What do we do unconciously that turns people on?

male oppression

Last time I tried that, I got a three minute diatribe against symbols of male oppression!
Have decided that having guys open doors, pull out chairs and carry heavy objects is delightful... Male oppression? :rolleyes: Seems more like male servitude. :D

Now, if you reached ahead of me, opened the door and then walked through it first... then I would have given you what for.
Re: gestures

bridgetkeeney said:
okay... I know that I must seem like a walking hormone, but I have just been paying more attention lately...

walking out of a restaurant and coming to the door at the same time as a guy. he makes eye contact, smiles and says "allow me"... opens the door.

major bonus points... made me feel like a million bucks
Shit, I do this all the time. I didn't know it was a sexual thing! I was just trying to be nice.
You make it seem like I might do something and cause some woman on the street to have an orgasm on the spot! Not that I wouldn't enjoy that...I just wonder if she would recover sufficiently to be able to legibly write her phone number.
walking out of a restaurant and coming to the door at the same time as a guy. he makes eye contact, smiles and says "allow me"... opens the door.

A few months ago, I went into a local bank. did my stuff, went to leave, reached for the huge heavy door when my arm was held and a voice said, "That's my pleasure dear."

I jumped in fright as I hadn't heard anyone come behind me. I thanked him and it wasn't until I walked away from the bank that I saw he was blind and using a stick.

That minute incident gave me a 300 or 500 word story a while back. Doors being held open in this neck of the woods is a rareity.