What is the Good in keeping Confederate Statues and such?

Quite a few. Many in Orange Co, southern California, JBS territory then. More in Kansas near Fort Riley; my local chapter was an anti-helmet biker gang. The no-helmets thang should be a giveaway as to their IQs.

I doubt you went to any.:rolleyes:
Charles Barkley:

"I’m 54 years old; I’ve never thought about those statues a day in my life,”
I doubt you went to any.:rolleyes:
I was there and you weren't. In SoCal I frequented meets of many political factions because fun -- Birchers, Socialists, Anarchists, Naturists. In Kansas it was because boredom -- and the biker JBS-ers were photogenic, so I had shots published in EASYRIDERS and other mags.

I became very familiar with their paranoid-schizophrenic worldviews. Yow.
Charles Barkley:

"I’m 54 years old; I’ve never thought about those statues a day in my life,”

Having been recruited onto the gravy train out of high school might have given him stuff to think about that most other blacks don't have going for them.

But, yes, it isn't really all that much to do with statues--at least not more than symbolically.
Confucius say: 'If you look very hard to find what you expect to find, you probably will'

Which explains most of your posting--start with your conclusion and agenda and look for stuff you can make yourself believe supports it.
Confederate flags in 2015 and early 2016, now the statues.

Where does it go from here?

Street names, names of businesses, parks?

In Houston street names and buildings with names of anyone associated with the confederacy have come under attack. Prior to this it was school athletic team names such as redskins or Indians.
Confucius say: 'If you look very hard to find what you expect to find, you probably will'
I looked for nothing but what was there. I expected nothing but life. I was not disappointed.

I grew up betwixt Los Angeles and Orange County well over a half-century ago. The L.A. County Fairgrounds in my backyard included booths distributing free political literature from Marxist-Leninists, American Nazis, John Birch Society, AFL/CIO (unions), among others. I grabbed the free stuff and read it. These groups had regular meetings locally and I attended. It was all raw meat to me. Spokes for these and other groups had regular time slots on a nonprofit radio station and I listened. More raw meat for my mental cooker.

Put another way: That's the environment I grew up in. Messages from many sides, all claiming some authenticity, none delivering very much. Guess that's why I'm a skeptic now.

As long as we continue to perpetuate the myth of Confederate innocence—the idea that good men on both sides fought over distant abstractions and then came together again in brotherhood—we continue to lie to ourselves.

In Germany, you won’t see neo-Nazis converging on a monument to Reinhard Heydrich or Adolf Hitler, because no such statues exist. The country long ago came to grips with the full weight of its history. But you’ll find Nazis and Klansmen in Virginia, circling a statue of Robert E. Lee, a traitor who raised arms against his own country in the defense of white supremacy.

How do we explain to the descendants of his victims—fallen Union soldiers and widows, and so many million slaves—that Robert E. Lee doesn’t deserve the same eternal infamy as Eichmann or Heydrich?
Oh goody!

Argumentum ad C&P!

I hope that it is to be followed by charts and graphs...

What a pathetic bit of mob lunacy we have this summer in the attacks on southern Civil War monuments. In my hometown, they are even defacing a statue of a civilian gentleman on a show horse, meant to celebrate equestrian sports. All white guys on horses must go apparently, no matter what.

Now, I have no personal brief for the Confederacy -- my people were the awesome Midwestern Germans who elected Lincoln and marched with Grant to victory. Yet, knowing American history, I find doubly disgusting the oft repeated, and utterly false argument that the hundreds of Southern monuments erected in the decades after the war are somehow the work of the Ku Klux Klan -- to intimidate uppity Negroes. A few, like Liberty Place Monument in New Orleans, have an obvious racist motive, but only a few.

Almost all the monuments were instead put up by the genteel United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC). Little old lady Electras, who worked for decades in sewing circles to raise money to fund memorials to their daddies; pure works of familial love and loyalty, nothing more. Even the kooks at Southern Poverty Law Center can’t identify a race-hatred incident involving the UDC. The worst thing usually said about the UDC is that a lot of their publications are heavily sugar-coated.

The Southern monuments they left us, though, brought needed catharsis to many who lost and suffered through the Civil War. Just like Maya Lin’s Memorial is supposed to have given Vietnam veterans closure. By emphasizing the heroism and sacrifice of the rebels, but not defending the indefensible, they played a great role in reconciling the South to the nation. Lincoln’s idea of “charity for all, malice toward none” was surely well realized in the basic soldierly honors these memorials afforded.

Yes, let's just wholesale reject a perspective from another time in history which had real similarities. And then we can substitute it with the approved perspective from that grand standard American Thinker.

The embrace of revisionist history - the softened version of the horrors of slavery and the treasonous behavior of the south - only demonstrates one's lack of ability to face the truth.
Fuck it.

"Almost all the monuments were instead put up by the genteel United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC). Little old lady Electras, who worked for decades in sewing circles to raise money to fund memorials to their daddies; pure works of familial love and loyalty, nothing more. Even the kooks at Southern Poverty Law Center can’t identify a race-hatred incident involving the UDC. The worst thing usually said about the UDC is that a lot of their publications are heavily sugar-coated."

Just answer us. Is this not true?

I mean that would make your racist narrative look like the bit of weak sauce that it really is. There's probably a reason why you've never encountered this inconvenient truth in the news sources you rely upon. Allah forbid that you be presented with alternative facts that might make you feel a bit uncomfortable with the things that you just "know" about the issues of the day.
Radicals at USC want to ditch their mascot Traveler because Lee's horse's name was Traveller...

The Left is truly insane and ignorant.

We've successfully ignored the "Nazis" for years, but the Left will not get the fuck out of our faces with their made-up social crusades.
If the only Racism left in the USA was the implied racism of a statue, that would be a great way to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the 14th Amendment!
Oh these people could find racism at midnight with a new moon while standing in a dense fog...


Just by pointing in any random direction and declaring it to be...

Fuck it.

"Almost all the monuments were instead put up by the genteel United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC). Little old lady Electras, who worked for decades in sewing circles to raise money to fund memorials to their daddies; pure works of familial love and loyalty, nothing more. Even the kooks at Southern Poverty Law Center can’t identify a race-hatred incident involving the UDC. The worst thing usually said about the UDC is that a lot of their publications are heavily sugar-coated."

Just answer us. Is this not true?

I mean that would make your racist narrative look like the bit of weak sauce that it really is. There's probably a reason why you've never encountered this inconvenient truth in the news sources you rely upon. Allah forbid that you be presented with alternative facts that might make you feel a bit uncomfortable with the things that you just "know" about the issues of the day.

To the surprise of no one, AJ whole-heartedly embraces the puerile myth of "the Lost Cause", which glorified treason and slavery.

He just love Gone With The Wind!

Edit: NRO sez libruls are worse for Negroes than slavery! Oh NOE!
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If you're okay with neonazis being allowed to express themselves in public, why can't other fringe idiots do the same?

Goes with the territory, doesnt it?

And who are you or anyone else to tell someone they can't do this or that if it causes no harm?

A statue has never yelled at me or shot smoke cannisters at me with a black ski mask on.
I was there and you weren't. In SoCal I frequented meets of many political factions because fun -- Birchers, Socialists, Anarchists, Naturists. In Kansas it was because boredom -- and the biker JBS-ers were photogenic, so I had shots published in EASYRIDERS and other mags.

I became very familiar with their paranoid-schizophrenic worldviews. Yow.

If you were there it's because you were a dumb SOB and couldn't think for yourself. I'll say it again to be clear, the JBS was not a racist organization. That is not to say that somebody who was didn't show up in one or more of their meetings like a whore in church.