What Made You Smile Today, v6

My Darling Wife,

You have given so much, and taken so little.
We have separated and re-formed. Hardening in the process. Now unbreakable. Indivisible.

Has growth anodized us? Age? A life full of challenges…and not always triumphs?

Are those new lines around your eyes a testament to a life of hardship?
Or are those non-verbal forms of prose….silently speaking of mirth?

You are more beautiful now.
Your compassion is deeper. Your love….depthless.

You are blessed to have me….as am I , you.

Let us continue this float down life’s river….sometimes rife with rapids, but more often than not…placid and peaceful.
A journey worth taking.

I would marry you a dozen times over. Shout my emphatic, I do, to the masses that will listen.
For good news is surely meant to be shared.

Sleep well my love.
In comfort. At ease. And completely loved.

We are two in number….but through 30 years of friendship and tribulation, we are one in spirit.

God bless you my wife. As He has blessed me with you and our children. 🍁🌹
Oh so many reasons! Not only my migraine but also fuzzy eyesight and exhaustion were all completely lifted by the pain killers! So I could actually function and get stuff done. Even the most exhausting thing, shopping, was possible.

The I met 3 good, 2 of them even awesome salespersons, and actually found what I needed without any extra hassle! (My expectation, from prior experience, was to mostly look in vain, I only expected to find 1/3 and even that after lots of frustration.)

And now I have a cat leaning into me, purrrrrrrrrring ❤️