What Made You Smile Today, v6

My husband got his Santa airplane set up. Complete with running lights to make it look like a runway. He's giddy ;)
Insisting my friend sends me proof of life photos for her pet every day, and then realising it has now become part of her daily routine :D
Getting our moose in an hour and a half.
Steaks and roasts for a while.

Absolutely kick ass. ;)
Beer advent calendar day 9!!!

Foraged berry lager. Very similar to yesterday. Just not as good haha.
A client at my work telling me that every time they come in, I am there and always working hard. She wished me a good Christmas. I thought that was sweet.

A text from someone just now, telling me I am ‘technically’ their friend 😂 just on a technicality then
Beer advent calendar day 10!!!

Roasted marshmallow. Yep thats what I said.

Roasted. Fucking. Marshmallow.

One sip. Poured it out...
Beer advent calendar day 10!!!

Roasted marshmallow. Yep thats what I said.

Roasted. Fucking. Marshmallow.

One sip. Poured it out...

Seeing a group of people I haven't seen in a very long time. There were a few happy tears along with the smiles.