what kind of small sad world

annaswirls said:
wow, you read all 100, that is IMPRESSIVE :) !!!

I have a headache just thinking about it ;)

Good for you for voting with your opinion of the poem, giving it the vote, your vote, the number you think it deserves...not on it's past merits or current score.

hopefully someone does not cry to the powers that be that some evil troll gave their baby a low vote boo hoo.

I am interested to see if certain people will interpret what you did as anything but a valid, honest, expression of your opinion on the poem.

I for one doubt it was valid or honest BECAUSE I didnt get a fucking explanation of WHY it was a 1 or 2. ( which is the reason for threads like this to begin with. I consider a 1 or 2 a TROLL vote when it comes with NO explanation, indeed, not even a comment like, " I simply didnt like it, or "it sucked"

Thank you however, for knocking me down a notch because my EGO is so huge, because I have done so much here and because my POEM was so fucking wondeful it deserved to be trolled. Its a good thing there are people ( like you) to keep me in check, otherwise I might be listing myself on my favorites list!!!LMFAO. same ol place, new fucking face

thanks for the non comment and non expression of a non opinion by casting your 1 or 2.
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" wow, you read all 100, that is IMPRESSIVE"

Or perhaps more an indicator of have having too much free time and being too cheap to go out and buy a book of poetry. ;)

" I have a headache just thinking about it"

I rather enjoyed it. Given the quality of most internet writing, it's always nice to come to Lit and read some truly fine poets.

Maria are you talking to me or anna?
Never said:
" wow, you read all 100, that is IMPRESSIVE"

Or perhaps more an indicator of have having too much free time and being too cheap to go out and buy a book of poetry. ;)

" I have a headache just thinking about it"

I rather enjoyed it. Given the quality of most internet writing, it's always nice to come to Lit and read some truly fine poets.

Maria are you talking to me or anna?

I would never talk to Anna like that....I respect her. When she gives less than a 4 she tells you why.

also, my comment t YOU has nothing to do with my poem, it has to do with teh arrogance of splashing low votes just because you can and then expecting people to thakn you and kiss your butt because you did. If I had ever read anything you have written ( do you write? or just spend your life posting thing sof very little matter?) I might respect you, but as it is, I dont know you, dont care to. LIke I said, thanks for puking on the top list. It sucked anyway, and now there are ONLY poems of the utmost quality and substance there. Good thing you came along when you did!! <whew>
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All I did was go through the list and vote on the poems I read. It's the same thing I do with almost every story and poem I read here.

Now for your comments:
" I for one doubt it was valid or honest BECAUSE I didnt get a fucking explanation of WHY it was a 1 or 2. "

Shall I assume that one or more of your poems got a low vote in the last 24 hours, is listed on the top one-hundred, and you've decided I'm the culprit?

I'll concede that my opinion lacks the validity of an objective or informed reader. I've had the pleasure of listening/reading poetry critiques from those who have 'valid' opinions and they show a far more nuanced and complex understanding of poetry and the elements of a poem than I have.

I resent the implication that my opinion is dishonest, however. Whether I comment or not has no reflection on my honesty; it's simply a reflection of my desire to comment at that moment.

"I consider a 1 or 2 a TROLL vote"

Looking over your list of poems, I see a few that I believe I've given 3 or 4s to as well. If what you're say is accurate, I'm a troll one moment when I give a poem a 2 yet in the minute it takes me to navigate to the next poem and vote, I've transformed back into a normal person. Indeed, according to that logic, I've been a troll a dozen times today and a human being at least a hundred.

Let's just average that and say I'm 10% troll. It's figure I'm comfortable with.

" Thank you however, for knocking me down a notch because my EGO is so huge, because I have done so much here and because my POEM was so fucking wondeful it deserved to be trolled. "

Given that I've never interacted with you before, it's a bit much to speculate that I voted poorly on one of your poems because of some problem I have with you. Besides, it's not at though I insulted your mother. You just had a poem that I didn't care for. Many people liked it or it wouldn't have been on one hundred list.

I'm not saying you're a bad poet or a bad person. A low vote just means I read something of yours I didn't like. If you can look at that poem and say "I'm proud to have written this," does my opinion, the opinion of one person you've never met before, matter?
"If I had ever read anything you have written ( do you write? or just spend your life posting thing sof very little matter?) I might respect you, but as it is, I dont know you, dont care to. LIke I said, thanks for puking on the top list."

Maria, I think you're getting a bit personal there. I'm sorry if I've upset you there's no reason we can't work this out politely.
Maria, WTF? It actually sounds like your account was hijacked last night by someone other than the poet we know.

Do you consider the many 3, 4 and 5 votes your poems receive invalid and dishonest because they don't come with a fucking explanation? That's the nature of votes: no fucking explanation, just a one-click opinion of the reader. If you want explanations with your votes, you need to turn off voting and turn on public comments. That way you can see the little thermometer and all the explanations you want, ranging from "it sucked" to "ohmygodthisisthebestpoemevahintheworld!"

Never had the arrogance to read poems and vote according to her opinion on them. The fucking nerve. I once did the same, because the top 70 poems or so all had a perfect 5.0 average, most of them with less than 15 votes. That is not a top list. That is a joke. So I read all the poems listed, voted according to my opinion on each of them. Some got 5s, some got 4s, some got 3s, some got 2s. I don't think there was any so awful as to get a 1, but had I thought there was, it would have gotten a 1. At that same time, I encouraged others to do the same - to vote on the top-rated poems according to their opinion. MET, obviously, accused me of being a troll and incentivating trolling. (He will again once he reads this, don't worry. It's in his nature. ;)) Well, if voting as you see fit, based on the perception you have of the quality of a piece, not its author, not its past ratings, not other people's praise or vituperation, but your honest opinion, be it translated into numbers as a 5 or as a 1, is trolling, then I am fucking proud to be a troll, and had I the time, I'd do it every day. (There you go. Quotable material that will last for a decade of invectives.)

By the way, Never has written some of the best poems ever posted at Lit, but even if she had never written a line, a simple(?) reader is as entitled to his or her opinion as anyone else, particularly when you directly ask them by turning on voting. That sort of attack honestly makes me think your account was hijacked.
I almost never post a comment. Simply because my time here is limited, and I have the option of typing down one comment, or reading five poems. Ok, if I have something stringent and insightful to say right away, I might. But I very rarely feel that I do.

My vote IS a comment. It says everything from "I found this fantastic" over "This worked for me" to "I'm not feeling it" and down to "This bored me to bits". But to every time specify this into something that says more than basically what my vote already said, plus "Yo"... does it add anything of value?
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Liar said:
I almost never post a comment. Simply because my time here is limited, and I have the option of typing down one comment, or reading five poems. Ok, if I have something stringent and insightful to say right away, I might. But I very rarely feel that I do.

My vote IS a comment. It says everything from "I found this fantastic" over "This worked for me" to "I'm not feeling it" and down to "This bored me to bits". But to every time specify this into something that says more than basically what my vote already said, plus "Yo"... does it add anything of value?
cherries_on_snow said:
Well, it wasn't, if I am understanding, Never's true expression of opinion on the poem. What she said is that it was nice to balance 5s with a 1 vote on a good poem. If it is good, why not give a 3 or 4?
That's not what she said at all, Cherries. She said people vote 1 on a good poem because they don't think it's that good, and that the fact that this occurs, that different people have different opinions, in itself is a nice balance to all the 5s poems get just for being good (or just for being there). She never said - nor do I believe anyone would defend that practice - that she gave 1s and 2s to counterbalance 5s.
cherries_on_snow said:
But that's my opinion. So if I see a poem I'd have given a B in my class (when I taught creative writing) I give it a 3 or 4 here. If I see a poem that I'd have given a C or D, a 1 or 2 seems appropriate.

And wasn't that, precisely what Never did? What am I missing? :confused:
Never said:
Cherries on Snow:
" someone must live in to go round and knock highly rated poems down a peg or six just by voting 1 on good poems?"

I just went through the top one hundred list and voted a large number of 4s and 3s. I even voted some 2s and 1s. Why do people vote 1 on a good poem? Because they don't think it's that good.

Besides, it's a nice balance to all the 5s poems get for just being 'good.'

Maybe I'm misunderstanding. It seems that she's saying here that a good poem should get a 1 to balance the 5s because it isn't excellent.

Would you give a good poem a 1, Never? or vote a 4 or 3? The last comment made me think that she enjoyed 'balancing' the opinions of others by negating them.
Lauren Hynde said:
That's not what she said at all, Cherries. She said people vote 1 on a good poem because they don't think it's that good, and that the fact that this occurs, that different people have different opinions, in itself is a nice balance to all the 5s poems get just for being good (or just for being there). She never said - nor do I believe anyone would defend that practice - that she gave 1s and 2s to counterbalance 5s.
With respect, Lauren, I wouldn't think that being good is the same as being there. If so, I'll start taking wine to work with me. ;)
cherries_on_snow said:
With respect, Lauren, I wouldn't think that being good is the same as being there. If so, I'll start taking wine to work with me. ;)
Nor would I, Cherries. But many - well, a couple - here have said on several occasions that they vote 5s on every poem, whether it is excellent or bad, just because it is posted, to balance the low votes of "the critics". ;)
Lauren Hynde said:
Do you consider the many 3, 4 and 5 votes your poems receive invalid and dishonest because they don't come with a fucking explanation? That's the nature of votes: no fucking explanation, just a one-click opinion of the reader. If you want explanations with your votes, you need to turn off voting and turn on public comments. That way you can see the little thermometer and all the explanations you want, ranging from "it sucked" to "ohmygodthisisthebestpoemevahintheworld!"

Never had the arrogance to read poems and vote according to her opinion on them. The fucking nerve. I once did the same, because the top 70 poems or so all had a perfect 5.0 average, most of them with less than 15 votes. That is not a top list. That is a joke. So I read all the poems listed, voted according to my opinion on each of them. Some got 5s, some got 4s, some got 3s, some got 2s. I don't think there was any so awful as to get a 1, but had I thought there was, it would have gotten a 1. At that same time, I encouraged others to do the same - to vote on the top-rated poems according to their opinion. MET, obviously, accused me of being a troll and incentivating trolling. (He will again once he reads this, don't worry. It's in his nature. ;)) Well, if voting as you see fit, based on the perception you have of the quality of a piece, not its author, not its past ratings, not other people's praise or vituperation, but your honest opinion, be it translated into numbers as a 5 or as a 1, is trolling, then I am fucking proud to be a troll, and had I the time, I'd do it every day. (There you go. Quotable material that will last for a decade of invectives.)

I'm all for one person, one vote.

"MET, obviously, accused me of being a troll" well as far as this goes some people in his crowd are acting like hypocrites.
They put jackboots on their little stompy feet, and then call me a NAZI.
And I just left a 75 for his pin head of knowledge :rolleyes: My guess he will delete the comment, accuse me of something worse..
Or fell sorry for me :rolleyes:
Or platitude me to death :rolleyes:

Hey, tell-tale, did you ever apologise to Decayed Angel? Rainman? twelveoone? Lauren Hynde? I'm sure there are others that you inferred all sorts of nasty things, often buried in your threads, comments, where nobody but your group can see them. (and act accordingly?)
Remember you don't all the good words, and you can't assign all the bad ones.
I'm positive!
cherries_on_snow said:
Well, it wasn't, if I am understanding, Never's true expression of opinion on the poem. What she said is that it was nice to balance 5s with a 1 vote on a good poem.

You are NOT understanding.

She did not SAY that, she did not DO that, you READ that as I am sure did others.

She voted her OPINION. HER one vote opinion. If it was a 3 she GAVE it a 3.

The balance comes from her SINGLE vote of her HONEST opinion.

sheesh. here we go. and now what people will read and remember is your misinterpretation of what she said and did. :rolleyes:

Like Lauren, I wish I had the time to do the same, it is NOT a case of trolling to go into the spotlight and vote for the poems on the toplist. That is what the toplist is for-- hey, here are what we think are the best, what do YOU think? I have not been on the toplist in AGES, and I even have my voting turned back on, so maybe that is why I have this perspective because it is not my work in the spotlight being judged by strangers.

ps....I still like you as a person and a poet, just disagree strong strong strongly.
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Never said:
All I did was go through the list and vote on the poems I read. It's the same thing I do with almost every story and poem I read here.

I don't have any poems on the toplist-- and the only reason that bothers me in the least is that you did not read them :eek:
annaswirls said:
You are NOT understanding.

She did not SAY that, she did not DO that, you READ that as I am sure did others.

She voted her OPINION. HER one vote opinion. If it was a 3 she GAVE it a 3.

The balance comes from her SINGLE vote of her HONEST opinion.

sheesh. here we go. and now what people will read and remember is your misinterpretation of what she said and did. :rolleyes:

Like Lauren, I wish I had the time to do the same, it is NOT a case of trolling to go into the spotlight and vote for the poems on the toplist. That is what the toplist is for-- hey, here are what we think are the best, what do YOU think? I have not been on the toplist in AGES, and I even have my voting turned back on, so maybe that is why I have this perspective because it is not my work in the spotlight being judged by strangers.

ps....I still like you as a person and a poet, just disagree strong strong strongly.

Yeah I figured you were disagreeing from the capital letters. The chance that I might have misinterpreted is why I asked her directly to clarify, Anna. My reading came from her assertion that it was nice to balance the 5s poems got for being good. That's a direct quote. or rather this is.

"Why do people vote 1 on a good poem? Because they don't think it's that good.

Besides, it's a nice balance to all the 5s poems get for just being 'good.'"

And if people don't read the original post and misinterpret, then I'm sorry, that's not my fault. I'm asking Never for clarification on something that honestly I don't even give a shite about anymore. I put weights on the feet of this thread and hoped it would sink but it appears to keep floating, bloated and fish bitten, to the surface.

I'm glad you like my poems. I like your poems too. :)
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I am grateful the voting system and top lists. Without them, we'd only have 3 or 4 threads on the entire poetry forum.
WickedEve said:
I am grateful the voting system and top lists. Without them, we'd only have 3 or 4 threads on the entire poetry forum.
and they all would be soapboxes :)
WickedEve said:
I am grateful the voting system and top lists. Without them, we'd only have 3 or 4 threads on the entire poetry forum.
The Portuguese Literotica forum has been created about two weeks ago, and of the 9 threads it has, none of them is about voting yet! I can't wait until it starts. :D
Lauren Hynde said:
The Portuguese Literotica forum has been created about two weeks ago, and of the 9 threads it has, none of them is about voting yet! I can't wait until it starts. :D
When it happens, I want a translation! lol