What kind of sex would you like to have right now? Part 4

Her, gripping the edge of the wooden kitchen table she is upon. Grinding her hips eagerly against my mouth, urging my tongue to tattoo her. Throwing her head back as her pleasure builds, coating my lips and drenching my tongue. Her orchestra of lust spilling from her lips ever more animalistic…
I want teasing back and forth, verbal, physical, lusty teasing, then i want to wait many hours! I want the need between us to build. When we are both there, i tease more, but it is with my hands and my lips on her naked body. Fighting over who will please who! Then when the fucking starts, it is fast and desperate. The need over powering.
Slow snuggly sex with my Crush would be lovely, especially if it resulted in a baby. Pity she came along 25 years too late.