What next? How do we build a better America?

Construct new nuclear power plants

Index capital gains for inflation

Raise the capital gains tax exemption on the sale of a primary residence from $250K single filer/$500K married filing jointly to $1 million single/$2 million married
So was Lincoln. How dare he free those slaves!!! :)
Abraham Lincoln didn't go far enough, if anything. The biggest mistake that he made was replacing Radical Republican Hannibal Hamlin as his vice president with Southern Democrat Andrew Johnson. The root of America's race issues go back to that mistake.

A lot of Trumpists have sympathies with the Confederacy, so they are as far away from Lincoln as it gets.
Abraham Lincoln didn't go far enough, if anything. The biggest mistake that he made was replacing Radical Republican Hannibal Hamlin as his vice president with Southern Democrat Andrew Johnson. The root of America's race issues go back to that mistake.
Crazy as a loon he was but just wow. Land of Lincoln ba-be. Gotta be crazy to wannabe prez. :)
Assuming that Kamala Harris is prevented from retaining power, what should our top priorities be as a nation?

Use this thread to say what you think America should do after we don't have to spend all our energy fighting Harris. Please keep it positive. Don't worry about politics. This is an aspirational wish list.

LOL. The thread topic was "how do we build a better America?" and then you immediately negate the question with your condition and assumptions. But let's put that to one side and assume neither Harris nor Trump, and just run with "how do we build a better America?" regardless.

(1) Kill anything to do with global free trade and make sure we have tariff imports
(2) Break up the large chains like Walmart, etc that had killed local small businesses. Ditto pharmacy chains, food processing, gas station chains, agricultural - legislate family owned farms for example, fisheries) etc. Structure ourselves to support small businesses to the greatest extent possible
(3) Simplify tax laws. Set an inflation adjusted limit on Federal taxes where anything less is taxfree, bring in a goods and services tax and a 5% flat tax, no exemptions for anything. States can tax whatever the fuck they want. Competition will sort it out.
(4) High speed rail between major nodes
(5) Anything to do with space exploration and expansion is tax free.
(6) No Federal subsidies for industry, agriculture, business, EV's, nuclear power, solar power. Only encouragement Feds can give is tax exemption. Nothing else. Nada. Zippo. Zero. States can if they want. Competition between States will sort that one out.
(6a) Any subsidized imports get the fuck tariffed out of them.
(7) Stop trying to tax corporate profit. Straight Goods and Services tax on all transactions. Any corporation tries to pull a dodge, immediate 100% penalty, and if they shift jobs offshore, their US assets are confiscated and auctioned off). Make it profitable to pay a small % of tax.

(1) Deport ALL illegals. Any legal immigrant who's not a citizen commits a crime, deport w/all family members. Instantly. No appeal. Jail for anyone assisting illegals in any way.
(1a) bring in the Swiss model where no immigrant can become a citizen unless their (American citizen) neighbors and co-workers within an immediate area agree. If they opt to apply for citizenship and their neighbors vote against them, they get deported instantly. Tough shit. Assimilate or leave.
(2) 2nd Amendment nationally, no State exceptions. No quibbling over details. Anyone allowed to own anything up to tanks, artillery and missiles. On the other hand, commit any serious crime involving firearms and hello, 20 years in behind bars. No exceptions, no parole. With rights comes responsibility.
2(a) Firearms training in all schools. Everyone who turns 21 is issued a military rifle and handgun and gets free military range shooting once a month with ammo and instruction supplied
2(b) Castle doctrine / Stand your ground laws apply federally. No weaseling out, no gotchas, no fucking around.
(3) Mandatory Voter ID. Consistent electoral roll mtce by non-political state agencies. Paper voting.
(4) Break up states into homogenous units. Divorce the large cities from rural areas.
(5) Close down 90% of Federal Agencies. They serve no useful purpose. Close down most federal funding for anything. States can and should do it.
(6) Voluntary military service, and restrict voting to those who have served in the military. ("The Heinlein Plan").
(6a) Veterans have preference for ALL Federal and State publicly funded jobs and in important professions like teaching.
(7) Term limits
(8) Constitutional amendment to fix the # of judges in the SCOTUS
(9) Cancel the ability of the Federal Govt to borrow money.
(10) No tax-based funding, direct or indirect, of NGO's, Aid Organizations, Political Organizations or International Organizations. If peoples want to help, they can donate their own money and it ain't tax-exempt (see, no tax dodges)
(11) Kick out the UN and defund them (from our money anyhow).
(12) Audit the fuck out of politicians and public servants. Any politician found guilty of corruption / bribery / theft / whatever, has all their assets confiscated. ALL.

(1) Fix the frigging health system with a public/private model and some sort of basic national health insurance plan that's funded out of taxation and managed state by state
(2) Education: school voucher system nationally, w/ public education funded on the same basis as private. Parents choice.....
(3) First Amendment applies: say whatever the fuck you want. No social media policing.
(4) Murder. Rape. Pedophilia. Mandatory death sentences, w/strict rules on evidence. Make the punishments match the crimes.
(5) Encourage private home ownership thru legislation and tax assistance
(6) Encourage families likewise, but income based - we want the middle classes having kids, not the poor
(7) Bring back involuntary committal / psychiatric hospitals
(8) No Federal Student loans. States can do whatever the fuck they want, but it's on their dime.
(9) Ban plastic anythings w/regard to food and retail packaging. NO plastic. Nada. Every package and container must be recyclable - glass / cardboard / paper, with a recycling deposit
(10) Accident Compensation - % of every transactions goods and services tax is accident compensation and no fault insurance - do away with right to sue for scalding coffee or idocy - if you have an accident the levy covers all health and medical payments, along with diabsility payments etc which pays a fair living wage based on your taxable income averaged over last 5 years or something. And in return, to bad, you can't sue for damages or whatever.
It's a start......
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LOL. The thread topic was "how do we build a better America?" and then you immediately negate the question with your condition and assumptions. But let's put that to one side and assume neither Harris nor Trump, and just run with "how do we build a better America?" regardless.

(1) Kill anything to do with global free trade and make sure we have tariff imports
(2) Break up the large chains like Walmart, etc that had killed local small businesses. Ditto pharmacy chains, food processing, gas station chains, agricultural - legislate family owned farms for example, fisheries) etc. Structure ourselves to support small businesses to the greatest extent possible
(3) Simplify tax laws. Set an inflation adjusted limit on Federal taxes where anything less is taxfree, bring in a goods and services tax and a 5% flat tax, no exemptions for anything. States can tax whatever the fuck they want. Competition will sort it out.
(4) High speed rail between major nodes
(5) Anything to do with space exploration and expansion is tax free.

(1) Deport ALL illegals. Any legal immigrant commits a crime, deport w/all family members. Instantly. No appeal. Jail for anyone assisting illegals in any way.
(2) 2nd Amendment nationally, no State exceptions. No quibbling over details. Anyone allowed to own anything up to tanks, artillery and missiles. On the other hand, commit any serious crime involving firearms and hello, 20 years in behind bars. No exceptions, no parole. With rights comes responsibility.
2(a) Firearms training in all schools. Everyone who turns 21 is issued a military rifle and handgun and gets free military range shooting once a month with ammo and instruction supplied
(3) Mandatory Voter ID. Consistent electoral roll mtce by non-political state agencies. Paper voting.
(4) Break up states into homogenous units. Divorce the large cities from rural areas.
(5) Close down 90% of Federal Agencies. They serve no useful purpose. Close down most federal funding for anything. States can and should do it.
(6) Voluntary military service, and restrict voting to those who have served in the military. ("The Heinlein Plan")
(7) Term limits
(8) Constitutional amendment to fix the # of judges in the SCOTUS
(8) Cancel the ability of the Federal Govt to borrow money.

(1) Fix the frigging health system with a public/private model and some sort of basic national health insurance plan that's funded out of taxation and managed state by state
(2) Education: school voucher system nationally, w/ public education funded on the same basis as private. Parents choice.....
(3) First Amendment applies: say whatever the fuck you want. No social media policing.
(4) Murder. Rape. Pedophilia. Mandatory death sentences, w/strict rules on evidence. Make the punishments match the crimes.
(5) Encourage private home ownership thru legislation and tax assistance
(6) Encourage families likewise, but income based - we want the middle classes having kids, not the poor
(7) Bring back involuntary committal / psychiatric hospitals
It's a start......
Some stuff not unreasonable. Other stuff “holy shitsky!”
Balance the Budget. and pay down National debt over a sensible period, say 30 years. Most other things will fall into place; for examples: All subsidies to Industry and Agriculture to cease. Institute a reasonable minimum wage and let anyone who won't work go hungry. Take the bottom 40% out of the income tax system altogether - the miniscule amount they pay ain't worth collecting. Cut the military budget by 40%.

Just a start.
1. Move the BLM HQ westward, closer to most of the land it manages. This is only a temporary solution on the way towards giving all that land back to states or selling it to farmers, ranchers, or freegrazing collectives. Since the bureaucratic stooge Biden moved it back to DC, the bureaucratic stooge Harris is unlikely to correct that mistake. It's a move that now seems obvious, but I didn't see it mentioned anywhere until Trump did it. So we could elect Trump to do it again.
2. Finally have that knockdown dragout with the sickcare racket. This covers many steps, large and small, like repealing the laws against local collective payment plans for medical care. Before the AMA became a monopoly, a local organization such as an Elks lodge could hire a doc on retainer for all of their members. That was abolished, and now we pay much higher premiums to corporate insurers for partially covered and worse care, as the medical professions became less competent. There are harsh punishments for "practicing medicine without a license" which are frequently thrown at innocent people for basic health advice. We can remove those restrictions against advice, or expand the boundaries of qualified to give medical advice.
3. End all subsidies for nuclear power, fossil fuels, suburban sprawl, giant windmills that cost more energy than they produce, electric cars, etc. Nuclear fusion is the standout here, with decades of huge subsidies for zero success. There are huge dams that will eventually break. American concrete is brittle. Towns will be demolished and some power grids will suddenly have nothing for a long while, so abandoning or relocating those towns in advance would be prudent. And we will need to unblock many rivers for transportation as road maintenance becomes unaffordable.
4. Take a hard look at ending the EPA. If we keep it, we narrow its focus to actual environmental protection. The CAFE regulations are simplified, so automakers get a simple target of 30 or 40 mpg average for their entire fleets, with any type of vehicle allowed less if they sell more vehicles with more mpg. Most of the environmental action that can work is more local, like states shutting down the CAFOs, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, that dump huge quantities of waste into rural waste management systems. That would raise meat prices, but reduce the costs of illness caused by eating unhealthy factory meat. Harvesting manure will become necessary as we lose fertilizer imports. That may include replacing all flush toilets with composting toilets, which would also save the water we waste in toilets.
5. Huge numbers of prosecutions for the vaccine and covid scams with maximum sentences. This is mass murder, treason, fraud, etc. Any crime in the criminal code could be in this somewhere.
6. We could continue some secondary education subsidies, but for the skills and careers we need: electricians, plumbers, farmers, carpenters, etc. Some of that can be done in high school or after school vocational training. Universities that pass out expensive and worthless degrees to graduates without marketable skills can try to hang on, but without the federal handouts, and with required disclosure that their degrees are worthless for employment.

There is much more that will become apparent as the fossil fuel age ends and we transition to a postindustrial agricultural economy, without internet, TV, etc.
Take the bottom 40% out of the income tax system altogether - the miniscule amount they pay ain't worth collecting.

100%!!!!!! And make it a flat tax on top of that. 5% say. If you're over the minimum (inflation adjusted) taxable income limit and below a max cutoff - say $200k - you have 4+ kids, you don't pay any tax.
Comprehensive gun control.
Proper taxation for corporations and the ultra-wealthy.
Prescription drug cost reform.
Legalized pot nationwide.
End tax loopholes and bank strangleholds on housing.
Congress doesn't get paid if job isn't done, and must abide by its own rules.
Term limits for SCOTUS.
End Daylight Savings Time.
I take your term limits of SCOTUS and raise you an elimination of or revised electoral college.
Basically, we work with what we have and plan to work with what we definitely will have later, which is generally less than we have now. All the fossil fuels we use today are gone forever tomorrow. What we might have later, like more advanced tech, is a contingency we can leave room for in planning. Assuming more advanced tech as a required component of a plan is a plan to fail.
Another good idea is to abolish the debt ceiling and find ways to prevent the kind of game of government shutdown chicken that regularly plays out every year or something like that. It's really pushing the envelope, and one time, if we continue to push our luck with this nonsense, it would run out....

Right now, in fact, that moron Johnson seems to have exasperated even the usually amiable (if often annoying in his own way) "Wall Street Chuck" Schumer with this latest slog through shutdown hellscape...
Too optimistic in my book. Even if Trump loses or dies, the end of trump does not mean the end of the trump-worshippers. The Republican Party as a whole has learned from Trump… truth is an illusion, any evil can be forgiven, and power at all costs is the only philosophy of import to their morally bankrupt klan.

The best way to fix all of America’s problems is to recognize that it’s an impossible task. Instead, we should just fix a few things and make sure they stays fixed.

The US has some incredible resources at its disposal, but its attention is always diverted. It is fighting too many problems. Which leads me to point out that another way to fix the US is to stop the republicans from ever holding power again, because all Republicans can ever seem to actually do is make governing harder.
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Assuming that Donald Trump is prevented from seizing power, what should our top priorities be as a nation?

As evidenced from some of my other posts on this board, there are two things I think would immediately make America a much better place:
  1. Legalize abortion
  2. Build a national high-speed rail network
Use this thread to say what you think America should do after we don't have to spend all our energy fighting Donald Trump. Please keep it positive. Don't worry about politics. This is an aspirational wish list.
Your use of language is confrontational and hence preclusive of decent honest, discussion for you let us know right from the outset that you are so partisan as to be on the cheerleading squad of the DNC.

Is that to imply that he is going to lose the election and attempt a coup?
Does that mean that the election is fixed?

You know you're going to lose?


Whether DT wins or loses doesn't change what I think the country's priorities are.

I'll try to keep this aspirational and general as opposed to getting into the political details, to keep it in line with the OP's desire for the thread.

1. I'd like to see the country re-affirm its commitment to classical liberal Constitutional principles, things like due process, equal treatment under the law, freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of association, and freedom of religion. The state serves the individual, not the other way around. This should be the central guiding principle of good government.
2. I'd like to see both major parties move away from apocalyptic "the other side will kill us all" thinking. I don't believe we're headed for the apocalypse and I think that kind of thinking is destructive and encourages people toward extreme solutions. A functioning democracy requires an attitude of reciprocity--the notion that the other side will win the election now and then and the world won't end.
3. I'd like to see us take a more positive, pragmatic, and solution-oriented approach to ongoing problems, which I believe are solvable, like homelessness, immigration/the border, health care for everybody, poverty, and energy/climate change. I don't pretend to have the definitive answers, but I think an open-minded pragmatic approach based on science and economic common sense is better than a rigid ideological one.
4. I'd like to see us reverse the trend toward oppositional group thinking -- white v. black, man v. woman, rich v. poor. Society is better off when it treats people as individuals rather than based on the groups they belong to.
5. I want to see America remain committed to the universal idea that everybody, everywhere in the world is entitled to fundamental rights of liberty and democracy, while also being pragmatic about striving toward that goal. We need to call out dictators as dictators and promote democracy intelligently while steering clear of pointless, deadly, and resource-consuming wars overseas like the Iraq war. We should always be clear-eyed about the fact that there are other regimes that do not think the way we do, whose values are not compatible with ours, and we should recognize that they are a threat, but one that must be dealt with prudently rather than in accordance with rigid ideological principles.
6. I believe we live in a dangerous world, and that if we want to make it better, or even if we just want to preserve the freedom and prosperity we have, we have to maintain and keep building a strong and state-of-the-art military to deter our enemies.
This thread could be retitled How Do We Make America Great Again? That could be the title of a new thread when Trump wins.

Reproductive rights is worth a long careful look, the right to have kids. Requiring women to give birth and then giving no fucks after birth is a nonstarter. We will make parenting easier and less likely to end in bankruptcy and homelessness or fail to reproduce and that wraps up our civilization. Most of the challenge here is urban parenting. The parents here could have more to say about that.
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Reproductive rights is worth a long careful look, the right to have kids. Requiring women to give birth and then giving no fucks after birth is a nonstarter


“Requiring a woman to give birth and then giving no fucks after birth is a nonstarter”???



How about: “Requiring women to give birth is a nonstarter”.


I swear”MAGA” stands for “Make America Gilead Again”.


