what kind of small sad world

cherries_on_snow said:
RainMan, if you turn voting off, do as many people see the poem? *hmms*
Can someone explain that bit to me?

I had that concern as well. More people read poems on the top list, I guess.

But if you get a reputation because of the quality of your work, which you already do, you will get plenty of reads. Besides, if you are getting your work published elsewhere (congrats, by the way) then it is much easier to not worry about the reads here.
cherries_on_snow said:
RainMan, if you turn voting off, do as many people see the poem? *hmms*
Can someone explain that bit to me?

i have no idea as to the connection between voting-off/number of reads.

as well as you write, is THIS place the venue you want your poetry to sit dormant and be read, the last stop?

to me, this place is a testing ground, a ground to grow, and experiment with written pieces. . .the beginning not the end of the line, especially for the poems of a good writer like yourself.
TheRainMan said:
clearly, you are not a novice. your poetry says so.

i wasn't referring to you, but to all. my statements were generic.

i think it best not to vote at all, so i don't, haven't cast a vote in over a year. i leave feedback, when i have something to say...

that's what works for me.


Mr. RainMan,

You sound grumpy.

Have some coffee.

It will help. I promise. :)

that duck person
duckiesmut said:
Mr. RainMan,

You sound grumpy.

Have some coffee.

It will help. I promise. :)

that duck person

pour me a cup, please, coffee girl.

i overtip . . . it's part of my philosophy of life.

TheRainMan said:
pour me a cup, please, coffee girl.

i overtip . . . it's part of my philosophy of life.


That sort of tip could make a person blush. ;)

Ahh..the joys of thread hijacking.
TheRainMan said:
to me, this place is a testing ground, a ground to grow, and experiment with written pieces. . .

not to mention all the sex and coffee.

duckie, where is that damn coffee?
cherries_on_snow said:
RainMan, I am sorry if I've irritated you before coffee. Thanks for the comments and I'd love to try posting other places. Lit is just my first online experiment, if you will. My first venture into electronic publishing. I hope I'm not bumbling too badly, already.

Honestly I want people's feedback at its most honest and that is my only aim here. Well, and to play with words, some. As so many have stated, it is the written critique that matters. I hope to be so lucky as to garner some from writers here.

Ok. I'm done stirring this shit pot. May this thread sink into oblivion. =D

not irritated at all. and no, you are not bumbling.

like Duckie knows, i am perpetually coffee-deprived. :)

and wanting honest feedback is a very healthy attitude for a writer . . . for anyone, it seems to me.

i always just ignore commentary if it is unexplained, both praise and criticism. "explained" praise and criticism, however, are always welcome.

even "this sucks," if explained, if fine with me. but "this sucks" or "this is wonderful," by themselves, are equally worthless.

TheRainMan said:
not irritated at all. and no, you are not bumbling.

like Duckie knows, i am perpetually coffee-deprived. :)

and wanting honest feedback is a very healthy attitude for a writer . . . for anyone, it seems to me.

i always just ignore commentary if it is unexplained, both praise and criticism. "explained" praise and criticism, however, are always welcome.

even "this sucks," if explained, if fine with me. but "this sucks" or "this is wonderful," by themselves, are equally worthless.


MY sentiments exactly

I dont drink coffee, maybe I please have some tequila? :D its been a rough month, will someone please pet me? <pout>
TheRainMan said:
not irritated at all. and no, you are not bumbling.

like Duckie knows, i am perpetually coffee-deprived. :)

and wanting honest feedback is a very healthy attitude for a writer . . . for anyone, it seems to me.

i always just ignore commentary if it is unexplained, both praise and criticism. "explained" praise and criticism, however, are always welcome.

even "this sucks," if explained, if fine with me. but "this sucks" or "this is wonderful," by themselves, are equally worthless.


"this sucks wonderfully" <bigrin,
cherries_on_snow said:
*smiles patiently*

Ah, but Patrick, I am not a novice. And the poem lover's hips did have a perfect score (after only four votes from complete strangers) of 5. Then it had 4.4. The only answer: a two. Not hard to figure that one out even with my modest mathematical capabilities. That one has been published in paper format also, by a pretty particular literary journal,and seems unlikely to merit a D grade (equivalent of a 2 score). It does, in my estimation, merit placement in the top 20%. No feedback was given on this, of course.

Clearly, another agenda is at work, there. Or so it seems. . . Also, maybe i'm hearing things but... *gets her Q-tips* I thought I heard that some people applaud the idea of "RAINing" down low votes on those who might appear too young or uppity maybe? Seems rather nasty--the bitter aftertaste to what was a genuinely warm welcome, not from friends, but from strangers.

Nonetheless I shall ignore it. As a dear friend of mine once said, 1/3 of the people are gonna love ya, 1/3 are gonna hate ya, and 1/3 won't give a fekk one way or the other. =D So I guess I'm beating the odds. hehe.

In any case, I promise to vote my own estimation of a poem and that alone: not to try to undo anyone else's voice. I believe genuineness is one of the best things a person can offer another, and so I do offer this, even if from behind a bit of a mask. *peels hers down just a little* ~ Cheers everyone

You heard wrong, if you notice The RainMan was one of the people who mentioned you as one person to watch in New Poems. That should be an indication that you have potentional. He is also a top poet, one of the best here. It is people like him that keep this forum from stagnation. Senna Jawa is/was another, jthserra another. Sometimes they upset those with fragile eggshell egos, but it always about the poetry.
Let it RAIN meant more Rainman, others like him.
As for the low votes received, people play games. I get 'em from one crowd that loves to deny, perhaps I'm just *uppity*
the vote controversy gets old so fast. Your poem was published on paper by a good journal? Congrats! I had one accepted by an anthology that was denied by 6 other places, yet the anthology editors deemd it good enough to be chosen from 1100 + poems to appear in print with less than 100 chosen form those entries. I m proud of that poem, Rainman liked it, and he was only one of 2 people who left a comment when I worked it on this site.

all that says is it is personal opinion. Just because you think your poem deserves to be in the top 20 percent, doesnt mean it will be and you cannot force people to agree with you if they dont see the promise that you see in your own poetry. I agree with most people, you are a good poet. Keep growing and ignore the negativity on here, or you will drag ytourself and your work down with it...( the negativity)

Another thread, I dont remember which one, pointed out a haiku about gang bangs and cum. It was a top rated poem. It was horrible ( in my meaningless opinion), but suited the tastes of the majority of readers on this site. If you are looking for "quality" readers, then perhaps you are too good for the people and this place here. Sounds snobbish, but thats how that post comes across.

I am sorry you didnt get FB on your low vote. Most people dont get FB on low votes. LIke others have mentioned, you cant control a troll, and not all low votes are troll votes. and as far as Rainman goes, you will not find a more honorable man, or a person more devoted to helping poets learn,. I strive to be as good as him, even if only in my dreams.

But Iw ill add this, it is a shame that this sorry shit has driven away so many wonderful writers from this site. I know where some of them are and thats where I thinkI better move my work to...

chill out poets, its just a fuckin poll...

cherries_on_snow said:
someone must live in to go round and knock highly rated poems down a peg or six just by voting 1 on good poems?

Is that not sad?

May every person get the karma he or she deserves. Luckily I'm not here for contests (I'm sure most people aren't) but whose life is so pathetic that he or she competes by gaming the system in a poetry forum? Sheesh!

My only worry about such nasty behaviour (which is happening to me with everything I write) is that it might mean fewer people read it, thinking highly marked pieces are actually better.

Any thoughts on this?
My advice put something in the Poetry Discussion Circle. Away from the "H" quest. Your American Gothic was very good. Everything shows promise.
MyNecroticSnail said:
You heard wrong, if you notice The RainMan was one of the people who mentioned you as one person to watch in New Poems. That should be an indication that you have potentional. He is also a top poet, one of the best here. It is people like him that keep this forum from stagnation. Senna Jawa is/was another, jthserra another. Sometimes they upset those with fragile eggshell egos, but it always about the poetry.
Let it RAIN meant more Rainman, others like him.
As for the low votes received, people play games. I get 'em from one crowd that loves to deny, perhaps I'm just *uppity*

funny that you mention the three most likely to vote down a poem or call it 'crap' or that it 'sucks' or comment rudely or uppity, when the thread was started as...

cherries_on_snow said:
someone must live in to go round and knock highly rated poems down a peg or six just by voting 1 on good poems?

Then there is of course, 1201 and the Snail

cherries is a new poet, why would some one give their poem a one, I get them all the time and I assume it is one of the five mentioned above, they have claimed they vote low cause there is rarely a 5 poem posted. The only good answer is to write for the joy and not for the votes. To call them eggshell egos is a way for you to justify in your mind why GOOD folks will not listen or tolerate rude people. Those that you claim has an ego, do well, learn and interact with other poets that are not pompus or rude. I think you have painted the wrong picture for the wrong reason here. I give fours and fives if I finish a poem, and if I do not finish the poem, I "X" out. Not race down to leave a low vote, there is enough of those going around.
My Erotic Trail said:
funny that you mention the three most likely to vote down a poem or call it 'crap' or that it 'sucks' or comment rudely or uppity, when the thread was started as...

Then there is of course, 1201 and the Snail

cherries is a new poet, why would some one give their poem a one, I get them all the time and I assume it is one of the five mentioned above, they have claimed they vote low cause there is rarely a 5 poem posted. The only good answer is to write for the joy and not for the votes. To call them eggshell egos is a way for you to justify in your mind why GOOD folks will not listen or tolerate rude people. Those that you claim has an ego, do well, learn and interact with other poets that are not pompus or rude. I think you have painted the wrong picture for the wrong reason here. I give fours and fives if I finish a poem, and if I do not finish the poem, I "X" out. Not race down to leave a low vote, there is enough of those going around.

Oh, MET, I am disappointed in you!! That you lump those poets in with the low voters. I have attracted trolls before and I can assure they were noone of the ones you mentioned up there.. none of them, to my knowledge have ever left ME a low vote without an explanation..the problem voters are the ones who just vote low and disappear without imparting any of their wisdom for the sake of poetry. They are the ones who enjoy this tiring debate. I dont know why it irks me, but to see good people slammed is what angers me so badly...even the snail, with his rep already, has left me less than a 5 but with good FB, and on a poem that got an undeserved E when first posted. if ya'll cant get over the low votes, turn the damned thing off, otherwise it is nothing more than wounded ego talking....

for instance, I left a comment on a poem, I will not mention the poets name, but she thought I had trolled all her work, when I left FB for her that was supposed to be helpful, she got pissed and gave me ones on all my work..she is no longer posting here but has plenty of stuff still on the top list. I knew it was her because she left anon FB with teh same word misspelled in most of them...

I had a go round with another lady, who did the same thing... and now I couldnt be more pleased to read her because she has taken the time to work on her poetry and actually has grown, unlike some others who just wallow in the why did i get voted so low and sadly this will cotinue as long as new poets get oned and get no FB with the low votes, which is the real problem, which no one can control anyway.

and well, I have my voting on so if any one needs to vent, please go ahead and trash my stuff, thats why I left it on, but I assure you, if its personal, it wont hurt my feelings because Im past that.. however, I w ill exercise my right to delete anything that is not constructive and is anonymous and nothing more than hate mongering


all the people whom some people think are trolls, have left me less than 5's but WITH FB that helped me. I personally believe that Senna wouldnt belittle himself to leave an anon hateful comment, its not in his nature and I feel like I have had enough interaction with him about poetry in the past to say that, if Im wrong, forgive me, but IM pretty sure he doesnt waste his time on spiteful stuff

I can tell you now who the people interested in helping others learn are, but why bother to list them and just make them target of someone who has predetermined they are "out to get" their poetry.

I will say this...anyone who wants to learn, well, you guys know who the teachers are and some of them have sites and are editors and out there to publish poetry and not continue this venomous crusade.

so let the beautiful poetry swirl and the wonderful words rain down,
those who want to learn know who the good guys are

im done, gonna make a meatloaf:D
Last edited:
My Erotic Trail said:
funny that you mention the three most likely to vote down a poem or call it 'crap' or that it 'sucks' or comment rudely or uppity, when the thread was started as...

Then there is of course, 1201 and the Snail

cherries is a new poet, why would some one give their poem a one, I get them all the time and I assume it is one of the five mentioned above, they have claimed they vote low cause there is rarely a 5 poem posted. The only good answer is to write for the joy and not for the votes. To call them eggshell egos is a way for you to justify in your mind why GOOD folks will not listen or tolerate rude people. Those that you claim has an ego, do well, learn and interact with other poets that are not pompus or rude. I think you have painted the wrong picture for the wrong reason here. I give fours and fives if I finish a poem, and if I do not finish the poem, I "X" out. Not race down to leave a low vote, there is enough of those going around.

Let me make it plain
Explain the "RAIN"; another attempt of yours to paint someone better than you, as less than?
Funny that you are scared of these five. Big tough eggshell that you are.
Maybe it was some friends of your's, leaving the one's, with no explanation. They seem to be pretty active. Har, har, har.

Dopey's Lament
3.00 16 180
Public Comments: 6

Goliath said
3.08 13 190
Public Comments: 2

MIP's Poetic Moment
2.38 8 146
Public Comments: 1

MIP- if then zen
2.67 6 142
Public Comments: 2

MIP~Little Pig
2.75 8 136
Public Comments: 2

My crayon box has many colors .
1.00 1 184
Public Comments: 1

Bless my soul, one of them was an "E", I guess that makes us even, of course we could look at it as a percent :rolleyes:

Last time I saw Senna, one of your "sweeties" was hurling lung cookies at him. Is that what you call interacting with other poets?

MyNecroticSnail said:
Let me make it plain
Explain the "RAIN"; another attempt of yours to paint someone better than you, as less than?
Funny that you are scared of these five. Big tough eggshell that you are.
Maybe it was some friends of your's, leaving the one's, with no explanation. They seem to be pretty active. Har, har, har.

Dopey's Lament
3.00 16 180
Public Comments: 6

Goliath said
3.08 13 190
Public Comments: 2

MIP's Poetic Moment
2.38 8 146
Public Comments: 1

MIP- if then zen
2.67 6 142
Public Comments: 2

MIP~Little Pig
2.75 8 136
Public Comments: 2

My crayon box has many colors .
1.00 1 184
Public Comments: 1

Bless my soul, one of them was an "E", I guess that makes us even, of course we could look at it as a percent :rolleyes:

Last time I saw Senna, one of your "sweeties" was hurling lung cookies at him. Is that what you call interacting with other poets?


senna left a rude comment and several were offended by his rudeness, (recall the thread?) some said it was okay cause he is a good poet. Just because you have merits in poetry does not give you a liscense to be rude. As for your poems, I have stated and you may check with the lit owners, I have never left a comment nor a vote on your poems because I have not read your poems.
My Erotic Trail said:
senna left a rude comment and several were offended by his rudeness, (recall the thread?) some said it was okay cause he is a good poet. Just because you have merits in poetry does not give you a liscense to be rude. As for your poems, I have stated and you may check with the lit owners, I have never left a comment nor a vote on your poems because I have not read your poems.

And a good thread it was! If only my lung cookie could've reached him. *sigh*
well, let me lay it out another way, with the exception of senna (because I do not have the actual knowledge of) the others have played to decieve, elude and or attract readers by changing their member names in order to attract readers because as their current names they were either rude or pompus and wanted (I assume) a fresh start, (Trying kindness?) either way for what ever reason I do not feel this is an honorable way to be. Calling poeple paranoid, ego, fluff and the list goes on... it simply means they are painting a picture to justify to themselves, why some one does not listen to their rudeness. And have stated they vote low and why. The question asked to start this thread was...

someone must live in to go round and knock highly rated poems down a peg or six just by voting 1 on good poems?
My Erotic Trail said:
well, let me lay it out another way, with the exception of senna (because I do not have the actual knowledge of) the others have played to decieve, elude and or attract readers by changing their member names in order to attract readers because as their current names they were either rude or pompus and wanted (I assume) a fresh start, (Trying kindness?) either way for what ever reason I do not feel this is an honorable way to be. Calling poeple paranoid, ego, fluff and the list goes on... it simply means they are painting a picture to justify to themselves, why some one does not listen to their rudeness. And have stated they vote low and why. The question asked to start this thread was...

someone must live in to go round and knock highly rated poems down a peg or six just by voting 1 on good poems?

I don't see any reason why anyone can't write under a different name. I'm sure they have their reasons why. I don't believe it's all about covering up how they behaved or how rude they are or were. Some people would rather just mingle on the poetry forum and write under a different screen name and that's all there is to it. Or maybe they fear reviewing and giving honesty, then writing and getting the same in return under the same name. Who knows?!

I wish I could pull it off on one of my names but it's impossible. All my writing is dark and reads psycho bitch.

Admitting is the first step. :cool:
saldne said:
I don't see any reason why anyone can't write under a different name. I'm sure they have their reasons why. I don't believe it's all about covering up how they behaved or how rude they are or were. Some people would rather just mingle on the poetry forum and write under a different screen name and that's all there is to it. Or maybe they fear reviewing and giving honesty, then writing and getting the same in return under the same name. Who knows?!

I wish I could pull it off on one of my names but it's impossible. All my writing is dark and reads psycho bitch.

Admitting is the first step. :cool:

I apologize saldne,

there are many who change names for various reasons, most of the above poets mentioned, left their reasons on the "to keep the review thread clear" thread. One was being deceptive the other was playing to get reads and favorable votes. 1201 and the snail well that one is obvious. I am not looking to paint these folks as bad people (rude and pompus maybe) but was basically refering to those who vote low which was asked by the thread starter. And as these threads go it was graced with the presence of the snail and I opened my big mouth again <grinin trying to explain this forums history of low votes and some of the reasons why.
My Erotic Trail said:
I apologize saldne,

there are many who change names for various reasons, most of the above poets mentioned, left their reasons on the "to keep the review thread clear" thread. One was being deceptive the other was playing to get reads and favorable votes. 1201 and the snail well that one is obvious. I am not looking to paint these folks as bad people (rude and pompus maybe) but was basically refering to those who vote low which was asked by the thread starter. And as these threads go it was graced with the presence of the snail and I opened my big mouth again <grinin trying to explain this forums history of low votes and some of the reasons why.

No need to apologize. I don't hang around the poetry forum enough anymore to know what's going on.

I apologize for hijacking this thread but when I read about Senna, I couldn't help but chuckle.

As far as the voting goes, maybe those concerned should just turn the feature off. They still get read, you know? Just saying. I'm sure it's been said enough.

Carry on.