What pissed you off today?

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Not so much pissed off, but sad.

I have changed and it hasn't been for the good. And I don't think I'm willing to do anything about it at the moment. Or capable.
The fact that I had a dream about an ex. Ugh, stay out of my life, waking and sleeping...please.
Idiots at Dunkin Donuts not putting the lid on tightly. Needless to say, I had a Coffee Coolatta all over my vehicle! The worst of it was, I didn't even get a sip out of it! :mad:
Took a dump in a public toilet and there was no paper. Had to shred my boxers to use instead. I was really pissed.
Asshats who think something you said was hot and start PMing you before reading the profile and getting pissed when they discover you are a dude after wanting to fuck you 5 minutes earlier. Bunch of Douchebags on this site. LOL
My job- people are either not doing their work, trying to overstep and do work that isn't theirs (frequently simultaneously), trying to do my work which they suck at, doing work I've already done which they suck at, changing circumstances and not informing me so my efforts are irrelevant. I need a new job. I'm looking but nothing seems to be coming my way. Some days I'm tempted to quit even without a new position lined up.
A bigger boss chewed out my boss in front of us. My boss was in the wrong but it was unprofessional and I felt embarrassed.
Underage spammers. Makes me wish I had Laurel on speed dial. When does school start, again?
Underage spammers. Makes me wish I had Laurel on speed dial. When does school start, again?

end of the month sweetie. :kiss:

bosses not returning phone calls. I have not been back to work even though my restrictions were significantly lighter and I can't even fucking get any one to answer their damn phones or at least return a fucking message! :mad:
Myself :( I told myself I was going to DO something today...well...I took the trash out?

That counts! So does running laundry (even if you don't drag it to the river and beat it on a rock. :D)

Being asked by one boss to do something that is not in my job description, and he was even told by one of my three other bosses that its not in my job description.
Stupid fucking riots means a closed shop for me, so no games for me tonight.....well fuck

Is it me, or does anybody else notice that all these kids and riots are because they know they are not really going to be punished?

Mayber we should bring back the strap and capital punishment.
Is it me, or does anybody else notice that all these kids and riots are because they know they are not really going to be punished?

Maybe we should bring back the strap and capital punishment.
You'd like that... at least the first part.

Come to think of it, *I'd* like that first part, as long as I'm the wielder, and the receiver is a comely female of the human persuasion.

ETA: I first read that as "the strap and corporal punishment." When I re-read it is when I added the "at least the first part."
Today, I woke up to the sounds of my dog trying to bark so loud it would shatter glass. He does that from time to time, I just figured a car had passed on the street outside. The furry idiot still isn't entirely used to living so close to the street.

Minutes later, I hear footsteps on my roof. A quick opening of the curtains reveals an unfamiliar car in my driveway. Naturally, these two things together are cause for alarm. So I go outside- and goddamn is it early- to find two motherfuckers coming down a ladder from my roof. This does not improve my mood.

There are solar panels on my roof, and they are new. They were installed recently, because my wife and I thought we could save some money on power this way. What we didn't realize at the time was that these panels apparently gave the installers license to come hang out on our fucking roof. Apparently, they were "checking" the panels.

Now, I haven't been a homeowner for long, only about half a month, so I'll have to defer to the expertise of y'all out here: that isn't cool, right? Because to me, the experience of being woken up by strangers climbing all over the exterior of my new home- while my pregnant wife sleeps inside- was entirely unpleasant. Until these guys showed me their accreditation, I had no idea who they were, and it's not a huge leap to get to criminal from there. Like I said, my wife was inside, I got sort of protective.

I ask of you: What the fuck?
Today, I woke up to the sounds of my dog trying to bark so loud it would shatter glass. He does that from time to time, I just figured a car had passed on the street outside. The furry idiot still isn't entirely used to living so close to the street.

Minutes later, I hear footsteps on my roof. A quick opening of the curtains reveals an unfamiliar car in my driveway. Naturally, these two things together are cause for alarm. So I go outside- and goddamn is it early- to find two motherfuckers coming down a ladder from my roof. This does not improve my mood.

There are solar panels on my roof, and they are new. They were installed recently, because my wife and I thought we could save some money on power this way. What we didn't realize at the time was that these panels apparently gave the installers license to come hang out on our fucking roof. Apparently, they were "checking" the panels.

Now, I haven't been a homeowner for long, only about half a month, so I'll have to defer to the expertise of y'all out here: that isn't cool, right? Because to me, the experience of being woken up by strangers climbing all over the exterior of my new home- while my pregnant wife sleeps inside- was entirely unpleasant. Until these guys showed me their accreditation, I had no idea who they were, and it's not a huge leap to get to criminal from there. Like I said, my wife was inside, I got sort of protective.

I ask of you: What the fuck?

Unless you signed an agreement BEFORE installation saying that they could come onto your property unannounced at any time, I believe it is actually trespassing. You may want to check with law enforcement in your area, as well as contact the supervisor/manager at the company itself.
Today, I woke up to the sounds of my dog trying to bark so loud it would shatter glass. He does that from time to time, I just figured a car had passed on the street outside. The furry idiot still isn't entirely used to living so close to the street.

Minutes later, I hear footsteps on my roof. A quick opening of the curtains reveals an unfamiliar car in my driveway. Naturally, these two things together are cause for alarm. So I go outside- and goddamn is it early- to find two motherfuckers coming down a ladder from my roof. This does not improve my mood.

There are solar panels on my roof, and they are new. They were installed recently, because my wife and I thought we could save some money on power this way. What we didn't realize at the time was that these panels apparently gave the installers license to come hang out on our fucking roof. Apparently, they were "checking" the panels.

Now, I haven't been a homeowner for long, only about half a month, so I'll have to defer to the expertise of y'all out here: that isn't cool, right? Because to me, the experience of being woken up by strangers climbing all over the exterior of my new home- while my pregnant wife sleeps inside- was entirely unpleasant. Until these guys showed me their accreditation, I had no idea who they were, and it's not a huge leap to get to criminal from there. Like I said, my wife was inside, I got sort of protective.

I ask of you: What the fuck?
I would immediately call the company and insist that they *notify* you, *in advance,* before coming out to "check on" the panels ever again, and ask your permission to do so, at a time convenient to you. Of course, I'd have also called the police the moment I heard footsteps on the roof, and would have refused to call them off until they had arrived and "checked out" the guys.
Today, I woke up to the sounds of my dog trying to bark so loud it would shatter glass. He does that from time to time, I just figured a car had passed on the street outside. The furry idiot still isn't entirely used to living so close to the street.

Minutes later, I hear footsteps on my roof. A quick opening of the curtains reveals an unfamiliar car in my driveway. Naturally, these two things together are cause for alarm. So I go outside- and goddamn is it early- to find two motherfuckers coming down a ladder from my roof. This does not improve my mood.

There are solar panels on my roof, and they are new. They were installed recently, because my wife and I thought we could save some money on power this way. What we didn't realize at the time was that these panels apparently gave the installers license to come hang out on our fucking roof. Apparently, they were "checking" the panels.

Now, I haven't been a homeowner for long, only about half a month, so I'll have to defer to the expertise of y'all out here: that isn't cool, right? Because to me, the experience of being woken up by strangers climbing all over the exterior of my new home- while my pregnant wife sleeps inside- was entirely unpleasant. Until these guys showed me their accreditation, I had no idea who they were, and it's not a huge leap to get to criminal from there. Like I said, my wife was inside, I got sort of protective.

I ask of you: What the fuck?

That is enormously unacceptable and you were not a single microfiber out of line. Even IF you signed away giving them "permission" to pull stuff like that, I bet money it was in the fine print because that's enormously douchey.

I agree with the other folk. Call the manager of the company and tell them you have a pregnant wife and if you don't know what's going on, you're going call the cops, shoot first, and ask questions later. The middle part might be an exaggeration, but I bet it'd get them hopping :p
That is enormously unacceptable and you were not a single microfiber out of line. Even IF you signed away giving them "permission" to pull stuff like that, I bet money it was in the fine print because that's enormously douchey.

I agree with the other folk. Call the manager of the company and tell them you have a pregnant wife and if you don't know what's going on, you're going call the cops, shoot first, and ask questions later. The middle part might be an exaggeration, but I bet it'd get them hopping :p
While I agree with bhndblueeyes, I would reccomend against doing anything involving pointing a gun at the people on your roof. While they have no right to be there unless it's in the contract, you never know what a person will do if they feel that jumping is a safer solution. I suggest that if it happens again, that you make them come down to the ground before metaphorically tearing them a new one. If you can, you could call their boss and yell at him. After all, if it's late enough for you to be woken, it's late enough for him to do his job.
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