What Makes a story good?

Un-registered said:
I invariably put '110m Hurdles' in that box. About 1 in 10 times it is queried. I wonder in the great statistical analysis of the world, whether I now have a minuscule slot of my own?

Edited to add as an afterthought
Incidentally none of my children has inherited this particular characteristic from me.

LOL! :)

(I'm sure they have, Un-reg - give 'em time!!)
What makes a good story????

I guess in all of the hubaloo I forgot to give my opinion on BT's subject. But to be honest, for me a good story, whether in novel, short story, or poetic form is one that compells me to read the next word, the next sentence, paragraph, stanza, right up until the end. A good story takes me away from where I am, and puts me right there into it. A great one compells me to do it all over again, and again.

Does it require good technical skills, and a firm grasp of grammar, and spelling? Yes, but even they can be forgiven if not an ongoing thing.

Does it require plot, character developement, and decent subject matter? Yes, but I've read articals in popular science that have that much. And I keep that magazine in my bathroom.

So it all comes down to how compelling the story is to each reader, and each reader is compelled by different things.

So what really does make a good story? One that an editor, publisher, agent would be interested in? If you're asking what makes a good erotic story, or a good science fiction story, or a good stroke story for that matter? You only need to look at what sells the reader into buying it in the first place. And that translates into personal interests, and marketing research before ever starting to write a story.

So what makes a story here at literotica good? One in which your peers applaud your efforts with great enthusiasm? You already know the answer to that. The truth is, it doesn't matter. Each of your peers has a different idea of what is, and what isn't erotic. You only have to please yourself here. If you are satisfied with your work, then that's enough. The problem with that is, that we are never fully satisified with anything we write, are we?

So what makes a good story good? You tell me. And if I'm up to the challenge, I'll start writing it for you. Of course if you know, why not write it yourself? And to hell with what everybody else thinks about it.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man