What made you smile or laugh today? Part III

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Reading what is all consider fetish or kink for the first time today on Fetlife.com and finding a lot of things that made me laugh. I had no idea so much was out there!
Finding out people on Lit think I’m “scary”.

I’m a mush, people!
Reading what is all consider fetish or kink for the first time today on Fetlife.com and finding a lot of things that made me laugh. I had no idea so much was out there!

I agree! I always thought things were pretty normal, but I keep finding out differently! 😂
A bumper sticker:

Driving a Ford is like fucking your sister.
People do it but it just ain't right.

Made me snort\laugh.
Cooking chicken katsu curry with bff/roommate/it's complicated. I hate the smell of curry, but hubby and she both like it, so I made the effort. Had to be from scratch because the premade or "just add meat and water" ones are way too high in sodium and hubby's heart can't handle it.
One of my friend's mom who lives up the street breeds rosy boas (local to where I live just in case) and is giving me pick of the litter. Sooo excited, though it'll be a month or so before I can bring him home. Needs to get a bit bigger first.
takes some work.

Yup, noxious work. I despise the smell of curry, so cooking it- if that isn't love I don't know what is. But he was happy and changed his tone talking to our kids over accidents this week and I wanted to do something I knew he'd like. Even if I did manage to screw up half the rice.

Yes, I've a degree in cooking and rice is 75% rare successful if it's not white rice. Been keeping to brown due to heart, salt and sugar issues in house. It's the silliest thing, given I've been proposed to for my cookery in the past, lol. But rice is a difficult foe sometimes. Ah well :rolleyes:
I also tend to line the entire pot with aluminum foil and seal the top like a pouch. Once the rice water is boiling put 3 cut out can rounds (cut off the bottom or top if a stewed tomato can or other big thick can and keep them) put those **under** the pot to distribute the heat as evenly as possible. I cook with natural gas/ open flame so if you cook with electric ... Good luck. ;-)
I also have a culinary degree so if you want to talk food my box is open <3
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