What made you smile or laugh today? Part III

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... but, shaved the kitty?

Getting to help someone who usually helps me rather the other way around.
A really bad 80’s music vid. I mean it was not just stereo typical 80, the music was even bad. Rofl!
Oh my goodness!!! 😂😂😂 My son loves Emenim! He heard it playing on Pandora and ran in to my room. He started beatboxing to the song. It was so so cute. I love his innocent joy. ☺️ It was only playing because it was one of the songs I couldn’t skip too! Rofl.
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I went to a party full of people I'd never met and they took it in turns to say lovely things about my work. (I've been doing freelance work for these people for years but never met any of them until today.) More compliments than I knew what to do with. It was lovely.
Pics required...all lined up. :)

I'll post a pic like that if I feel comfortable letting the world see into my underwear drawer!

I hope the bra will be orange-y enough to at least kind of fit into my rainbow, but I'll find out when it gets here. You can never be sure when you're buying stuff based on a pic. Especially as I never really bother reading the descriptions, although I really should.

Case in point, I once ordered a bra that looked nude with black trims in the pic. Turns out it was actually nude mesh and they had just photoshopped the model's nipples out of the pic so the bra looked solid nude and not seethrough. I felt pretty stupid when I opened the package. :rolleyes::eek:
Seeing Seela's happy face first thing this morning.

Aww. :heart: I had a really good day yesterday. :)

I'm wearing socks with a checker pattern on them and they've been made so that there are ridges on the inside of the socks where the edges or the squares are. At first I thought I'd find it annoying and not be able to wear them at all.

Not so! It's like a lovely, tiny, tickly foot massage on each step. I suspect I'll start wearing these socks a lot more often now. :)
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