What do you NEED right now? pt 2

Someone to read a bedtime story to in my giant four poster bed covered with skins and furs in front of a crackling fireplace....
Hey, it was good enough for Mary, mother of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. She rode her ass all the way to Bethlehem. I don't know about you, but I like a lover with that sort of stamina.

Lol :D

I'm surprised a lightning bolt didn't come down on you while you were writing that. :rolleyes::D
Lol :D

I'm surprised a lightning bolt didn't come down on you while you were writing that. :rolleyes::D

Jesus doesn't have lightning powers. You're thinking of Zeus. Or Storm from the X-Men. And I would never fuck with Zeus. But I would totally fuck Storm.
And I would never fuck with Zeus.

But he would fuck you. What's your mate of choice? Bull, swan, fish? Dude knows what you like, and he isn't afraid to really get into the role if you know what I mean. Gotta admire the conviction, if nothing else.
But he would fuck you. What's your mate of choice? Bull, swan, fish? Dude knows what you like, and he isn't afraid to really get into the role if you know what I mean. Gotta admire the conviction, if nothing else.

If by 'conviction' you mean 'willingness to rape' then...yeah, not sure admire is the word I'd use there. After all, you don't hear a lot of people saying they admire Harvey Weinstein's conviction.

About 10 more hours than will actually exist in this day.


Someone to hold me close and tell me that everything is going to be ok. It doesn't even need to be true.