What did you do in the nude recently?

Slipped in to the neighbor's pool before she noticed I was home and "requested" that I fire up her grill and make lunch for her and her friends.
I like to go around naked outdoors in cold weather. It helps build up my tolerance for cold. It was in the upper 20s F this morning before daylight and I stayed out in it for about 5 minutes while doing some early morning chores. The fireplace sure felt good when I came back in.

(actually, if it was up to me, I'd never wear clothes unless I had to)
Not that I’m offering, but other than burning embers, have you got access to a bit of relaxation and heat from a human?
took shower this morning and had just enough time to stroke my cock some before wife walked into bathroom. HAd to stop stroking real quick. She didn't get in shower, but asked how much longer you going to be in here.
When I got home yesterday, I had a few things to do that required me to still wear clothes. After they were done, the clothes came off and haven't been on yet.
After a good night's sleep, just laying here in bed reading some Lit.
Of course it involves some stroking and self play.
I am not allowed do work on the pool with anything on. I keep ruining my clothes with the chemicals.