What Kind of ....

Was real, now fake

I have trouble every year.

My wife's birthday is very close to Christmas so she doesn't want the Christmas decorations to start until AFTER her birthday.

Each year I'd try to find a real tree when all of them had been sold, or buy one and try to hide it. (Ever tried hiding a TREE?)

The old house is large and any tree under eight foot looked too small. The best places to site the tree were also close to radiators or rising heat so needles started dropping within a week. I'd still be vacuuming up needles the following November.

The cats would always climb the tree. It's cute when they are kittens but when they are moggies weighing up to 28lbs they do a lot of damage to the decorations or knock the tree over. We had five cats who loved to play hide and seek with each other in the Christmas tree. Redecorating the tree was a daily chore.

Now we have a fake tree in the new house. Less mess and can be stored in the loft until the morning after my wife's birthday. She knows where it is so I don't have to hide it.

In my shop I have two one foot tall fake trees that fit in a side window. I also have a French Nativity Scene. I can only put the decorations in the side window because anywhere else they would be in reach of small children. If I put them in an accessible place I would be breaking half a dozen regulations for retailers.

The Nativity Scene is popular because it is about the real Christmas, not the commercial one. It is at the right height for two and three year olds to press their noses against the window.

No Santa Claus anywhere, except me. I do Santa for a couple of Nursery Schools and I don't need a fake beard. What I do need is waterproof trousers. The children get too excited!

I'd better check the Christmas tree lights while my wife is at work.

Christmas tree story

One of the loveliest things I encountered once was on my first visit to a new friend's flat in springtime. We were both 19 and newly initimate, wanting to know everything about each other. She was an artist (painter), we had met in the art school of our university.

I was browsing among all her work and lovely decorative objects when I came upon a child’s red plastic sand pail full of pine tree needles. Judy said it was her first Christmas tree as an adult liviing alone, and she wanted to save it but did not know how. Finally she came up with that idea and spent hours dragging all the needles off the branches. I loved her more for that bucket of pine tree needles.

One time a jazz musician friend came by to visit. He saw the bucket, got extremely excited—I had no idea why—and shouted, “Jude! Is this weed?” He was so disappointed.


[edited only for typos]
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Mines fake. I cannot equate he holiday that celebrates life and love with going out to axe murder a poor defensless tree.
