What is the Good in keeping Confederate Statues and such?

Notwithstanding the vestiges of last Civil War the Left, the Democrat Party, whipped up by the media, isn't going to stop with taking down statuary from the Civil War era, they are going to go after the legitimacy of the founding of the country, the Founders, and all they wrought, including the Constitution. Democrats have been importing revolution into the country since day one and it's finally arrived. We're looking at the seeds of a new American Civil War coming to fruition as we speak.

I believe America, as founded, will survive and in deference to the those who died trying to bring it down, there will be no statues erected in their memory. Let us only be reminded of their existence when it snows.

This is some truly stupid shit. The only one calling for civil war is the NRA so it can sell more guns and ammo to scared little sheep.
This is some truly stupid shit. The only one calling for civil war is the NRA so it can sell more guns and ammo to scared little sheep.

You'll have to forgive the right as of late, they have lost their minds since one of their alt right leaders were elected president. They like to re write history to fit their flawed agendas, remember paul revere warned the british, not the other way around.
Let's see what the other boogeymen (besides us racists);) have to say on this:

Statues of discord: The toppling of monuments stretches far beyond anti-Confederate struggle

Why would anyone think you're racists? Just because your BFF starts thread after thread bashing people of color and you giggle along with him?
I guess everyone isn't as smart as a 3rd world donkey fucking racist.
No, the easiest solution is to pull down all statues of traitors and pound them into rubble. But that's sub-optimal. IMHO they should be relocated to military cemeteries, to show which oath-breaking swine filled those acres of graves.

Hey but let's remind everyone who erected those statues, Democrats to remember Democrats. Go ahead take them down.

In 1861 most people in America identified their allegiances to be with their home states, not so much with the national identity as "Americans we have today. We know this to be true because the day after Fort Sumpter was fired on United States Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, declared that all military cadets at West Point had to take a new oath of allegiance to the United States because they had previously taken oaths to their respective states. So, a refusal to do so can hardly be called treason. The US government didn't try any of the officers who resigned their commissions to go home in the defense of those states.

Lee himself resigned his commission on April 20, 1861, which he had a right to do. Being a 4th generation Virginian, declared to a subordinate that he could not draw his sword against his state of Virginia but that he could lift his musket in its defense.

It helps to understand history in its own context and not judge it through the prism of a morality or political correctness that didn't exist at the time.
^^ In general, that's why I say to allow monuments erected within 50 years of the war's end. They were/are the genuine monuments that remember the soldiers and mean something to the families.

The ones erected after that, particularly in the 40s and 50s may have been for less honorable reasons and should be removed or relocated.
^^ In general, that's why I say to allow monuments erected within 50 years of the war's end. They were/are the genuine monuments that remember the soldiers and mean something to the families.

The ones erected after that, particularly in the 40s and 50s may have been for less honorable reasons and should be removed or relocated.

I'll take all this seriously when I see Democrats denounce Robert Byrd and remove his name and his statues from their prominent places in West Virginia. Remember who he was. The Democrats called him the "conscience of the Senate," Hillary referred to him as a mentor.

He was a high ranking KKK member and recruiter, and once uttered these words during WWII that he would never fight... "with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

Yet he was reverently referred to as "the conscience" of Senate by Democrats.
^^ In general, that's why I say to allow monuments erected within 50 years of the war's end. They were/are the genuine monuments that remember the soldiers and mean something to the families.

The ones erected after that, particularly in the 40s and 50s may have been for less honorable reasons and should be removed or relocated.

It is not your place nor the right of a numerical majority to decide what 'free speech' in the form of art work or historical commentary in the form a commemorative plaque is or is not 'honorable.'

Governments which enshrined such commemorations, are free to take them down. Private-sector expressions on donated property or through private endowments are entitled to be free from government interference by virtue of the First Amendment of the Constitution.

You suggestion of a 50-year line in the sand is arbitrarily fascist.
I'll take all this seriously when I see Democrats denounce Robert Byrd ...

I would probably do that. And all other members of the KKK, John Birch Society and other hate groups. They should be disgraced. Current elected officials who can be shown to be members should be forced to resign or otherwise removed from office.
I would probably do that. And all other members of the KKK, John Birch Society and other hate groups. They should be disgraced. Current elected officials who can be shown to be members should be forced to resign or otherwise removed from office.

The only people the JBS hated were communists. They were not racists.
I'll take all this seriously when I see Democrats denounce Robert Byrd and remove his name and his statues from their prominent places in West Virginia. Remember who he was. The Democrats called him the "conscience of the Senate," Hillary referred to him as a mentor.

He was a high ranking KKK member and recruiter, and once uttered these words during WWII that he would never fight... "with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

Yet he was reverently referred to as "the conscience" of Senate by Democrats.

Why do you people persist in this nonsense? Robert Byrd is lifted up because he publicly renounced the KKK in 1952 (at the then-zenith of the segregationist movement), not because he was a KKK member before that. And Hillary Clinton was five years old when he renounced the KKK.

Talk about fake news. You have to be stupid to either believe or shovel the shit you do. But then you are.

It's like comparing Hillary Clinton's e-mail issue with all the Trump shit going down now.
I'll take all this seriously when I see Democrats denounce Robert Byrd and remove his name and his statues from their prominent places in West Virginia.s.
"B-b-but Democrats!" Deflection. Senator Byrd did not wage war against the US. Would you mount a statue of Goebbels in DC?

The only people the JBS hated were communists. They were not racists.
Did you hear of the patriotic group fighting the replacement of good, natural, wooden toilet seats with Commie plastic fake-o seats? They're called the Birch John Society.

But I digress. JBS's enemies were Commies, 'Insiders' (internationalists), Zionists (Jews), and dental health (fluoridation). Some JBS factions were very anti-Vatican (Catholics). Not racist? Only if antisemitism doesn't count. But one rarely saw dark faces at JBS meetings, maybe because "civil rights" was just another Commie conspiracy.
"B-b-but Democrats!" Deflection. Senator Byrd did not wage war against the US. Would you mount a statue of Goebbels in DC?

Did you hear of the patriotic group fighting the replacement of good, natural, wooden toilet seats with Commie plastic fake-o seats? They're called the Birch John Society.

But I digress. JBS's enemies were Commies, 'Insiders' (internationalists), Zionists (Jews), and dental health (fluoridation). Some JBS factions were very anti-Vatican (Catholics). Not racist? Only if antisemitism doesn't count. But one rarely saw dark faces at JBS meetings, maybe because "civil rights" was just another Commie conspiracy.

How many JBS meetings did you attend?
I'll take all this seriously when I see Democrats denounce Robert Byrd and remove his name and his statues from their prominent places in West Virginia. Remember who he was. The Democrats called him the "conscience of the Senate," Hillary referred to him as a mentor.

He was a high ranking KKK member and recruiter, and once uttered these words during WWII that he would never fight... "with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

Yet he was reverently referred to as "the conscience" of Senate by Democrats.

Got anything more current than 1952, Mr. Two Navy Crosses?

Byrd renounced the Klan back then and voted to renew the Voting Rights Act three times....

Now tell us once more how you can't possibly be a racist because you lost your virginity to a Mexican whore.
How many JBS meetings did you attend?
Quite a few. Many in Orange Co, southern California, JBS territory then. More in Kansas near Fort Riley; my local chapter was an anti-helmet biker gang. The no-helmets thang should be a giveaway as to their IQs.
The anti- Columbus Day movement has been underway for many years, though I can't pinpoint the beginning. It's long been known he didn't discover shit and may have never set foot on what is now the United States. Even the islands he did visit had been discovered and traded with before by others.

It turns out the whole story surrounding him was wildly exaggerated.

No one ever claimed that he "discovered" the US, but that for a Europe emerging from the dark ages, that he proved that the world was not flat.
Why do you people persist in this nonsense? Robert Byrd is lifted up because he publicly renounced the KKK in 1952 (at the then-zenith of the segregationist movement), not because he was a KKK member before that. And Hillary Clinton was five years old when he renounced the KKK.

Talk about fake news. You have to be stupid to either believe or shovel the shit you do. But then you are.

It's like comparing Hillary Clinton's e-mail issue with all the Trump shit going down now.

Sheets in the wind, doing what needed to be done to cling to power. Then we turn to the false accusations of racism and the denunciations which never exonerate. You are too partisan to be objective.
Sheets in the wind, doing what needed to be done to cling to power.

Once a Marine, always a Marine.

Once a Klansman, always a Klansman.

A private citizen can have a past they regret. An elected official must never have been in such a group.
Once a Marine, always a Marine.

Once a Klansman, always a Klansman.

A private citizen can have a past they regret. An elected official must never have been in such a group.

For once, I think we are in agreement.
I'd extend that to the Federal Bench too.

One of my first acts in office would be to call for resignations from those positions for any current or former members of any hate group.