What made you smile or laugh today? Part III

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Remembering a dream I had years ago, where I had pancakes in my panties as a makeshift chastity belt. The logic behind it was that nobody wants to have sex with someone whose nether region smells like pancakes. (Although I think for me it would just be an added bonus if the person I had sex with smelled like pancakes.)

What a weird thing to remember all of a sudden.

I think I'm gonna cook blinis today inspired by the pancake dream memory. I won't stuff them down my panties, though.

Edit: And of course I've told about the dream on Lit. :rolleyes:
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Spending my day with my husband at art museum. We laughed at the large penis art they had all around the place. Private jokes that made it a good day.
My one year old successfully taking down my five year old. Freaking hilarious to watch the five year old's reaction. :D

~ those little deja vu 's .. and being exactly where i should be.

Hi, haven't seen you around for a while! :)

Me. :D I got up super early this morning, well before dawn, and have been working steadily. I decided it was time go out to do the shopping. So, I walk to the front door, open it and see that we are having a white-out blizzard. There's about 6 inches of snowfall since last night, the wind is whipping and the snow fall is blinding. I am not going out in that!
Then I had to laugh at myself. I was idly wondering earlier why it was so dark today! :rolleyes:

Haha, that's funny. :)

I had the opposite happen to me today. I'm so used to it being dark all the time, that it's always surprising to realize one day that omg, the mornings aren't pitch black anymore.

Today was the day and it made me really happy. The day is over 8 hours long already! :)
Haha, that's funny. :)

I had the opposite happen to me today. I'm so used to it being dark all the time, that it's always surprising to realize one day that omg, the mornings aren't pitch black anymore.

Today was the day and it made me really happy. The day is over 8 hours long already! :)

I do not like the short days at all. :)
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A lot, for once.

afairy :heart:

Lilli posting shmaltzy music in with the Dead Kennedys.

Shank’s thread.

My GFs on Skype.

My cat.

And always, this guy who loves me. :heart:
afairy :heart:

Lilli posting shmaltzy music in with the Dead Kennedys.

Shank’s thread.

My GFs on Skype.

My cat.

And always, this guy who loves me. :heart:

Someone's got to lighten things up around here! :D
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My hours of daylight just crept up over the 8 hour mark too! I'm so happy about that! I do not like the short days at all. :)

I mean, it's nice to be able to catch the sunrises and sunsets, so that's a bonus of the short days. Except that you're usually at work/school at 9:30 AM and 3 PM. But at least there's always the weekend when you can really enjoy the sunrise and sunset! :rolleyes::D

Two pics from December:
8:40 AM
3:10 PM

I'm so ready for the long days and gloriously light nights. :)
Hi, haven't seen you around for a while! :)

I had the opposite happen to me today. I'm so used to it being dark all the time, that it's always surprising to realize one day that omg, the mornings aren't pitch black anymore.

Today was the day and it made me really happy. The day is over 8 hours long already! :)
Hi! .. wandered off for a bit. but just could'nt stay away from this warm bath of beautiful souls and decent convo's and discussions!. and fun... !:heart:
8 hours of daylight..hooray!. waiting impatiently for spring too!. :cattail:

afairy :heart:

Lilli posting shmaltzy music in with the Dead Kennedys.

Shank’s thread.

My GFs on Skype.

My cat.

And always, this guy who loves me. :heart:


OMG! We both were rolling over this part:

"Are there specialist contractors who can install a fuck dungeon for you, or do you need to buy all the parts and just sort of put it together yourself?"

Will the contractor pull the permits and ensure the work passes code upon inspection?
Is there an Ikea for dungeons? Will we need special tools for the assembly? What shall we do with the leftover parts?
Feeling my life is finally back to being emotionally stable enough to be here without invisible mode.
Watching someone with a front drive car, and chains on the rear tires, trying to get traction on the road in snow & ice. Damn near peed myself laughing.
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