What pissed you off today?

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I think so too, but I'm not assertive enough to put my foot down.
Its funny because he still let's me hear it when he thinks I'm letting my mom walk all over me.

I'm not suggesting you do it. He should. It's his Mom.
Strangers had better stop trying to touch my wife's belly when we're out and about. Yes, I know she's pregnant, strangers. I can see it too. In fact, I put it there. And you don't get to prod it.

This made me laugh. It is amazing how many people think they can go up to a complete stranger and rub her belly. I really believe that most people see a pregnant woman and all they think about is what is right in the world.

Are they making wishes as they rub her belly? ;)
This made me laugh. It is amazing how many people think they can go up to a complete stranger and rub her belly. I really believe that most people see a pregnant woman and all they think about is what is right in the world.

Are they making wishes as they rub her belly? ;)

Word up! I could be standing there, stock still, watching some dude fondle my wife's stomach like it's the most natural thing in the world, and I can't imagine why she puts up with it either. She'd never been at home to people groping her before getting pregnant, and I can tell she's not super up on it now, but she still lets it happen, unless she's in a bad mood.

We had a similar problem when we were out and about while we were dating; guys would come up and flirt with her, and upon being told that she was there with me, they would almost always tell me that I'm "a lucky man." And I get it, she looks pretty damn good, all's told. But that phrase is guy-speak for "I would totally fuck her." I don't need to hear that. They don't know her enough for it to mean anything else.

Also, when you mentioned wishes, I began hoping that my wife will give birth to a pair of genies in a few month's time ;)
Word up! I could be standing there, stock still, watching some dude fondle my wife's stomach like it's the most natural thing in the world, and I can't imagine why she puts up with it either. She'd never been at home to people groping her before getting pregnant, and I can tell she's not super up on it now, but she still lets it happen, unless she's in a bad mood.

I have never understood this behavior. Furthermore, I don't understand why your wife puts up with it. I REALLY do not understand why, when the pregnant woman DOES get pissed off, people look all offended. Like it's their RIGHT to invade your space.

because, you know, invading the personal space of a hormonal individual without permission when she's carrying young (and thus have all those wonderful protective instincts going full blast) is just a FANTASTIC idea.

ugh. it just shits me!!

And this didn't really piss me off, but totally killed my night...the ending to Assassins Creed:Brotherhood is really sad :(
I was early to pick up the kids tonight, and nobody was home. No biggie; I knew they'd be home soon. But then when they pulled up, my ex informs me that one daughter is doing band stuff until 8:30 pm, and the other needs to go pick up her school schedule. But band-daughter doesn't have rehersals the next 2days, so if I can just entertain all 3 boys for the next 2 hours (oh, and they haven't had dinner yet), I can come back and pick up the girls.

When I ask if he could PLEASE give me a heads up on stuff like this (the last 2 visits I ended up not knowing how many kids were coming home with me until I picked them up)... He got exasperated with me and swore I get "as much notice as they do".

Really? Seriously? I rushed out of work and drove almost 90 minutes in rush hour traffic, and you JUST found out five minutes before you saw me that daughter A would be busy until 8:30 and daughter B had to pick up her schedule TONIGHT? If I'd known I didn't need to pick anyone up until after 8:00, I would have I dunno... used the time to buy groceries insteadof planning to do it AFTER picking them up.

It's almost an hour trip home (plus 2gal gas each way), so I can't run the boys home and come back for the girls. And they haven't had dinner. Which means I have to entertain 17, 9, and 7 year old boys for 2 hours, away from home. On a budget that wasn't expecting it. Eating into the miniscule budget I had to celebrate the oldest's birthday.

FUCK am I glad I'm not married to that man anymore!
I have never understood this behavior. Furthermore, I don't understand why your wife puts up with it. I REALLY do not understand why, when the pregnant woman DOES get pissed off, people look all offended. Like it's their RIGHT to invade your space.

because, you know, invading the personal space of a hormonal individual without permission when she's carrying young (and thus have all those wonderful protective instincts going full blast) is just a FANTASTIC idea.

ugh. it just shits me!!

Exactly! And when I, a person who's lived with my wife long enough to know when she's not entirely enthused about some fool touching her, and who is also highly protective of his daughters, steps in to stop it happening, I'm treated like the worst kind of fucking interloper. Like I'm interrupting a private moment between this stranger and my wife, or worse, like I'm completely hijacking it. Like I'm some awful, controlling, jealous husband who's stopping the woman from doing something she really wants to do, which in this case is allow some stranger to poke her.

My wife's stomach is not community property, people! Nor are the little girls currently therein! :(
In-laws. Specifically the motherly variety, post birth of first grandchild.

I knew I wasn't going to like certain things but DAAAAAMMN, I swear she goes *looking* for ways to piss me off.

Don't feed him junk food-
Oh Gerber puffs aren't junk food.

Don't feed him the puffs he's not old enough-
Oh we'll break them into small pieces and they'll melt in his mouth.

Put sun block on him-
Oh we'll keep him in the shade

Keep him away from crowds, the doctor said there's a virus going around that could land him back in the hospital-
Today we went to the grocery store, and bingo, and the bowling alley, and we dropped by the office for a bit.

I would rather not have my baby, my minor child, on facebook-
Oh so-and-so loooooved the bath video when she saw it on facebook.

Please don't put toys or blankets in the crib with him, it is linked to SIDS-
Oh, we don't know what SIDS is.

I'm a horse person, I think its only right that my sons first ride be with me and now they are saying "oh, in the next weekend or two we'll take him out so his auntie can give him a ride"

Not to mention every time he squeaks she runs to him, never minding that his father and I have taught him, from day one, to self sooth.

And you know she would never let anyone tell her how to raise her kids.

I'm about ready to suspend all of their baby privileges.......
At the top of my lungs for an extended period of time.

My daughter is due to give birth to my first grandchild in November. It will be HER child not mine - I will give advice if it is asked for.

Kurokami I can't remember anyone rubbing my belly when I was pregnant and I wouldn't dare to do it to anyone else (and yes I have a pregnant daughter and I didn't do it to her when she was here!) :)
I'm so frustrated with work right now. My hands are tied, and I don't like it.
Trying to speak to someone in a call centre that could speak english and that could understand what I was trying to say. I ended up transferred to 4 different people, all of who made me identify myself with my date of birth, address etc. By the time I got to the fourth person I was having a screaming meltdown and when he tried to transfer me to a fifth person I absolutly lost it. I did not realise that it was that difficult to have a form sent out.
Immature fuck-wad "masters", pissing me off enough that I'm starting to cuss today.

Okay, thank you for letting me say that. I believe my grammar has improved just from getting that off my chest.

I'm not sure why I'm so suddenly intolerant of the "Domly Master Wanna Bes" or the pyls who don't seem to get why that's problematic. I think I'll go sit quietly in the corner for a while again, as I dislike when I'm intolerant since I dislike intolerance in others.
Immature fuck-wad "masters", pissing me off enough that I'm starting to cuss today.

Okay, thank you for letting me say that. I believe my grammar has improved just from getting that off my chest.

I'm not sure why I'm so suddenly intolerant of the "Domly Master Wanna Bes" or the pyls who don't seem to get why that's problematic. I think I'll go sit quietly in the corner for a while again, as I dislike when I'm intolerant since I dislike intolerance in others.

I don't know that there's anything wrong with being intolerant of stupid people. *shrug*

As for swearing, is there something wrong with me that I don't consider "fuck-wad" to be a particularly bad swear? Maybe it's all that Deadwood I watch...
standing in dog shit when bringing in the washing,
my ex's useless self absorbed family
Having an ear infection and on the 6th day of antibiotics and 2 types of ear drops, my eardrum ruptures.
Loud, inconsiderate neighbors (though I haven't heard them in the past few hours, so that is a great improvement!)
Having to leave a very pleasant and enjoyable conference due to a sudden appearance of bad menstrual cramps. Also getting to look forward to bad menstrual cramps during an all-night work shift.

Needless to say, I am pulling out every "kill the menstrual pain" stop I know and have found. Except Aleve. can't take Aleve :(
Having to leave a very pleasant and enjoyable conference due to a sudden appearance of bad menstrual cramps. Also getting to look forward to bad menstrual cramps during an all-night work shift.

Needless to say, I am pulling out every "kill the menstrual pain" stop I know and have found. Except Aleve. can't take Aleve :(

Have you ever tried eating TOFU? Before the event that sends one home early from a conference and wrecks an otherwise perfectly good shift at work? But seriously? Try it sometime if you think of it. I like deep fried tofu in Szechuan spiced veggies - served hot. mmmm, tastes so good and is so good for you.

Good luck:rose:
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A change that has meant a very sad day for me. I'm pissed and generally unpleasant to interact with. :mad:

Crabcakes for dinner, I think.
Having to leave a very pleasant and enjoyable conference due to a sudden appearance of bad menstrual cramps. Also getting to look forward to bad menstrual cramps during an all-night work shift.

Needless to say, I am pulling out every "kill the menstrual pain" stop I know and have found. Except Aleve. can't take Aleve :(

Well that is lame factor 9. Have you tried Arnica Montana? It a homeopathic remedy that helps with pain and soreness is inexpensive, pretty easy to find and safe to take with other meds & such. Hope you feel better! :rose:


For me... This weeks layers of unpleasant surprises. It seems to have this undertone of suckage for so many radtacular people.

TGIF & don't let the door smack ya on the way out week.. or wait LET IT!
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Took a friend's advice and called a realtor to see if they knew about any rental properties in the area. He acted all pompous and informed me that the realtors 'around here don't do rental properties'. Then he instructed me to search the local gas stations for posters on their cork community boards. Sure I will, because i'm going to drive an hour each way every day looking for some random, hand-written plea for a sucker to rent a broken down, flea-infested rat trap.


I'm pissed at myself for taking this job in a walnut-sized town just because it was a full time job. The kids and staff deserve better, and so do I.
I keep missing my Lit friend on Yahoo messanger! We've been trying to connect for about 3 weeks but our work schedules prevent us from linking up.
Well that is lame factor 9. Have you tried Arnica Montana? It a homeopathic remedy that helps with pain and soreness is inexpensive, pretty easy to find and safe to take with other meds & such. Hope you feel better! :rose:

I haven't, although i've vaguely heard of it. I found someone to take my shifts, so I'm just not moving around a bit and I made myself a bunch of medicinal smoothie to hopefully aid the NSAIDs. It's kind of a big hope :p I did a search online for menstrual cramp remedies and combined a bunch. My smoothie has

"Active Ingredients": Juice (ginger (about 4 in), Parsley (1 grocery bunch), spearmint (19 g), beet (1 medium) ), 2 bananas, and about 3 Tbs ground flax seed

Inactive Ingredients: Juice of 1/4 apple, a bunch of assorted frozen berries until I liked the consistency

I've got two big glasses of this stuff, so hopefully it lasts. I don't have much cramp-friendly food atm, and this almost took too long for me to make!

I have promised the boy and my sister to go to the doctor if it's still this bad tomorrow. This is highly unusual for me (although unusualness itself is usual for me), so I can understand why they're worried. If it is just cramps, maybe I'll look up getting some of the Arnica stuff :)
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These fucking douchebags at Dreamhost. Their customer service used to be awesome. Now they're flaming assholes who are also, incidentally, completely unhelpful.
Thinking "you" have friends, only to be left completely alone when everything is hitting "you."
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