What pissed you off today?

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Thanks for the advice, everyone. I did call the company and yes, there was something in the contract I signed stating that they would come back to check the installation at a later date, apparently. That's just maintenance, I'm told.

Of course, the question then is: couldn't you have called first, or something? Given any indication at all that your men were going to swing by? Even had them knock on the door to let me know they were there?

The manager's answer was pretty breathtaking: When the panels were actually being installed we had just allowed them to get up on the roof and get to work immediately, so they had just assumed the same was true now. Which would be fine, but for one important fact: When the panels had been installed, there had been no one living in the house. We owned the place, but we hadn't moved in yet. We had put a rush on installing the panels because we wanted to get the things done- as well as a few other renovations- before we moved in, to avoid the hassle of builders and the like in our living space.

Long story short, I chewed him out pretty thoroughly, and made it clear that if I ever require his company to swing by my house again, they can bloody well call first and arrange a time, then come knock on the door. I don't own a gun or anything like that, but the next time someone's crawling around on my propery I'm going to think of my wife and kids first and call the goddamn cops. This is fucking ridiculous. :(
So, when a GLBT advocacy group set new policy that puts GLBT folk's interests first during GLBT pride week -- and some of that policy is a bit odd and shortsighted, admittedly, but it's a year until next pride week--

It ill behooves a bunch of hets to start screaming about reverse bigotry and about how they have supported gay rights and look how they are being repaid, and this is OPPRESSION OF HETERO DOMS-- on a public venue such as fetlife.

Honestly, when you air your dirty laundry in public like that? CSW is NOT going to be real impressed. What-- did you think the board of directors can't read or something?
You'd like that... at least the first part.

Come to think of it, *I'd* like that first part, as long as I'm the wielder, and the receiver is a comely female of the human persuasion.

ETA: I first read that as "the strap and corporal punishment." When I re-read it is when I added the "at least the first part."

Today yes, but when I was in my teens, it would scare the crap out of me. It would just take a lot of work and no easy solutions.
I couldn't find the remote to my television. Now, this happens everyday, despite where I put the remote, but today it took me about 45 minutes until I found it.
I couldn't find the remote to my television. Now, this happens everyday, despite where I put the remote, but today it took me about 45 minutes until I found it.

You could put velcro on the remote and velcro that sucker to the tv or someplace else. Or get a universal remote. That would give you two chances to lose your remote(s). :p
The more I realize how close the date is to moving into my own place, and to realize that I hardly will ever see my roommate again kills me more than anything. Oh well I guess.
Motherfuckin' dust allergy...as I'm doing inventory on a ton of stuff that's been sitting around for 4 months or more.
Meanwhile up here in Canada we want to do more in space. The Avero Arrow Mk II was suppose to be a delta winged plane which could go sub-orbital and launch vehicles into space. Maybe we should work on that dream.

Please do. Somebody needs to, and I'd be happier if it were Canada succeeding rather than China. Frankly, I trust Canadian's more outside the gravity well than I do the Chinese government.
Thy guy my friend is seeing. Total fucktard. I went out with some friends to see a band play last night. We got our tickets last week and she didn't get him one because he didn't want to go. He changed his mind and decided he would go but there were not tickets left so he spent the night texting her being a total fucktard about how she must be meeting someone else there and didn't want him to go at all blah blah. She was so upset about it that she wanted to leave part way through.

Just really pissed me off that she kept texting him back, making it worse, he kept texting her and ruining her buzz which ruined our buzz a bit.
The fact that my most recent skirmish with insomnia seems to be bringing about bouts of what feels like narcolepsy these last few days.

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In random order:

Men that are not men enough to say things straight;

Hot & Humid weather;

Boss that not only is not thankful for me accepting to do what has to be done, but also feels the need to express, in a passive-aggressive way, the fact that I'm not the "perfect choice";

Clients that do not want to pay but demand you jump at their needs;

Rules that cannot be followed;

And I'll stop here for today.

Strangers had better stop trying to touch my wife's belly when we're out and about. Yes, I know she's pregnant, strangers. I can see it too. In fact, I put it there. And you don't get to prod it.
In-laws. Specifically the motherly variety, post birth of first grandchild.

I knew I wasn't going to like certain things but DAAAAAMMN, I swear she goes *looking* for ways to piss me off.

Don't feed him junk food-
Oh Gerber puffs aren't junk food.

Don't feed him the puffs he's not old enough-
Oh we'll break them into small pieces and they'll melt in his mouth.

Put sun block on him-
Oh we'll keep him in the shade

Keep him away from crowds, the doctor said there's a virus going around that could land him back in the hospital-
Today we went to the grocery store, and bingo, and the bowling alley, and we dropped by the office for a bit.

I would rather not have my baby, my minor child, on facebook-
Oh so-and-so loooooved the bath video when she saw it on facebook.

Please don't put toys or blankets in the crib with him, it is linked to SIDS-
Oh, we don't know what SIDS is.

I'm a horse person, I think its only right that my sons first ride be with me and now they are saying "oh, in the next weekend or two we'll take him out so his auntie can give him a ride"

Not to mention every time he squeaks she runs to him, never minding that his father and I have taught him, from day one, to self sooth.

And you know she would never let anyone tell her how to raise her kids.

I'm about ready to suspend all of their baby privileges.......
At the top of my lungs for an extended period of time.
In-laws. Specifically the motherly variety, post birth of first grandchild.
I'm about ready to suspend all of their baby privileges.......
At the top of my lungs for an extended period of time.

Sounds like it's long overdue for her son to have a serious talk with her.
Had the slowest driver in the world ahead of me on my way back from work. Not a soul in front of them, yet decided 10 miles under the limit was the best way to go.
Sounds like it's long overdue for her son to have a serious talk with her.

I think so too, but I'm not assertive enough to put my foot down.
Its funny because he still let's me hear it when he thinks I'm letting my mom walk all over me.
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