what kind of small sad world

I rarely weigh in on this debate, but would like to make a brief comment.
Those who have been here long enough should let the newbies make their comments and let this poor dog die.

Why does the history of this argument need to be recanted every time it comes up. Let the nasty comments roll off your back,listen to valid critiques, build some callouses, and write more poetry.

No one lives forever, and the moments you waste on this unproductive discussion, which will never stop the bombing, is time you'll never have back.

(steps off stool, and exits stage left) :eek:
What's that again Art?

My Erotic Trail said:
funny that you mention the three most likely to vote down a poem or call it 'crap' or that it 'sucks' or comment rudely or uppity, when the thread was started as...

Art, please find one comment on a poem or story where I said the work sucked or that it was crap. Please show me where I was critical of a poem without either offering some advice, or finding some good in the poem. Show me a poem where I voted it down (in other words a poem where I voted a rating less than I truly believed the rating to be).

As for multiple names, my reasons are clearly discussed in the thread you spoke of, reasons that have nothing to do with deceit or deception. I remember in that thread you said the only names you have used here at Literotica were the three variations on My Erotic Tail (Tale, Trail). Is that truly all Art?

Please show any comments I made that were rude or uppity (and Art, because a comment is eloquent doesn't mean it is uppity).

I think while you are searching you will have an equally difficult time finding any of the above things you accuse us of from Rainman.

To everyone else I apologize for dragging out the point, but I have just gotten sick and tired of the false accusations and innuendo coming from this one source.

jim : )

and MET, shame on you. If you ever met yourself, you would be appalled.

sugarmountain said:
I rarely weigh in on this debate, but would like to make a brief comment.
Those who have been here long enough should let the newbies make their comments and let this poor dog die.

Why does the history of this argument need to be recanted every time it comes up. Let the nasty comments roll off your back,listen to valid critiques, build some callouses, and write more poetry.

No one lives forever, and the moments you waste on this unproductive discussion, which will never stop the bombing, is time you'll never have back.

(steps off stool, and exits stage left) :eek:
cherries_on_snow said:
The original point of the thread was simply to say Ow! I got shot! Doesn't that suck? What kinda jerk would do that? It was a reaction, a simple interjection.

I did not know, of course, that I would stir up these old arguments that have gone on for years and years or whatever.

Ego: yes, I have one. It's healthy. I can easily recover from what some have called a poll. Fine. I just didn't know I was getting into a game when I posted poems here. I thought it was more like a journal, but I guess everything that can be gamed will be gamed. *shrugs*

I have no interest in the games. If I want to game, I'll go game in a game! :rolleyes:

The poems that first got votes for me (addressing anna's comment that they were likely not strangers) actually were strangers. I knew noone at all at Lit 3 weeks ago. I did not bring friends over with me. I ventured in alone. I posted some fiction, then in the same week some pics on the ampic thread and some poems also. All of my first votes and comments came from the poetry thread, though. And, true enough, it was after three of my poems got Hs that I got bombed with 1s or 2s. One morning everything was much lower. There was no feedback. All 7 entries (all I had up at that time) were several decimals lower and I was annoyed. Who wouldn't be? Especially to find low votes without any feedback, well it seemed cowardly. So I squawked. I thought for awhile also about an idea someone gave me that maybe the low votes made up for certain favouritism I may have received by being so congenial and making friends my first few weeks. So...

I ran a little experiment. I posted a poem (not one in my usual style) under a different name. I got fair votes and feedback for the poem. Got mentioned in the review, got all 4 and 5 votes (though less commentary). Under that name, I never said one word to anyone other than a thank you (with nothing else in the comment) to the person who mentioned me in the poetry review. What this means, I think, is that I'm likely to fare better with those voting if I pretend not to be me. If I pretend I'm not a woman who has shown her boobies on the ampics thread (because, obviously, I'm pandering to do such a thing, right? lol).

BUT I've also come to the conclusion that I don't give a shite about the votes. I'd rather be me, unapologetic, shameless, happy, and me, and have lower votes. Let the morality police or whomever it is (the gamer perhaps) bomb me all he or she wants. It will neither teach me, hinder me, nor punish me, because I'm going to ignore the voting from now on. The only thing I will pay attention to are comments. I'll leave voting on only so as to get the greater access to audience that might bring. Otherwise, it is a game and I see that now. Kind of a dull game at that. No more interesting than "Mother May I."

On to the interesting stuff: In the interests of community I would like to see this thread die. I will assume it to be the greatest kindness of burgeoning friendship if people no longer post to it and let it sink into obscurity. Cheers and best wishes for productive writing to all . . .
~ C.o.S.

what would be nice, if the mods made this a sticky, so the next newbie with hurt feelings can save the time of starting a thread of their own.

I am sorry I weighed in as well. I remember how it felt when it happened to me and I allI could think was, not knowing there WAS such a thing as a troll, was why didnt they tell me whats wrong with my work instead of just leaving a nasty little one.

Im sorry being abrasive, that is NOT my personality, and Im sorry it leaked out all over this thread..I wish you well and nothing b ut good FB and highjvote in the future

and also, ( not being said to COS,) it really isnt fair to accuse people who always are kind and helpful of being trolls, its ugly and mean and so unfair... makes me see things in a a different light now, I didnt know...wasnt paying attention...and I usuallylive in a fog and pretend like all people are nice just because their outer words are..I owe someone an apology..you know who you are, Im sorry...

be nice to each other, your mamas aint here to discipline you so make them proud in thier absence

~~ maria

PS, COS, I cant believe no one told you, but being anywhere on the GB will attract trolls, yes, you mght just fare better not going there...;) your troll might not have anything to do with poetry, might just be someone who was jealous of yoru pics and or your personality or attention you got on the GB

Last edited:
Originally Posted by MyNecroticSnail
You heard wrong, if you notice The RainMan was one of the people who mentioned you as one person to watch in New Poems. That should be an indication that you have potentional. He is also a top poet, one of the best here. It is people like him that keep this forum from stagnation. Senna Jawa is/was another, jthserra another. Sometimes they upset those with fragile eggshell egos, but it always about the poetry.
Let it RAIN meant more Rainman, others like him.
As for the low votes received, people play games. I get 'em from one crowd that loves to deny, perhaps I'm just *uppity*

Your response

My Erotic Trail said:
funny that you mention the three most likely to vote down a poem or call it 'crap' or that it 'sucks' or comment rudely or uppity, when the thread was started as...

A lie.
annaswirls said:
it is a triple lie raised to the third power :rolleyes:

What kind of .......small world... <grin
"yes it is..."

we just got over the pathetic thread, comment left by Senna and have already discussed the rain man's voting methods (which I must mention, he gave me a five on a most recent poem of mine) and jim's... is being discussed currently with ambition! (~_~) subtract that! <grin
vote schmote....what difference does it make HOW rainman votes? poetry shoudl be able to stand on its own merits and not be so dpendant on how many little votes it gleans from what is left of the lit poetry forum. I have been called an asshole recently, just felt like letting some excess gas out the ol blowhole, dont farts melt snails? or is that salt....

"mmm, salty farts..."-- Homer Simpson
nothing on earth is as freeing as turning off the voting mechanism on submissions here in Litland.

well, there are some things, but they're not meant for polite company. :devil:
Maria2394 said:
vote schmote....what difference does it make HOW rainman votes? poetry shoudl be able to stand on its own merits and not be so dpendant on how many little votes it gleans from what is left of the lit poetry forum. I have been called an asshole recently, just felt like letting some excess gas out the ol blowhole, dont farts melt snails? or is that salt....

"mmm, salty farts..."-- Homer Simpson

now that is funny... <bigrin (~_*)

I don't think that Pat's voting is the issue but perhaps recalling some old thorns on the poetry rose. I am man enough to raise my hand...

what does Body Oder ... do to 'em?
hey MET :)

oh, I know how Rainman votes has nothing to do with the pettiness here. Just someone decided to make it an issue to ingratiate himself with some of the poets here and I find it utterly disgusting. I left voting on for a while, just so some of the small ones could vent on me and perhaps save others some grief, but theres not much here to keep me coming back. The fighting has stunk up what was good about this forum and sadly I contributed to it. I apologize for that. I apologize to Rainman, for my comment was misunderstood and he has helped the cause of poetry here. What really stinks is that so many of the good ones only peek in from time to time, and some have left completely and others hang on hoping...I for one am tired of being a hanger on and hoper. I give up

as for those others, I choose a line from Saldne

<enters, farts, leaves>
Maria2394 said:
hey MET :)

oh, I know how Rainman votes has nothing to do with the pettiness here. Just someone decided to make it an issue to ingratiate himself with some of the poets here and I find it utterly disgusting. I left voting on for a while, just so some of the small ones could vent on me and perhaps save others some grief, but theres not much here to keep me coming back. The fighting has stunk up what was good about this forum and sadly I contributed to it. I apologize for that. I apologize to Rainman, for my comment was misunderstood and he has helped the cause of poetry here. What really stinks is that so many of the good ones only peek in from time to time, and some have left completely and others hang on hoping...I for one am tired of being a hanger on and hoper. I give up

as for those others, I choose a line from Saldne

<enters, farts, leaves>
Oh, hey, Maria. Please don't leave. I would miss you, your comments and your poems. (Hey--I wouldn't know what a Moon Pie was, otherwise. :) )

Enough people leave because of the periodic fights. Think of them as being like the periodic fights that families have. They can be vitriolic and nasty, cruel and pointed, but when they end, you all still have to live together.

There are (duh) factions here. Some align with one side, some another, but most of us just wish the whole fucking conflict would go away. It just alienates people on both sides, not to mention those who aren't really on one side or the other.

My suggestion, which is just a suggestion, is when one of these periodic dust-ups starts, write something for us about your work or life and just ignore the infighting. Trust me, most of the people who frequent here are much more interested in your life and thoughts than they are on any fight between such mediocrities as MNS and MET and who is right or wrong or good or bad or helpful or not.

I, for one, would miss you if you leave. I would rather you would not.

Tzara said:
Oh, hey, Maria. Please don't leave. I would miss you, your comments and your poems. (Hey--I wouldn't know what a Moon Pie was, otherwise. :) )

Enough people leave because of the periodic fights. Think of them as being like the periodic fights that families have. They can be vitriolic and nasty, cruel and pointed, but when they end, you all still have to live together.

There are (duh) factions here. Some align with one side, some another, but most of us just wish the whole fucking conflict would go away. It just alienates people on both sides, not to mention those who aren't really on one side or the other.

My suggestion, which is just a suggestion, is when one of these periodic dust-ups starts, write something for us about your work or life and just ignore the infighting. Trust me, most of the people who frequent here are much more interested in your life and thoughts than they are on any fight between such mediocrities as MNS and MET and who is right or wrong or good or bad or helpful or not.

I, for one, would miss you if you leave. I would rather you would not.


*giggling at 'Duh Factions' - sounds like some mad music group*
sorry. ;)
hey Maria, don't you dare go anywhere, I am finally unpacked and trying to get back into the swing of literotica land....!

not everyone leaves because of fights, some just need a break, keep things in perspective and then there is this little thing called um what was it... life :)

oh and it is not about voting, it is about slander-- not the topic of the slander or who slandered whom, just the lies lies lies

what is the name of that al franken book? the lies and the lying liars that tell them?
wildsweetone said:
nothing on earth is as freeing as turning off the voting mechanism on submissions here in Litland.
Or not caring. Works for me. :cool:
Maria2394 said:
hey MET :)

oh, I know how Rainman votes has nothing to do with the pettiness here. Just someone decided to make it an issue to ingratiate himself with some of the poets here and I find it utterly disgusting. I left voting on for a while, just so some of the small ones could vent on me and perhaps save others some grief, but theres not much here to keep me coming back. The fighting has stunk up what was good about this forum and sadly I contributed to it. I apologize for that. I apologize to Rainman, for my comment was misunderstood and he has helped the cause of poetry here. What really stinks is that so many of the good ones only peek in from time to time, and some have left completely and others hang on hoping...I for one am tired of being a hanger on and hoper. I give up

as for those others, I choose a line from Saldne

<enters, farts, leaves>

Now Maria, don't be getting discouraged....and please, don't fart! :eek:

Surely you're not getting all upset over another one of these little periodic pissing contests, are you? You think these are bad here at Lit? These are like little family squabbles. Over the past few months I've been digging in on the net and researching global warming - you should see the fur fly in that arena! :catroar:

And if you want to see some really vitriolic venom, check out discussions on Islam! Not liking to take some of the positions made, I've been reading up on 'approved' translations of the Quran. :eek:

So stay on here at Lit - take a breather if you must - and then let these little sibling squabbles wash over you.


:rose: :rose: :rose:

Decayed Angel said:

Decayed Angel said:
Another lie

annaswirls said:
it is a triple lie raised to the third power

can anyone who has been here for more than a few months, and has intellect enough to read and the objectivity to be fair, really be surprised that MET is fabricating things again? . . .

come on, people. his lies and hypocrisies are floating all over this place, like space debris.

so are his insults. he has now taken to cheap-shoting people who are no longer here to defend themselves. witness his remark about Tathagata.

My Erotic Trail said:
. . . a beer drinking monkey . . .

i’d be glad to defend Tath in his absence, if he needed defense . . . he doesn’t.

isn’t it also common knowledge that, though he started threads called “Haiku River” and “Zen Mountain” and fills them up like dumptrucks, what he knows about haiku and Zen couldn’t assist him in finding his way out of a kindergarten coat room?

surely it is safe to assume that anyone who is intelligent and impartial already knows he is the opposite of all that is good and true.

who could possibly expect an apology from someone like that?

he obviously doesn’t have the honor to admit his faults, nor repent, nor feel remorse, nor the elementary skill to tell the difference between a statement and proof, nor the endowments to discern who has won and who has lost an argument.

so what has changed to bring this up again?

it ain’t news.

this, is the proper response:

Lauren Hynde said:
I'm not going to discuss this shit with you again . . .
and . . .trying to read your posts makes my brain hurt.

with the perfect punchline . . .

Lauren Hynde said:
. . . It's pathetic.

over and out . . .

p.s. . . .

Maria2394 said:
. . . I apologize to Rainman . . .

Maria – you have never said or done anything that even remotely requires an apology to me. all you ever do is act wonderful and human, and write kick-ass poetry.

My Erotic Trail said:
pat... you just might be sharper than a bowling ball (~_*)
Pat the bowling ball. Solid, striking and straight rollin'. Works for me.
Cherries on Snow:
" someone must live in to go round and knock highly rated poems down a peg or six just by voting 1 on good poems?"

I just went through the top one hundred list and voted a large number of 4s and 3s. I even voted some 2s and 1s. Why do people vote 1 on a good poem? Because they don't think it's that good.

Besides, it's a nice balance to all the 5s poems get for just being 'good.'
Never said:
Cherries on Snow:
" someone must live in to go round and knock highly rated poems down a peg or six just by voting 1 on good poems?"

I just went through the top one hundred list and voted a large number of 4s and 3s. I even voted some 2s and 1s. Why do people vote 1 on a good poem? Because they don't think it's that good.

Besides, it's a nice balance to all the 5s poems get for just being 'good.'

wow, you read all 100, that is IMPRESSIVE :) !!!

I have a headache just thinking about it ;)

Good for you for voting with your opinion of the poem, giving it the vote, your vote, the number you think it deserves...not on it's past merits or current score.

hopefully someone does not cry to the powers that be that some evil troll gave their baby a low vote boo hoo.

I am interested to see if certain people will interpret what you did as anything but a valid, honest, expression of your opinion on the poem.