What does it take to become a HT regular?


silverwhisper said:
magicfingers: every time i see your thread bumped to the top, i keep wondering, gee, i wonder if he's ever gonna post here regularly again. i know i'm probably still a newcomer to you, but it's nice to see you posting here.


I've always liked your posts, but that mackeral smaking gets to me sometimes... :) I hope I don't get one! :D

And, Quoll, bobsgirl, cathleen, eilan, scallywag, I love you all.
Keep it up.
I have never really been away, just not posting much. I real something here almost every day but it takes time to jump in and say something meaningful.

Eilan, I don't see why you thought you offended anyone. Maybe I'm missing something (again).
Anyway, come back and show us your Buckeyes, OK? :) :rose:
magicfingers: you're much too kind, but thanks!

re: a smacking...well, the way i see it, the trout-smack is only applied to someone who's being goofy or a smart-alec. which means that i almost invariably deserve one myself. :D

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lilredjammies said:


Okay, I read this whole thread in one sitting, and I'm impressed with the civility and thoughtfulness shown. I am not a regular here, and only a recent lurker, but fwiw, I'm impressed.

I think all internet forums are "cliqueish" by nature. The nice thing about this place and about the AH is that the clique keeps expanding. As long as people try to be welcoming, sooner or later the newbies get over their fear and jump in. :)

Read it all at once? glutton for punishment are you? ;)

The nice thing about this place and about the AH is that the clique keeps expanding. As long as people try to be welcoming, sooner or later the newbies get over their fear and jump in. :)

I like that...good point.
silverwhisper said:
magicfingers: you're much too kind, but thanks!

re: a smacking...well, the way i see it, the trout-smack is only applied to someone who's being goofy or a smart-alec. which means that i almost invariably deserve one myself. :D


{steals ed's trout, smacks him one, handing said smacked trout back} Just because I wanted to do it once ed.....no other reason...tee hee
Do hope you forgive me.... :D
lilredjammies said:

*wanders off looking for more punishment*


Hey lilred - if you want some more punishment - try the black manual - its huge!

- btw - glad to meet you :)
silverwhisper said:
[trout-smacks sassy]


scalywag: nice snark. :>


Thanks Ed - you know I think I heard one trout smack a day keeps the doctor at bay. Which would be good since I don't have any health insurance.
sassy_girl1963 said:
Thanks Ed - you know I think I heard one trout smack a day keeps the doctor at bay. Which would be good since I don't have any health insurance.
I think trout prefer streams, actually. ;)
depends on the trout...

[trout-smacks yankee]

o, and since it's a new day...

[trout-smacks sassy girl]


silverwhisper said:
depends on the trout...

[trout-smacks yankee]

o, and since it's a new day...

[trout-smacks sassy girl]



Thanks Ed - but I do so hope that you hit Yank much harder then you did me....... :p
This thread is funny.

What does it take? More importantly - why would anyone want to be a HT regular? It's neato and all that you feel your place is special and unique. If you didn't feel this way odds are you wouldn't continue posting. You all may not see your group as exclusionary, which for some reason you feel elevates you, but to outsiders looking in it can appear that way especially when you snub the other forums to point out how different you are and expound on the need for proper grammar, spelling and some adherence to a self proclaimed etiquette.

As a HT regular I don't see it as special and unique - simply another forum on a website like so very many others. Yes, I consider myself a regular even if none of you know me and I don't know you.

I like the HT, always have. I quit posting here as often when the focus shifted and cliques developed. Nothing wrong with that, just not my thing. Another reason I, and others, moved on is because people became so comfortable here and felt so safe that they shared things that put them at risk irl. Once it became apparent that it wasn't quite as safe as people had thought people became less forthcoming w/information and details about their lives. It has always been that aspect that drew me in and gave me a feeling that people here were genuine - regardless of how well or not so well they are able to form a sentence. Now more people seem at the ready to call up google and give information that makes them appear more intelligent (like that is so very important) instead of sharing what I perceive as true to life answers.

None of that means that you shouldn't enjoy what you seem to consider your special slice of the pie. Just know that not everyone wants a bite and many times the other slices can be just a sweet.
So True

Norajane said:
To be a regular, I think you just have to keep showing up and spouting off with the advice.

I think I first came here because the questions deal with relationships as much as sex, and I'm always interested in understanding the opposite sex. Now, I think a lot of my replies are as much for the lurkers as the thread starters - I want to make sure the younger ones get the real scoop on sex instead of what they've learned from porn or their equally inexperienced partners. :eek:

I am by no means a regular...but I came to this site by accident, started off by reading the literature...and kinda gravitated to the forums...after "lurking" around a few, I found the HT Cafe...and I loved the insightful, fun advice that was given...so this is where I post...and I must say...being one of the younger ones (only by birthdate...and nothing else) I truly appreciate the honesty and the real and helpful advice...