugging jeans are actually destroying young girls' bellies internally. Apparently, there's a combination of tensing the muscles to look slim AND a pressure from the lining of the jeans around the mid-section, that is destroying the body inside.

I'm waiting for the headlines: "HIP-HUGGING JEANS CAN CAUSE INFERTILITY".
Almost there. Those low waistlines also cause damage to a nervepath down into the legs. Mentioned in this article (in swedish):


It mentions a few health risks with different traditionally challenging female clothing. One of the things covered is actually high heels (my amateur translation cometh below):

"The high heels moves the body's weight forward on the foot, forcing the back and the knees to carry more weight than normally."
Icingsugar said:
Almost there. Those low waistlines also cause damage to a nervepath down into the legs. Mentioned in this article (in swedish):


It mentions a few health risks with different traditionally challenging female clothing. One of the things covered is actually high heels (my amateur translation cometh below):

"The high heels moves the body's weight forward on the foot, forcing the back and the knees to carry more weight than normally."

Icing......I clicked on your link and got blah, blah, blah only with pictures.....anyone got a translator?

Whisper :rose:
You didn't miss much, whisper. That site is the netversion of one of Sweden's lowest "newspapers". The only thing that makes them slightly better than other gossip-magazines is that the paper is of a quality that a) burns well, b) can be used as toilet paper in cases of emergency.:rolleyes:
whispering_surrender said:
Icing......I clicked on your link and got blah, blah, blah only with pictures.....anyone got a translator?
Svenska beat me to it. It's not really a quality asticle, even though it's better then most that they print. Think of Aftonbladet as our The Sun. Only not quite as horrible.

I think I actually recited everything useful from that article.
Icingsugar said:
Svenska beat me to it. It's not really a quality asticle, even though it's better then most that they print. Think of Aftonbladet as our The Sun. Only not quite as horrible.

I think I actually recited everything useful from that article.

In that case.....(announcer's voice) "Due to short attention span, the author has wandered away...."

Whisper :rose:
Alternate theory on why high heels and high arches are considered sexy:

Do you flex or point your feet during orgasm? I'll bet you point --- Flexing accompanies a backward tilting of the pelvis, pointing a forward thrusting bringing the clitoris into prominence and allowing deeper penetration of the vagina --- more stimulation during orgasm.

So the pointed foot looks like a woman in climax.

-B (and yes I just made this up while considering the question)
Concern about someone's waist is a waste, and Toe-Sculpting is merely an unkind cut. We need to get our priorities in hand!

Considering the amount of threat originating from the Middle East, it behoves us to get a firm grasp upon all arresting Camel Toes.

This is no more than our patriotic duty, to protect our national interest!

:D <Flag Waving Camel Toe Scrutiniser>
The first woman mentioned in the thread, who got a bunionectomy, wasn't all that unreasonable. Bunions can be very painful. The others, though, are silly. I know one thing for sure about this. Women will blame men for the problems caused by high heels because they always blame men. They will blame the designers and the salesmen (but not saleswomen) and the wolf-whistlers because women won't be able to bring themselves to blame their own stupidity for buying those torture devices. I say stupidity because, in spite of all the warnings from doctors and other professionals, and from people who care for them, women will still wear high heels.


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not all high heels are "torture devices" I find them more comfortable than flats because I have a high arch actually
wouldn't get foot surgery to wear them though.

BTW those are Renza J's feet in my AV and practical or not I love those shoes :devil:
Ooooh Mrs. D! I envy you your arches.....until I realize it would mean no more running around barefoot and buying el-cheapo shoes. Arches must be supported, but I'll bet you have beautiful legs because of it!

My sister in law has the prettiest feet but her shoe addiction is flip-flops. Too bad my brother doesn't have a foot fetish. The beauty of her feet is wasted on him and he actually teases her about it because she likes her feet so much. It's one of my favorite family jokes.

Makes it easy to buy for her for Christmas, though!

Boxlicker101 said:
I know one thing for sure about this. Women will blame men for the problems caused by high heels because they always blame men. They will blame the designers and the salesmen (but not saleswomen) and the wolf-whistlers because women won't be able to bring themselves to blame their own stupidity for buying those torture devices. I say stupidity because, in spite of all the warnings from doctors and other professionals, and from people who care for them, women will still wear high heels.
:mad: I've read a lot of stupid statements on Lit., including others by you, but this goes beyond stupidity. I do not understand such generalizations, but I do understand chauvinist, misogynist tripe when I read it.

I'm just posting a personal opinion. FYI, I will not converse with or argue with you.

Perdita Said:

I've read a lot of stupid statements on Lit., including others by you, but this goes beyond stupidity. I do not understand such generalizations, but I do understand chauvinist, misogynist tripe when I read it.

I'm just posting a personal opinion. FYI, I will not converse with or argue with you.

Admittedly, that is too much of a generalization but I am referring to the fact that whenever fashion causes problems for women, men are frequently blamed for the problem even though most men have nothing to do with it. Supposedly, women dress or try to sculpt their bodies to please men, which is mostly nonsense. Anorexia is a good example and silicone implants are another.

Isn't chauvinist, misogynist tripe a bit of an overstatement?


Boxlicker101 said:
Supposedly, women dress or try to sculpt their bodies to please men, which is mostly nonsense.

I don't think that's nonesense. I think scuplting one's body to please the gender to which you are attracted (ooh, how PC) happens a lot these days.

Whether or not you think the practice is nonesense, the fact that remains that many people do 'dress to please'.. And when a man gives a woman a compliment such as "Hey, you look great in those heels", it's pretty obvious that she's going to feel that those heels make a positive impact on her image, and she's going to want to wear them again..

Unlike Perdita, I'm more than willing to question you over this.
Boxlicker101 said:
Perdita Said:

Admittedly, that is too much of a generalization but I am referring to the fact that whenever fashion causes problems for women, men are frequently blamed for the problem even though most men have nothing to do with it. Supposedly, women dress or try to sculpt their bodies to please men, which is mostly nonsense. Anorexia is a good example and silicone implants are another.

Isn't chauvinist, misogynist tripe a bit of an overstatement?



I'm just going to offer my opinion as well,
Most grown woman I know don't dress for anyone aside from themselves (an as profession calls for) I really don't care for your generalization because it portrays woman as empty headed paper dolls. :rolleyes:

Also your comparison smacks of idiocy, it's like saying despite all the traffic accidents
some foolish people still insist on driving
Hi, Destinie.

We are not in disagreement. I said: "Supposedly, women dress or try to sculpt their bodies to please men, which is mostly nonsense." You said:
"Most grown woman I know don't dress for anyone aside from themselves (an as profession calls for) I really don't care for your generalization because it portrays woman as empty headed paper dolls."

In other words, we agree that women don't usually dress to please men.

I'm not sure what comparison you mean.
Yes, I'll blame men for the stupid things women do to please men! If men wouldn't drool over big tits, pre-teen waists, etc, etc, women wouldn't give a damned about trying to aschieve that Barbie-doll look!

Yes, women do this to themselves - because they see every day that if they don't, the men they're interested in will ignore them for the babes!

Do you know that most of the supporters for female mutilation, so called "female circumcision", are women? Do you know WHY women put their daughters through the same ordeal they have been through themselves?
Because if they don't, the men don't want to marry the daughters! And without marriage, there is no future for these girls - except poverty and prostitution.

It's easy to say that women should just throw off their burdens and go their own way, but the great mass will not do that without support from men!