What do we do unconciously that turns people on?

Little things of Lust

Walking, tone of voice, scent of a woman who is turned on, twirling of hair, stares...
another one

A man running his finger through the condensation on a glass... the trail showing where his warm finger has been...

You guys sure like a lot of visual things that's for sure.

Maybe it's the female side of me coming out, but what gets me going with a woman is her attitude, not something that she does visually.

I like women that like being women. I like women that are happy being women. I like women that enjoy being women.

Because women are wonderous creations. And all the moreso when they feel like wonderous creations, and not obsessed with being like me.
christo said:
There's a very pretty girl at work who taps her pen against her teeth when she's thinking. An obvious oral thing going on there, but it's also the concentration on her face that gets me going, she scrunches up her nose like a bunny rabbit, and it drives me up the wall.

As Route66Girl said, some people get turned on by women smoking.

When I see anyone (M or F) smoke it's a massive turn off... I'll even try to get physically away from them if I can.

I can be checking a person out, ready to make a move, then I see a cig in the hands of them or any of their companions and I just tune out and move on. Even if I'd been focused on the person for some time, making little fantasies in my head.

Of course I haven't been single in years, so that's how I used to date. These days I do take the same approach with casual meetings, business, friendships, and so on.

Someone smoking is just a massive red flag for me. Especially given my allergies. Once they light up, if I'm anywhere within a block radias, I've got a sneezing fit and a headache coming my way...
For me, smoking can be a sexy visual, but in real life, a bad-tasting turn-off.
Smoking is an indication of limited intellect, and caving into peer pressure. A surrender of individuality, and just plain stupid.

Not to mention it makes your breathe taste like you suck on car exhaust.

It is not a turn on, and smoking around children is child abuse at it's most casual. I have friends that smoke, and they know exactly how I see it.
actually, i think i'm always conscious when i turn people on...

i know, i know... it took me a week to think that one up. give me a break! ;)
I'm not a sexy sleeper either, WSO.

I think it's probably the 100 decibel snoring that turns them off. :eek:
Everyone snores, just like everyone that has ever had sex likes to fuck, but only a few will admit it.

Me, I snore loudly (well so I am told, I am always, not surprisingly, asleep at the time somehow).
body language

To put a slight damper on the subject, all the signals that men find sexy about women, hanging shoes, crossed legs, over the shoulder glance, flicking the hair, shy smile etc although unconscious are all learned and are practiced (unconsciously) by all women.

Now I realise that sounds a bit sweeping but a few years ago I did a fair amount of 'research' into the subject and found the only women who didn't practice these lures to the same degree were deaf women. Probably because the hands are used for conversation.

Age is no barrier either, girls as young as 4 or 5 use these signals in a blatant way and become more subtle as they grow older.

I agree that men seem to be more open to very vague body signals from women but women make much greater use and are more aware of, these signals. Hence women taking offence at not what is said but the way something is said, particularly from or about other women.

An excellent book to read on the subject is 'Body Language' by australian author Alan Pease.

My personal favourite is the second glance to see if you noticed the first one.

veering from the subject

THE single most turn on thing for me about girlies is not any gesture or mannerism but a particular physical characteristic.

Almost any imperfection in an otherwise symetrically lovely face for example; Karen Black's lazy eye, or svenskaflicka's deviated bridge on her nose.

one more

actually, i think i'm always conscious when i turn people on...
hmmm... I must be talented, my husband gets an erection when we're both unconcious...:D
Re: one more

bridgetkeeney said:
hmmm... I must be talented, my husband gets an erection when we're both unconcious...:D

If that is the only time, Bridget, I weep for you. :(

If that is the only time, Bridget, I weep for you.
Your sympathy, while warming my heart, is, misplaced, I am happy to report.

Now, I want you to post here what someone does unintentionally that gets you hot.
Smoking is a sign of limited intelect??

I cannot believe that anyone who aspires to any kind of modern tolerance or indeed thinks they are of any useful intellect themselves can spout such bigotted nonsense in an open forum.

I am so fucking angry and quite literally ashamed that any person could hold such an opinion that I shall finish here before I get abusive.

Re: obtuse

bridgetkeeney said:
Now, I want you to post here what someone does unintentionally that gets you hot. :)

:rolleyes: Flushes the toilet :devil: while I'm taking a shower. :eek:
took you awhile...

Flushes the toilet while I'm taking a shower.
Quasi- You actually believe she does that unintentionally?

A+ on meeting the letter of my request and turning it on its ear....

now, I know that you have some very good examples for me... please enlighten me....
Sorry, I'm drawing a blank, right now. The world must be coming to an end, soon. This has never happened to me before. Everybody RUN FOR COVER!

Psssssst, women...in here, with me.

Just saw a guy get out of a pool and wipe the water off of him with one of those mini drying towels before he dove in again...

okay... I admit he had a body to die for... but watching him wipe that body down made my hands itch
I think when a guy shows that he is not so macho is very sexy. For example, a slight blush or shy look when he is a little embarrassed. When a guy will let down his guard with me and let me "connect" with him emotionally. The almost childlike look he can give.
When a woman with pale skin rolls her sleeves up (and she's wearing very dark or black clothes) and then gesticulates while she talks.

That always sends me, my eyes follow her arms and hands everywhere like I've been hypnotised.

okay... I know that I must seem like a walking hormone, but I have just been paying more attention lately...

walking out of a restaurant and coming to the door at the same time as a guy. he makes eye contact, smiles and says "allow me"... opens the door.

major bonus points... made me feel like a million bucks
Re: gestures

Originally posted by bridgetkeeney
. . . he . . . says "allow me" . . . opens the door . . .

Last time I tried that, I got a three minute diatribe against symbols of male oppression! :eek:

I might have taken it more seriously, but half an hour later, I overheard her give the same lecture to an automatic door. :rolleyes: